

Archaic Medical Terms

Behind the Name - the Etymology and History of First Names

Birthdate Calculator

British Waterways

Castles on the Web

Circus-Folk Genealogy Resources

Dictionaries & Glossaries

Elizabetan Occupations and Jobs

Early English Costume - Women and Children in Medieval England

Gazetteer of British Place Names

Glossary of Diseases

Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section

Index Old Ordnance Survey Maps - The Godfrey Edition

Newspaper digitization projects

Obsolete Occupations

Old Maps of New England

Old Occupations and Descriptions

Old Occupations

Ordnance Survey - Britain's national mapping agency

Ordnance Survey UK - Gazetteer of Place Names

Relationship Chart

The Calendar Zone -- Bringing Order to Calendrical Chaos!

The Etymology of First Names - the Origin and Meaning

The Julian and the Gregorian Calendars

The Universal Currency Converter

The Victorian Web - Victorian times site

UK Street Map

Victorian Fashion Page

Victorian Web

Ye Olde English Sayings

These pages were produced by P.Applebee ©2011