Sandergrove Cemetery


Data and Photos by Veronica Jones 2013


Surname Given Names Photo Death Date Age Notes
BILLING Brian Russell Photo 30-1-1989   Husband of Annette, father of Robyn, Belinda, Stuart & John
BILLING Thomas Henry Gordon Photo 15-1-1971   Husband of Muriel Hanham, parent of Margaret, Janice, Richard, Russell & Susan
BILLING nee TUCKER Muriel Hanham Photo 16-11-1997   Wife of Thomas Henry Gordon, parent of Margaret, Janice, Richard, Russell & Susan
MATTHEWS Caroline Photo 31-10-1874 31 y Daughter
TUCKER Annie Photo 20-9-1902 53 y Wife of W J
TUCKER Annie J Photo 20-11-1893 9 y Daughter
TUCKER Annie Louisa Photo 18-6-1955 85 y Wife of Edward Jones
TUCKER Arthur Photo 28-2-1910 69 y Husband of Martha Alice
TUCKER Arthur Harold Photo 22-12-1917 31 y 6 m Killed in action in Palestine
TUCKER Charity Photo 11-3-1876 87 y  
TUCKER Christina Photo 12-7-1929 73 y Widow of Walter John
TUCKER Christina Graham Photo      
TUCKER Edward Jones Photo 26-9-1939 84 y Husband of A L
TUCKER George Photo 13-8-1881 69 y Son
TUCKER George McDonald Photo 12-10-1994   Husband of Lucy, father of Hubert, Murray & Lorna
TUCKER Hubert Arthur Photo 1-11-1951 30 y Husband of Rose F, father of Rosemary, David, Diane & Robert
TUCKER Hubert Llewellyn Photo 24-7-1920 47 y Husband of Susie Isabell
TUCKER James Hanham Photo 30-7-1950 68 y Husband of Mary
TUCKER Jane Sophia Photo 13-12-1930   born 31-8-1850
TUCKER John Stewart Photo 2-5-1915 23 y 9 m Killed in action in Gallipoli
TUCKER Lucy Photo 20-1-1871 59 y Wife
TUCKER Lucy Ann Photo 30-12-1882 6 y Daughter of A & M
TUCKER Lucy D Photo 16-8-1994   Wife of George (Don), mother of Hubert, Murray & Lorna
TUCKER Martha Alice Photo 16-12-1926 82 y Wife of Arthur
TUCKER Mary Photo 13-12-1937 59 y Wife of James H
TUCKER Mary Jane (Jinnie) Photo 6-6-1931 47 y Wife of George
TUCKER Maurice Leslie Photo 5-7-1883 7 y Son
TUCKER Rachel Maud Photo 26-10-1913 28 y  
TUCKER Susan Isabell Photo 17-10-1956 88 y Wife of Hubert Llewellyn
TUCKER Walter George E Photo 11-7-1941 62 y Husband of Mary Jane (Jinnie)
TUCKER Walter John Photo 9-1-1920 80 y Husband of of Christina, son of Geo
TUCKER William Hanham Photo 3-11-1887 42 y Son
TUCKER William John Photo 7-3-1882 1½ y Son
TUCKER nee Norman Rose Faith Photo 1-8-2007 84 y wife of Hubert Arthur
WEINERT Kenneth G Photo 23-6-1991   Husband of Thelma, father of Mary & Lynette
WEINERT nee TUCKER Thelma E Photo 14-2-1995   Wife of Ken, mother of Mary & Lynette


These pages were produced by P.Applebee for Veronica Jones ©2015