Sandleton St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery


Data and Photos gathered and compiled by Veronica Jones


Surname Given Name Photo Death date Age Notes
FROST Arnold photo 28-2-1926 3y Born 24-10-1923. Only son of Gustav & Martha Elisabeth Frost, brother of Ella, Minna & Vera
FROST Gustav A photo 28-12-1960 83y  
FROST Martha E photo 29-6-1961 76y  
LEMKE D H photo 3-1-1897   Born 11-12-1832. Given names Daniel Heinrich
NITSCHKE nee KLINGER Emma Elisabeth photo 8-6-1885   Born 5-11-1861
PFEIFFER Johann Gottlieb photo 9-2-1885   Born 27-8-1819
PFEIFFER Johanne Beathe Louise photo 30-7-1890   Born 23-1-1850
PFEIFFER nee RACHUI Anna Caroline photo 7-9-1908   Born 8 -6-1821
SEMMLER Anna photo 26-5-1885   Born 27-9-1881 [BDM full name Anna Mathilde Bertha]
SEMMLER Anna Elisabeth photo 3-3-1887   Born 10-11-1843. [BDM died 3-3-1886]
SEMMLER Ludwig photo 30-1-1885 48y Born 7-9-1837
SPERLING F Gottlieb A photo 23-5-1969 86y  
SPERLING H Friedrich C photo 11-3-1968 75y  
SPERLING Johann Wilhelm photo 21-1-1914   Born 8-2-1846
SPERLING Johanne Matilde photo 4-6-1933   1 -1-1855
SPERLING Willie photo 5-1-1890   Born 8-2-1898. Given names Friederich Wilhelm Dienegolt
UNKNOWN   photo      
UNKNOWN   photo      
UNKNOWN   photo      
UNKNOWN   photo      
UNKNOWN   photo      

These pages were produced by P.Applebee for Veronica Jones ©2018