Annie M. HILL

Ancestors of Annie M. HILL

                  /-Thomas Arthur HILL
        /-Mountford John HILL
        |         \-Mary Ann BARNES
Annie M. HILL
        |                   /-Isaac GRAY
        |         /-Arthur GRAY
        \-Annie GRAY
                  |         /-George BURGESS
                  \-Ann BURGESS
                            \-Anne CUCKOO

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Archibald HILL

Ancestors of Archibald HILL

                  /-Thomas Arthur HILL
        /-Mountford John HILL
        |         \-Mary Ann BARNES
Archibald HILL
        |                   /-Isaac GRAY
        |         /-Arthur GRAY
        \-Annie GRAY
                  |         /-George BURGESS
                  \-Ann BURGESS
                            \-Anne CUCKOO

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Arthur Stanley HILL

Ancestors of Arthur Stanley HILL

        /-George S. HILL
Arthur Stanley HILL
        |         /-John William JONES
        \-Kate Elizabeth JONES
                  \-Sophia GUNN

Descendants of Arthur Stanley HILL

1 Arthur Stanley HILL
  =Alice Nellie GORE  Marriage: 1915, Petersham, , NSW, Australia

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Bernard HILL

Descendants of Bernard HILL

1 Bernard HILL
      2 Patrick HILL
        =Catherine WHITE  Marriage: Abt 1839
            3 Mary Jane HILL
              =Francis Tasman BRADY  Marriage: 30 Sep 1874, Franklin, , Tasmania, Australia
      2 Richard HILL

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Birdie M. A. HILL

Ancestors of Birdie M. A. HILL

                  /-Thomas Arthur HILL
        /-Mountford John HILL
        |         \-Mary Ann BARNES
Birdie M. A. HILL
        |                   /-Isaac GRAY
        |         /-Arthur GRAY
        \-Annie GRAY
                  |         /-George BURGESS
                  \-Ann BURGESS
                            \-Anne CUCKOO

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Caroline May HILL

Ancestors of Caroline May HILL

        /-Joseph HILL
Caroline May HILL
        |                   /-William EMMERTON
        |         /-Alfred EMMERTON
        |         |         \-Elizabeth FLOYD
        \-Mary Ann EMMERTON
                  |         /-Benjamin BODSWORTH
                  \-Mary BODSWORTH

Descendants of Caroline May HILL

1 Caroline May HILL
  =Frederick Ernest CROUCH  Marriage: 1918, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Jeffrey J. CROUCH
      2 Frederick Joseph CROUCH
      2 Mildred Mary CROUCH
        =Edward Burton APPS  Marriage: 1942, Newcastle, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 John "Jack" Patrick CROUCH
      2 Victor James CROUCH
        =Mavis Kathleen ALLEN  Marriage: 1949, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Allen Thomas CROUCH
        =Lola ROBBIE  Marriage: 1950, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia

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Catherine Bridget HILL

Ancestors of Catherine Bridget HILL

        /-William John HILL
Catherine Bridget HILL
        \-Bridget SHANLEY

Descendants of Catherine Bridget HILL

1 Catherine Bridget HILL
  =Frederick John CARDWELL  Marriage: 1887, Cowra, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Laura May CARDWELL
        =Harry KERR  Marriage: 1913, Balmain Nth, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ellinor F. CARDWELL
      2 Frederick J. CARDWELL
      2 Hilton Raymond CARDWELL

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Cecil Joseph Charles HILL

Ancestors of Cecil Joseph Charles HILL

Cecil Joseph Charles HILL
        |         /-Alfred HILL
        \-Mary Ann HILL
                  |         /-James MCPAUL
                  \-Rebecca MCPAUL
                            \-Mary DIVER

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Charles HILL

Ancestors of Charles HILL

                  /-Roger HILL
        /-Charles Leonard HILL
Charles HILL
        |         /-George KELLER
        \-Theresia KELLER
                  \-Elizabeth SKEWS

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Charles Leonard HILL

Ancestors of Charles Leonard HILL

        /-Roger HILL
Charles Leonard HILL

Descendants of Charles Leonard HILL

1 Charles Leonard HILL
  =Theresia KELLER  Marriage: 1893, Chiltern, , Victoria, Australia
      2 George Leonard HILL
      2 Otto Gordon HILL
      2 Charles HILL
      2 Henry Charles HILL
      2 Helena HILL
        =William James ELLSMORE  Marriage: 1939, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Emil Amen HILL
      2 Elizabeth Jane HILL
        =Pritchard Edgar DANIEL  Marriage: 1931, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Thomas Skews HILL
      2 Keith Herbert HILL
      2 John Roger HILL
      2 Herbert S. HILL

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Charlotte Jane HILL

Ancestors of Charlotte Jane HILL

        /-Jebez HILL
Charlotte Jane HILL
        |         /-James COGGAN
        \-Mary Jane COGGAN
                  \-Eliza PALMER

Descendants of Charlotte Jane HILL

1 Charlotte Jane HILL
  =Henry Charles DONNELLY  Marriage: 1909, Bungendore, , New South Wales, Australia

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Christina HILL

Ancestors of Christina HILL

        /-Alexander HILL
Christina HILL

Descendants of Christina HILL

1 Christina HILL
  =Charles JACKSON  Marriage: Abt 1875, Glasgow, , Lanark, Scotland
      2 Charles Hill JACKSON
        =Florence Emily NEWSON  Marriage: 5 Jun 1918, Victoria, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Charles JACKSON
              =Sonia Megan GILLARD  Marriage: 21 Sep 1945, New Westminster, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Dorothy Edna JACKSON
              =William SAWICKI  Marriage: Abt 1945
            3 Hazel Emily JACKSON
      2 Christina Hill JACKSON

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Clarice Jessie HILL

Descendants of Clarice Jessie HILL

1 Clarice Jessie HILL
  =Richard Roy ROWLANDS  Marriage: 1930, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Graham Richard ROWLANDS

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Cordelia HILL

Ancestors of Cordelia HILL

        /-Jebez HILL
Cordelia HILL
        |         /-James COGGAN
        \-Mary Jane COGGAN
                  \-Eliza PALMER

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Daisy HILL

Ancestors of Daisy HILL

        /-Jebez HILL
Daisy HILL
        |         /-James COGGAN
        \-Mary Jane COGGAN
                  \-Eliza PALMER

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David HILL

Descendants of David HILL

1 David HILL
      2 Vera Kathleen HILL
        =Albert WINTER  Marriage: 1913, Mosman, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Brian R. WINTER

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Donald John HILL

Descendants of Donald John HILL

1 Donald John HILL

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Edith A. HILL

Descendants of Edith A. HILL

1 Edith A. HILL
  =Walter Henry COATES  Marriage: 1909, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Grace Alwyn COATES
        =Eric David MARCH  Marriage: 1941, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living

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Edith Maud HILL

Ancestors of Edith Maud HILL

        /-Alfred HILL
Edith Maud HILL
        |         /-James MCPAUL
        \-Rebecca MCPAUL
                  \-Mary DIVER

Descendants of Edith Maud HILL

1 Edith Maud HILL
  =David BAILEY  Marriage: 1909, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Alfred Lionel BAILEY
        =Edna May KITCHEN  Marriage: 1940, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Lesley Gary BAILEY

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Edmund M. HILL

Descendants of Edmund M. HILL

1 Edmund M. HILL
  =Rose BATTEN  Marriage: 1891, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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