- Father: James William SMITH
- Mother: Martha LARKIN
- Birth: 1891, Bowral, , New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: LYVW-C1Q
- Death: 28 Jul 1938, Bowral, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Cyril Alfred SMITH
/-James William SMITH
Cyril Alfred SMITH
| /-Michael LARKIN
\-Martha LARKIN
| /-Patrick FOLEY
\-Mary Ann FOLEY
Ancestors of Cyril B. SMITH
/-James Ross SMITH
/-Arthur Allan SMITH
| \-Mary Ann
Cyril B. SMITH
| /-James William Campbell Crawford STEWART
\-Julia Louise DAVIS
| /-Henry William DAVIS
\-Susannah DAVIS
\-Mary Ann WEBB
- Father: Robert Henry SMITH
- Mother: Caroline THURLOW
- Birth: Est 1906, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: GH7M-SBR
- Death: 2 Aug 1913, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Cyril Joseph SMITH
/-Robert Henry SMITH
Cyril Joseph SMITH
| /-William THURLOW
\-Caroline THURLOW
| /-James HAMPTON
\-Selina HAMPTON
\-Bedelia SPENCER
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendants of D. SMITH
=Ruby FITZGERALD Marriage: Abt 1920
Ancestors of Daisy SMITH
/-Robert Henry SMITH
| /-William THURLOW
\-Caroline THURLOW
| /-James HAMPTON
\-Selina HAMPTON
\-Bedelia SPENCER
- Father: J. C. SMITH
- Birth: Est 1924
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Daisy Jean SMITH
Daisy Jean SMITH
Descendants of Daisy Jean SMITH
1 Daisy Jean SMITH
=Raymond Charles ARNALL Marriage: 10 Apr 1948, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Living
2 Living
2 Living
2 Living
- Birth: 1904, Jeparit, , Victoria, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: 9XBP-9FJ
- Death: 4 Feb 1975, Ivanhoe, , New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Daisy May SMITH
1 Daisy May SMITH
=Frederick Oswald BADDELEY Marriage: Abt 1926
2 Alan Charles BADDELEY
2 Jean Elizabeth BADDELEY
=David Henley HART Marriage: Abt 1947
- Father: Spencer SMITH
- Mother: Ann Esther BEAN
- Birth: 1892, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: K2S7-2VG
- Death: Dec 1948, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: John Baldry KENNY
Marriage: 1921, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: William R. MCPHERSON
Marriage: 1928, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Daisy May SMITH
/-George SMITH
/-Spencer SMITH
Daisy May SMITH
| /-William H. BEAN
| /-William BEAN
\-Ann Esther BEAN
| /-Cornelius O'BRIEN
\-Mary Ann O'BRIEN
\-Elizabeth MCMAHON
Descendants of Daisy May SMITH
1 Daisy May SMITH
=John Baldry KENNY Marriage: 1921, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
=William R. MCPHERSON Marriage: 1928, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Mary Jane VAUGH
Marriage: 1878, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Maria May SMITH Birth: 1879, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: John Arnott SMITH Birth: 1881, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Daniel Stephen SMITH
/-Richard SMITH
Daniel Stephen SMITH
\-Hannah Maria BOWMAN
Descendants of Daniel Stephen SMITH
1 Daniel Stephen SMITH
=Mary Jane VAUGH Marriage: 1878, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
2 Maria May SMITH
2 John Arnott SMITH
- Father: Arthur Allan SMITH
- Mother: Julia Louise DAVIS
- Birth: 14 Nov 1895, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 26 Jun 1977
- Burial: Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Daphne Pearl SMITH
/-James Ross SMITH
/-Arthur Allan SMITH
| \-Mary Ann
Daphne Pearl SMITH
| /-James William Campbell Crawford STEWART
\-Julia Louise DAVIS
| /-Henry William DAVIS
\-Susannah DAVIS
\-Mary Ann WEBB
Descendants of Daphne Pearl SMITH
1 Daphne Pearl SMITH
=Leslie Robert TEMPLEMAN Marriage: 1928, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Daphne T. R. SMITH
/-George SMITH
/-Spencer SMITH
Daphne T. R. SMITH
| /-William H. BEAN
| /-William BEAN
\-Ann Esther BEAN
| /-Cornelius O'BRIEN
\-Mary Ann O'BRIEN
\-Elizabeth MCMAHON
- Birth: Est 1910
- Death: Est 1986, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Irene Marie BEGGS
Marriage: 1933, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Darcy SMITH
1 Darcy SMITH
=Irene Marie BEGGS Marriage: 1933, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
- Father: John SMITH
- Mother: Susan BOYTON
- Birth: 1859, Chrishall, , Essex, England
- FamilySearch ID: LBVW-PT1
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of David SMITH
/-John SMITH
| /-John M. BOYTON
| /-Thomas BOYTON
| | \-Ann Nancy MILLER
\-Susan BOYTON
\-Mary Ann LAW
- Birth: Abt 1816, , , Angus, Scotland
- Occupation: Mason, 1841
- Address: Glasterlaw, 1841, Guthrie, , Angus, Scotland
- Occupation: H. L. Weaver Linen, 1851
- Address: Cadgar Hillock, 1851, Brechin, , Angus, Scotland
- Death: Bef 1871
- Partnership with: Ann ESPLIN
Marriage: 8 Feb 1835, Kirriemuir, , Angus, Scotland
- Child: James SMITH Birth: 5 Jan 1834
- Child: Margaret Gordon SMITH Birth: 1 Jun 1838, Guthrie, , Angus, Scotland
- Child: George Adulay SMITH Birth: Abt 1841, Guthrie, , Angus, Scotland
- Child: Jean SMITH Birth: 1 Jun 1845, Friockheim, , Angus, Scotland
- Child: Mary SMITH Birth: 12 Apr 1848
- Child: William Esplin SMITH Birth: 1851, Kirkden, , Forfarshire, Scotland
- Child: Agnes SMITH Birth: 23 Nov 1855, Inverkeilor, , Angus, Scotland
Descendants of David SMITH
1 David SMITH
=Ann ESPLIN Marriage: 8 Feb 1835, Kirriemuir, , Angus, Scotland
2 James SMITH
2 Margaret Gordon SMITH
2 George Adulay SMITH
2 Jean SMITH
2 Mary SMITH
2 William Esplin SMITH
=Maria Mary MYLES Marriage: 24 Jun 1872, Dundee, , Angus, Scotland
3 Jane SMITH
=Thomas David Baillie WEIR Marriage: 20 Apr 1910, New York, New York, New York, USA
3 George Ross SMITH
=Isabella Gray WILSON Marriage: 14 Oct 1898, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
3 Ann Esplin SMITH
=James "Jim" MCCALL Marriage: 11 Jul 1902, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
3 William Myles SMITH
=Lillian HENDRY Marriage: 1904, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
3 Agnes Dow SMITH
=Thomas BUCHANAN Marriage: 1 Mar 1901, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
3 Mary "Gertrude" Ross SMITH
=William Robert FRIEDRICH Marriage: Abt 1918
3 Frederina "Ina" Myles SMITH
=James Howie ROGERSON Marriage: 16 Sep 1909, Anderston , , Lanarkshire, Scotland
=William "Billy" MCCALL Marriage: 15 Oct 1919, Seattle, King, Washington, USA
3 Alexander "Al" Myles SMITH
=Lillian Arabelle SEARS Marriage: 18 Apr 1915, Milford, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
=Marie Ann WALL Marriage: 13 Jan 1942, Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
3 Florence Maria SMITH
=James William BELL Marriage: 18 Nov 1915, Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
2 Agnes SMITH
- Birth: Abt 1819
- Death: 22 May 1886
Descendants of David SMITH
1 David SMITH
=Helen SEATH Marriage: Abt 1850
2 Thomas Kay SMITH
=Ellen BAXTER Marriage: Est 1885
=Ethel May MURCUTT Marriage: 1930, Paddington, , New South Wales, Australia
- Birth: Est 1899
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Ivy DANIEL
Marriage: 1920, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of David William SMITH
1 David William SMITH
=Ivy DANIEL Marriage: 1920, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Donald SMITH
/-Walter James SMITH
Donald SMITH
| /-Henry TICKNER
| /-Peter John TICKNER
| | \-Martha RIDEOUT
\-Mary Alice TICKNER
\-Mary SMITH
Ancestors of Donald SMITH
/-Thomas SMITH
/-Edward Lester SMITH
| \-Ann FLYNN
/-Nathaniel Henry SMITH
| | /-William John MCENALLY
| \-Sophia Catherine MCENALLY
| \-Esther GUISE
Donald SMITH
| /-John MCKIE
\-Louisa M. MCKIE
| /-John George LEE
\-Martha Grace LEE
\-Mary Jane HARRIOTT
- Birth: 3 May 1909, Gunns Plains, , Tasmania, Australia
- Occupation: Truck Driver, 1943
- Address: 125 Laidlaw St, 1943, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
- Group: WWII
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendants of Donald Roy SMITH
1 Donald Roy SMITH
=Rita Helen SIDEBOTHAM Marriage: 1941, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Donald William Reece SMITH
/-T. W. D. "Willie" SMITH
Donald William Reece SMITH
| /-Edward HOGAN
\-Edith A. HOGAN
| /-Joseph REID
\-Elizabeth Alice REID
\-Mary Ann LAMB
Descendants of Donald William Reece SMITH
1 Donald William Reece SMITH
=Mary Elizabeth COUSENS Marriage: 16 Feb 1945, Harvey, , Western Australia, Australia
2 Living