Leslie Thomas HORTON

Ancestors of Leslie Thomas HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-Thomas John HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
Leslie Thomas HORTON
        |         /-William REEVES
        \-Emma REEVES
                  \-Lucinda KEYS

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Lilly Jane HORTON

Ancestors of Lilly Jane HORTON

        /-William KEEFE
Lilly Jane HORTON
        |                   /-William HORTON
        |         /-Thomas HORTON
        |         |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        \-Matilda HORTON
                  |         /-Thomas OVENS
                  \-Lucy OVENS
                            \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS

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Lucinda Matilda HORTON

Ancestors of Lucinda Matilda HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-William "Digger" HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
Lucinda Matilda HORTON
        |         /-William REEVES
        \-Lucinda REEVES
                  \-Lucinda KEYS

Descendants of Lucinda Matilda HORTON

1 Lucinda Matilda HORTON
  =Walter Henry ANDERSON  Marriage: 1896, , , Queensland, Australia
      2 Sydney Alexander ANDERSON

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Lucy Matilda HORTON

Ancestors of Lucy Matilda HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-George Edward HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
Lucy Matilda HORTON
        |         /-William REYNOLDS
        \-Margaret REYNOLDS
                  |         /-John CROKER
                  \-Margaret CROKER
                            \-Ann BURRELL

Descendants of Lucy Matilda HORTON

1 Lucy Matilda HORTON
  =Abraham Benjamin BERRY  Marriage: 1912, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Colin Clarence BERRY

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Margaret Jane HORTON

Ancestors of Margaret Jane HORTON

        /-John HORTON
Margaret Jane HORTON
        \-Jane TODD

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Marian Lucy HORTON

Ancestors of Marian Lucy HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-Frederick Fortune HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
Marian Lucy HORTON
        \-Ellen Ethel Maude MORRIS

Descendants of Marian Lucy HORTON

1 Marian Lucy HORTON
  =William Horace COOPER  Marriage: 14 Sep 1927, Rugby, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Martha HORTON

        /-William HORTON
        \-Mary HOBDAY

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Descendants of Mary HORTON

  =John BURRELL  Marriage: 1820, Windsor, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 James BURRELL
        =Emma ROSSITER  Marriage: 15 May 1844, Castlereagh, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary Ann BURRELL
              =James Robert FRAZER  Marriage: 1 Dec 1870, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Emma Jane BURRELL
            3 Thomas BURRELL
            3 Susannah BURRELL
            3 John BURRELL
            3 James Joseph BURRELL
      2 Joseph BURRELL
        =Catherine GAVIN  Marriage: 4 Feb 1851, Penrith, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Thomas BURRELL
            3 James Thomas BURRELL
            3 Catherine Martha Elizabeth BURRELL
            3 Mary Ann BURRELL
            3 Joseph BURRELL
            3 William BURRELL
            3 Alice BURRELL
              =David Samuel WARD  Marriage: 1882, Orange, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Charlotte BURRELL
            3 Thomas G. BURRELL
            3 Alvina BURRELL
            3 Andrew BURRELL
            3 Emma BURRELL
            3 Michael BURRELL
            3 Thomas BURRELL
            3 Charlotte BURRELL
            3 David BURRELL

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Ancestors of Mary HORTON

        /-John HORTON
        \-Jane TODD

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Mary Adella Jane HORTON

Ancestors of Mary Adella Jane HORTON

                  /-John HORTON
        /-John HORTON
        |         \-Jane TODD
Mary Adella Jane HORTON
        |         /-James WALKER
        \-Catherine Ann WALKER
                  |         /-Alexander CAMPBELL
                  \-Isabella CAMPBELL

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Mary Anne HORTON

Ancestors of Mary Anne HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-George Edward HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
Mary Anne HORTON
        |         /-William REYNOLDS
        \-Margaret REYNOLDS
                  |         /-John CROKER
                  \-Margaret CROKER
                            \-Ann BURRELL

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Mary Florence HORTON

Ancestors of Mary Florence HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-William "Digger" HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
Mary Florence HORTON
        |         /-William REEVES
        \-Lucinda REEVES
                  \-Lucinda KEYS

Descendants of Mary Florence HORTON

1 Mary Florence HORTON
  =George Arthur FOSTER  Marriage: 1910, , , Queensland, Australia

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Mary Jane HORTON

Ancestors of Mary Jane HORTON

                  /-William HORTON
        /-Thomas HORTON
        |         \-Mary HOBDAY
Mary Jane HORTON
        |         /-Thomas OVENS
        \-Lucy OVENS
                  \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS

Descendants of Mary Jane HORTON

1 Mary Jane HORTON
  =John REEVES  Marriage: 10 Dec 1880, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thomas William REEVES
        =Beatrice Elizabeth HILLS  Marriage: 1907, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Daphne May REEVES
              =Thomas James PRICE  Marriage: 1929, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Vida Beatrice REEVES
              =Walter John COLLINS  Marriage: 1929, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Maxim Wilbur REEVES
              =Alma Pearl Edna May GAY  Marriage: 20 Mar 1937, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ruby P. REEVES
            3 Lloyd Thomas REEVES
      2 Louisa Lucinda REEVES
      2 John Albert Horton REEVES
        =Ada Mary COLLINS  Marriage: 1909, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ernest Edward REEVES
              =Linda Louisa RATTENBERG  Marriage: 1941, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Laura Hazel REEVES
            3 Ira Gordon REEVES
              =Joan Margaret MCKENZIE  Marriage: 1947, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Jessie May REEVES
            3 John Albert REEVES
            3 Colin Leslie REEVES
              =Dulcie Edna BUTT  Marriage: 1955, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
        =Eliza Winifred STEPHENSON  Marriage: 1935, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Gwendoline Iris M. J. REEVES
      2 Oliver James REEVES

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Matilda HORTON

Ancestors of Matilda HORTON

                  /-William HORTON
        /-Thomas HORTON
        |         \-Mary HOBDAY
Matilda HORTON
        |         /-Thomas OVENS
        \-Lucy OVENS
                  \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS

Descendants of Matilda HORTON

1 Matilda HORTON
  =William KEEFE  Marriage: 1885, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lilly Jane HORTON
      2 John T. KEEFE
      2 James H. KEEFE
      2 Charlotte Malitda KEEFE
        =John J. BAKER  Marriage: 27 Aug 1909, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 James A. BAKER
            3 Thora Z. BAKER
            3 William V. BAKER
            3 Living
      2 Risolute W. KEEFE
      2 Elizabeth A. KEEFE

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Maureen HORTON

Ancestors of Maureen HORTON

                            /-John HORTON
                  /-John Joseph HORTON
                  |         \-Margaret NOLAN
        /-Thomas James HORTON
        |         |         /-Jeremiah CROSSLEY
        |         \-Ann Maria CROSSLEY
        |                   \-Sarah Jane JAMES
Maureen HORTON
        |                   /-Michael HOLLINGSWORTH
        |         /-Denis HOLLINGSWORTH
        |         |         \-Maria Moran PRESTAGE
        \-Alice HOLLINGSWORTH
                  |         /-Richard HOWELL
                  \-Ann Elizabeth HOWELL
                            \-Elizabeth HURST

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May Elizabeth HORTON

Ancestors of May Elizabeth HORTON

                            /-William HORTON
                  /-Thomas HORTON
                  |         \-Mary HOBDAY
        /-Thomas John HORTON
        |         |         /-Thomas OVENS
        |         \-Lucy OVENS
        |                   \-Elizabeth ROLLENDS
May Elizabeth HORTON
        |         /-William REEVES
        \-Emma REEVES
                  \-Lucinda KEYS

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Myra Priscilla HORTON

Ancestors of Myra Priscilla HORTON

                  /-John HORTON
        /-John HORTON
        |         \-Jane TODD
Myra Priscilla HORTON
        |         /-James WALKER
        \-Catherine Ann WALKER
                  |         /-Alexander CAMPBELL
                  \-Isabella CAMPBELL

Descendants of Myra Priscilla HORTON

1 Myra Priscilla HORTON
  =Roger AUFFRAY  Marriage: 1937, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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Neville HORTON

Ancestors of Neville HORTON

Neville HORTON
        |                   /-John HORTON
        |         /-John HORTON
        |         |         \-Jane TODD
        \-Stella Isabel HORTON
                  |         /-James WALKER
                  \-Catherine Ann WALKER
                            \-Isabella CAMPBELL

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Olive May HORTON

Ancestors of Olive May HORTON

                            /-Thomas HORTON
                  /-William "Digger" HORTON
                  |         \-Lucy OVENS
        /-James Edward HORTON
        |         |         /-William REEVES
        |         \-Lucinda REEVES
        |                   \-Lucinda KEYS
Olive May HORTON
        \-Ethel May HUGHES

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Rebecca Mary HORTON

Ancestors of Rebecca Mary HORTON

                  /-John HORTON
        /-William HORTON
        |         \-Margaret NOLAN
Rebecca Mary HORTON
        |                   /-Samuel JAMES
        |         /-William JAMES
        |         |         \-Anne BEAN
        \-Martha Jane JAMES
                  |         /-James BECKETT
                  \-Esther BECKETT
                            \-Ann HAND

Descendants of Rebecca Mary HORTON

1 Rebecca Mary HORTON
  =Nicholas Richard BESNARD  Marriage: 1905, Balmain Sth, , New South Wales, Australia
  =John Alfred JAMES  Marriage: 1914, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Rebecca "Ray" M. JAMES

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