- Father: Josiah Edward MCGAW
- Mother: Kezia HARVEY
- Birth: 1914, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 26 Feb 2002, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Muriel Matilda MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
/-Josiah Edward MCGAW
| | /-William LARKHAM
| \-Louisa LARKHAM
| \-Ellen BATES
Muriel Matilda MCGAW
| /-Aaron HARVEY
| /-Isaac HARVEY
| | \-Sabina BROWN
\-Kezia HARVEY
Descendants of Muriel Matilda MCGAW
1 Muriel Matilda MCGAW
=Percival Thomas O'NEILL Marriage: 1931, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Father: Robert MCGAW
- Mother: Louisa LARKHAM
- Birth: 1878, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: 9KGJ-JDJ
- Death: 15 Sep 1908, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Oswald H. MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
Oswald H. MCGAW
| /-William LARKHAM
\-Louisa LARKHAM
\-Ellen BATES
- Father: Josiah Edward MCGAW
- Mother: Kezia HARVEY
- Birth: 1907, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 3 Feb 1962, Wyong, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Reginald Clarence MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
/-Josiah Edward MCGAW
| | /-William LARKHAM
| \-Louisa LARKHAM
| \-Ellen BATES
Reginald Clarence MCGAW
| /-Aaron HARVEY
| /-Isaac HARVEY
| | \-Sabina BROWN
\-Kezia HARVEY
- Birth: Abt 1835, At Sea
- FamilySearch ID: L756-6RZ
- Death: 14 Jul 1883, Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Louisa LARKHAM
Marriage: 1859, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Martha MCGAW Birth: 1860, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Robert W. MCGAW Birth: 1862, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Josiah Edward MCGAW Birth: 1864, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: John Gabriel MCGAW Birth: 1866, Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Ernest Albert MCGAW Birth: 1868, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Arthur Beets MCGAW Birth: 1870, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Ellen MCGAW Birth: 1873, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Mary MCGAW Birth: 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Herbert Staunton MCGAW Birth: 1876, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Oswald H. MCGAW Birth: 1878, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Wilfred Robson MCGAW Birth: 1880, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Florence Mary MCGAW Birth: 1882, Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Walter MCGAW Birth: 1883, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Robert MCGAW
1 Robert MCGAW
=Louisa LARKHAM Marriage: 1859, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Martha MCGAW
=Herbert Arthur SHEPHERD Marriage: 1884, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Florence May SHEPHERD
=Walter John MINSHALL Marriage: 1906, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Robert H. SHEPHERD
3 Archibald H. SHEPHERD
=Ruth WATLING Marriage: 12 Apr 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Ernest Arthur G. SHEPHERD
=Rosetta POOLEY Marriage: 7 Mar 1914, Tirrannaville, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Emily Claris Amy SHEPHERD
=Arthur POOLEY Marriage: 1913, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
=Lisle GOODCHILD Marriage: 1945, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Oswald Wilfred Edward SHEPHERD
=Gladys Venesia Evelyn HOCKEY Marriage: 1920, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Martha L. L. I. SHEPHERD
3 Selby L. R. SHEPHERD
=Sarah Ann BROWN Marriage: 1921, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Robert W. MCGAW
2 Josiah Edward MCGAW
=Kezia HARVEY Marriage: 1895, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
3 Louisa Emily M. MCGAW
=Neville Ivor Perara NICHOLS Marriage: 1931, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Arthur Edward John MCGAW
=Loveday Edna Dora LARKHAM Marriage: 1934, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Robert William MCGAW
=Doreen KEMP Marriage: 1929, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Victor Harold MCGAW
=Edith Martha BELL Marriage: 1930, Wellington, , New South Wales, Australia
=Jean Bertha MORRISEY Marriage: 1951, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Reginald Clarence MCGAW
3 Beatrice Vera MCGAW
=Austin Gerald WILLIAMS Marriage: 1930, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Elsie Florence MCGAW
=John Reginald William APPLETON Marriage: 28 Jan 1933, Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Muriel Matilda MCGAW
=Percival Thomas O'NEILL Marriage: 1931, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Leonard Allen MCGAW
2 John Gabriel MCGAW
=Matilda Woods HALFPENNY Marriage: 1896, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Eric MCGAW
2 Ernest Albert MCGAW
=Louisa A. HOCKEY Marriage: 1911, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Arthur Beets MCGAW
=Alice Lillian LANSDOWN Marriage: 1911, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Ellen MCGAW
=John T. WEEKES Marriage: 1892, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Mary MCGAW
=John J. MCGUIGAN Marriage: 1897, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Herbert Staunton MCGAW
2 Oswald H. MCGAW
2 Wilfred Robson MCGAW
2 Florence Mary MCGAW
=George Henry DENNEY Marriage: 1906, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
3 George Francis John DENNEY
=Laura Josephine O'HEHIR Marriage: 1936, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Walter MCGAW
- Birth: 1802, Hamilton, , Lanark, Scotland
- Death: 1838, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Mary ROBSON
Marriage: 10 Nov 1826, , , , Argentina
Descendants of Robert MCGAW
1 Robert MCGAW
=Mary ROBSON Marriage: 10 Nov 1826, , , , Argentina
- Father: John MCGAW
- Mother: Grace CROKER
- Birth: Est 1866
- Death: 4 Jan 1940, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Bolong, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Maria VAUGHAN
Marriage: 1890, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Eliza MCGAW
- Child: Thomas Robert MCGAW Birth: 20 Jun 1900, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: James David MCGAW Birth: 1902, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Ida Mary MCGAW Birth: 1906, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Robert MCGAW
/-John MCGAW
Robert MCGAW
| /-Nicholas CROCKER
| /-George CROKER
| | \-Grace BISHOP
\-Grace CROKER
\-Barbara WHITEROW
Descendants of Robert MCGAW
1 Robert MCGAW
=Maria VAUGHAN Marriage: 1890, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Eliza MCGAW
2 Thomas Robert MCGAW
=Christina Maria OCONNOR Marriage: 1929, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Allan Robert MCGAW
3 Lionel Thomas MCGAW
2 James David MCGAW
=Selina "Leila" May CROKER Marriage: 1933, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Ida Mary MCGAW
=Robert Francis HOGAN Marriage: 1928, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Douglas HOGAN
3 Maurice Robert HOGAN
- Father: Robert MCGAW
- Mother: Louisa LARKHAM
- Birth: 1862, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: 9KGJ-JDC
- Death: 1877, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Robert W. MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
Robert W. MCGAW
| /-William LARKHAM
\-Louisa LARKHAM
\-Ellen BATES
- Father: Josiah Edward MCGAW
- Mother: Kezia HARVEY
- Birth: 5 Apr 1903, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 25 Sep 1962, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Windellama, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Doreen KEMP
Marriage: 1929, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Robert William MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
/-Josiah Edward MCGAW
| | /-William LARKHAM
| \-Louisa LARKHAM
| \-Ellen BATES
Robert William MCGAW
| /-Aaron HARVEY
| /-Isaac HARVEY
| | \-Sabina BROWN
\-Kezia HARVEY
Descendants of Robert William MCGAW
1 Robert William MCGAW
=Doreen KEMP Marriage: 1929, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Father: Robert MCGAW
- Mother: Maria VAUGHAN
- Birth: 20 Jun 1900, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 2 Apr 1955, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Thomas Robert MCGAW
/-John MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
| | /-George CROKER
| \-Grace CROKER
| \-Barbara WHITEROW
Thomas Robert MCGAW
| /-Thomas VAUGHAN
| /-Thomas VAUGHAN
| | \-Mary Ann CROKER
| /-David TOOLE
\-Eliza TOOLE
\-Maria LOCKE
Descendants of Thomas Robert MCGAW
1 Thomas Robert MCGAW
=Christina Maria OCONNOR Marriage: 1929, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Allan Robert MCGAW
2 Lionel Thomas MCGAW
Ancestors of Trevor James MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
/-Josiah Edward MCGAW
| \-Louisa LARKHAM
/-Arthur Edward John MCGAW
| | /-Isaac HARVEY
| \-Kezia HARVEY
| \-Kezia SHEPTON
Trevor James MCGAW
| /-John LARKHAM
| /-James Robert LARKHAM
| | \-Jane Martha MINSHALL
\-Loveday Edna Dora LARKHAM
| /-John READER
\-Susan Emily READER
\-Elizabeth MUFFETT
Descendants of Trevor James MCGAW
1 Trevor James MCGAW
- Father: Josiah Edward MCGAW
- Mother: Kezia HARVEY
- Birth: 1905, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 18 Apr 1982, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Edith Martha BELL
Marriage: 1930, Wellington, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Jean Bertha MORRISEY
Marriage: 1951, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Victor Harold MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
/-Josiah Edward MCGAW
| | /-William LARKHAM
| \-Louisa LARKHAM
| \-Ellen BATES
Victor Harold MCGAW
| /-Aaron HARVEY
| /-Isaac HARVEY
| | \-Sabina BROWN
\-Kezia HARVEY
Descendants of Victor Harold MCGAW
1 Victor Harold MCGAW
=Edith Martha BELL Marriage: 1930, Wellington, , New South Wales, Australia
=Jean Bertha MORRISEY Marriage: 1951, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
- Father: Robert MCGAW
- Mother: Louisa LARKHAM
- Birth: 1883, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: 9KGJ-JD2
- Death: 1884, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Walter MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
Walter MCGAW
| /-William LARKHAM
\-Louisa LARKHAM
\-Ellen BATES
- Father: Robert MCGAW
- Mother: Louisa LARKHAM
- Birth: 1880, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: 9KGJ-JDV
- Death: 19 Nov 1904, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: 1904, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Wilfred Robson MCGAW
/-Robert MCGAW
Wilfred Robson MCGAW
| /-William LARKHAM
\-Louisa LARKHAM
\-Ellen BATES
- Father: David MCGEACHIE
- Mother: Ida A. MORTON
- Birth: 1919, West Wyalong, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 11 Jun 1973
- Burial: Binalong, Yass Valley Council, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Mavis Lillian GALLOWAY
Marriage: 1943, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Chris Morton MCGEACHIE
Chris Morton MCGEACHIE
Descendants of Chris Morton MCGEACHIE
1 Chris Morton MCGEACHIE
=Mavis Lillian GALLOWAY Marriage: 1943, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
- Father: David MCGEACHIE
- Mother: Ida A. MORTON
- Birth: 27 Feb 1916, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 30 Aug 2004
- Burial: Binalong, Yass Valley Council, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Colin David MCGEACHIE
Descendants of Colin David MCGEACHIE
1 Colin David MCGEACHIE
=Gwendoline Jean GALLOWAY Marriage: 1943, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
2 Living
2 Living
2 Living
2 Living
- Birth: Abt 1890
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Ida A. MORTON
Marriage: 1912, Wagga Wagga, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: George R. MCGEACHIE Birth: 1913, Cootamundra, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Colin David MCGEACHIE Birth: 27 Feb 1916, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Chris Morton MCGEACHIE Birth: 1919, West Wyalong, , New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of David MCGEACHIE
=Ida A. MORTON Marriage: 1912, Wagga Wagga, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Colin David MCGEACHIE
=Gwendoline Jean GALLOWAY Marriage: 1943, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
3 Living
3 Living
3 Living
3 Living
2 Chris Morton MCGEACHIE
=Mavis Lillian GALLOWAY Marriage: 1943, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of George R. MCGEACHIE
- Father: Patrick MCGEARY
- Birth: 1891, Wollongong, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 7 Jul 1960, Merrylands, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Vere Stewart YEADON
Marriage: 1912, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Mary Agnes MCGEARY
/-Patrick MCGEARY
Mary Agnes MCGEARY
Descendants of Mary Agnes MCGEARY
1 Mary Agnes MCGEARY
=Vere Stewart YEADON Marriage: 1912, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Birth: Abt 1865
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of Patrick MCGEARY
1 Patrick MCGEARY
2 Mary Agnes MCGEARY
=Vere Stewart YEADON Marriage: 1912, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Anthony MCGEE
/-Edward MCGEE
/-William John MCGEE
Anthony MCGEE
\-Catherine MCALONE