Arthur James Stanley TAYLOR

Ancestors of Arthur James Stanley TAYLOR

                            /-Thomas TAYLOR
                  /-Thomas TAYLOR
                  |         \-Julia KELLY
        /-William Henry TAYLOR
        |         |         /-Benjamin MATTHEWS
        |         \-Maria Ann MATTHEWS
        |                   \-Mary Ann CLARKE
Arthur James Stanley TAYLOR
        |                   /-James BURNETT
        |         /-James BURNETT
        |         |         \-Anne THOMPSON
        \-Margaret Ellen BURNETT
                  |         /-Patrick MALONEY
                  \-Ellen MALONEY
                            \-Catherine WALSH

Descendants of Arthur James Stanley TAYLOR

1 Arthur James Stanley TAYLOR
  =Catherine Ellen MCLAUGHLIN  Marriage: 1914, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Audrey Mary TAYLOR

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Audrey Mary TAYLOR

Ancestors of Audrey Mary TAYLOR

                            /-Thomas TAYLOR
                  /-William Henry TAYLOR
                  |         \-Maria Ann MATTHEWS
        /-Arthur James Stanley TAYLOR
        |         |         /-James BURNETT
        |         \-Margaret Ellen BURNETT
        |                   \-Ellen MALONEY
Audrey Mary TAYLOR
        |                   /-Daniel MCLAUGHLIN
        |         /-Daniel MCLAUGHLIN
        |         |         \-Catherine GALLOWAY
        \-Catherine Ellen MCLAUGHLIN
                  |         /-William Henry JEFFERY
                  \-Sarah Jane JEFFERY
                            \-Sarah NORTH

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Augusta TAYLOR

Ancestors of Augusta TAYLOR

        /-Samuel TAYLOR
Augusta TAYLOR
        \-Elizabeth Jane SMITH

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Benedicta Decker TAYLOR

Descendants of Benedicta Decker TAYLOR

1 Benedicta Decker TAYLOR
  =Samuel Burton TICEHURST  Marriage: 11 May 1828, Brede, , Sussex, England
      2 Thomas TICEHURST
      2 Samuel TICEHURST
      2 Benedicta Harriet TICEHURST
      2 William TICEHURST
        =Winifred RYAN  Marriage: 23 Oct 1860, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Bridget TICEHURST
              =William EVANS  Marriage: 1880, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William George TICEHURST
              =Mary Ann GORHAM  Marriage: 1889, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John TICEHURST
            3 Mary TICEHURST
            3 Emma TICEHURST
              =Frank WEEKES  Marriage: 1892, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Samuel TICEHURST
            3 Herbert TICEHURST
            3 Thomas TICEHURST
            3 Winifred TICEHURST
            3 James Joseph TICEHURST
            3 Margaret Alice TICEHURST
              =Joseph M. QUIRK  Marriage: 1909, Grenfell, Weddin Shire, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Philip TICEHURST
            3 Annie E. M. TICEHURST
      2 James TICEHURST
      2 Mary Anne TICEHURST

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Descendants of Betty TAYLOR

1 Betty TAYLOR
  =George Arthur LODGE  Marriage: 2 Mar 1932, Campbell Town, , Tasmania, Australia

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Descendants of Betty TAYLOR

1 Betty TAYLOR
  =James Thomas John BEAN  Marriage: 1780, Westminster, , , England
      2 James Thomas John BEAN
        =Esther SHORT  Marriage: 1814, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth BEAN
            3 Charles BEAN
            3 Joseph BEAN
              =Sarah Anne HUGHES  Marriage: 1877, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Emma BEAN
            3 Esther BEAN
            3 Henry BEAN
      2 Anne BEAN
        =Samuel JAMES  Marriage: 1808, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 William JAMES
              =Esther BECKETT  Marriage: 24 Jul 1832, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Sarah Jane JAMES
              =Jeremiah CROSSLEY  Marriage: 25 May 1840, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia

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Bridget TAYLOR

Ancestors of Bridget TAYLOR

        /-Samuel TAYLOR
Bridget TAYLOR
        \-Ellen DELMICH

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Catherine TAYLOR

Descendants of Catherine TAYLOR

1 Catherine TAYLOR
  =John SMITH
      2 Lawrence SMITH
        =Agnes HOLLANDS  Marriage: 1879, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth Catherine SMITH
            3 Honora May SMITH
            3 Thomas Joseph SMITH
            3 James J. SMITH
            3 Mary SMITH
            3 Joseph SMITH
            3 Nellie SMITH
            3 Michael Joseph SMITH
            3 Agnes SMITH
            3 Grace SMITH
              =Charles A. BROADHEAD  Marriage: 1923, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Joseph SMITH
            3 Catherine SMITH

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Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR

Ancestors of Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR

        /-James TAYLOR
Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR
        \-Catherine FALLARDEAU

Descendants of Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR

1 Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR
  =Otway John James WILKIE  Marriage: 20 Mar 1885, New Westminster, , British Columbia, Canada
      2 Alice Catherine WILKIE
        =Ernest SMITH  Marriage: 18 Oct 1913, Saint Albans, , Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
      2 Annie "Nancy" Louisa WILKIE
        =Frederick Eugene LARNDER  Marriage: 14 Sep 1915, Vancouver, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Nancy Evelyn LARNDER
        =Ted STOUT
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Elizabeth "Deany" Geraldine WILKIE
        =Clement Fanshawe WOOTTON  Marriage: 1 Jan 1914, Burnaby, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Geraldine "Gerry" Mary WOOTTON
              =James Smith MCCALL  Marriage: 1 Aug 1942, Vancouver, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Doris Catherine Fanshawe WOOTTON
              =Raeburn Walker ALLEN  Marriage: 5 Oct 1946, , , , Canada
      2 Nora "Dudy" Georgina WILKIE
        =Cecil MCCOMBIE  Marriage: 16 Aug 1911, Burnaby, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Gordon Fitzgibbon MCCOMBIE
            3 Nora Catherine MCCOMBIE
            3 Frances Margaret MCCOMBIE
              =William Ernest BOTTOMLEY  Marriage: 6 May 1939, Burnaby, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Otway Cecil MCCOMBIE
            3 Living
            3 Donald Wilkie MCCOMBIE
              =Betty Jean JENSEN  Marriage: 3 Mar 1945, Burnaby, , British Columbia, Canada
      2 Otway "Pat" James Henry WILKIE
        =Jessie Margaret MCLEOD  Marriage: 3 Sep 1930, Vancouver, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Margaret "Madge" Gordon WILKIE
        =William DOUGLAS  Marriage: Est 1915, , , , Canada
      2 Barbara Jameson WILKIE
        =Richard DRAPER  Marriage: 7 Nov 1914, Burnaby, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Dodie DRAPER
            3 Merle DRAPER
              =Al CHISOLM  Marriage: Est 1940
      2 Mary "Bea" Beatrice WILKIE
        =Frederick LARNDER
      2 Catherine "Katy" Octavia WILKIE
        =Frederick Glenn HOPE  Marriage: 14 Apr 1928, New Westminster, , British Columbia, Canada
            3 Living
      2 Arthur "Walter" Taylor WILKIE
        =Mildred Ruth MCCORMACK  Marriage: 5 Dec 1936, Edmonton, , Alberta, Canada
            3 Walter Maurice Samuel WILKIE
            3 Living

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Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR

Ancestors of Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR

        /-Eli Edward TAYLOR
Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR
        \-Margaret Annie HAMILTON

Descendants of Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR

1 Catherine "Kate" TAYLOR
  =Edwin Albert GEE  Marriage: 1893, Peak Hill, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edwin A. GEE
      2 Mary M. GEE
      2 Alice F. GEE
      2 Fanny I. GEE
      2 William John Robert GEE
      2 James GEE
      2 Bertha M. GEE
      2 Lindsay Gordon GEE
        =Ruby Lillian SINGLETON  Marriage: 1936, Parkes, , New South Wales, Australia

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Celia Isabel TAYLOR

Ancestors of Celia Isabel TAYLOR

        /-Alfred TAYLOR
Celia Isabel TAYLOR

Descendants of Celia Isabel TAYLOR

1 Celia Isabel TAYLOR
  =Charles Robert WHITTINGTON  Marriage: 1885, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Charles H. WHITTINGTON
      2 Cecilia Isabel WHITTINGTON
        =Albert Alexander GLANVILLE  Marriage: 1912, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Reginald V. GLANVILLE
            3 Audrey Cecilia GLANVILLE
              =John Edward James PARKER  Marriage: 1939, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Patrick Kenneth GLANVILLE
            3 Maxwell Stanley GLANVILLE
              =Iris Yvonne WILLIS  Marriage: 1947, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 William Henry WHITTINGTON
        =Evelyn May NOAKES  Marriage: 1922, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William WHITTINGTON
      2 Ellen Elizabeth WHITTINGTON
        =Charles Edward HORTON  Marriage: 1913, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Trevor Lionel HORTON
              =Olive MCFARLANE  Marriage: 1932, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ruby I. WHITTINGTON
        =Thomas W. HARRIS  Marriage: 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Frederick G. WHITTINGTON
      2 Sarah Jane WHITTINGTON
        =Joseph Oswald ELDRIDGE  Marriage: 12 Jan 1915, Cowra, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ewan Aubrey ELDRIDGE
              =Jean Violet COX  Marriage: 13 Dec 1943, North Sydney, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Zelma Sylvia Loreen ELDRIDGE
              =Charles Alexander WEBSTER  Marriage: 1936, Mosman, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Robert E. WHITTINGTON
      2 Charles Ernest WHITTINGTON
        =Julia M. M. ANDERSON  Marriage: 1928, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Leonard L. WHITTINGTON

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Charles TAYLOR

Descendants of Charles TAYLOR

1 Charles TAYLOR
  =Mary Jane GORDON  Marriage: 1876, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia

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Charles TAYLOR

Ancestors of Charles TAYLOR

                  /-James TAYLOR
        /-George TAYLOR
        |         \-Catherine FALLARDEAU
Charles TAYLOR
        \-Cecilia COTASH

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Charlotte TAYLOR

Ancestors of Charlotte TAYLOR

        /-Samuel TAYLOR
Charlotte TAYLOR
        \-Ellen DELMICH

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Charlotte Alice TAYLOR

Ancestors of Charlotte Alice TAYLOR

                  /-Thomas TAYLOR
        /-Thomas TAYLOR
        |         \-Julia KELLY
Charlotte Alice TAYLOR
        |         /-Benjamin MATTHEWS
        \-Maria Ann MATTHEWS
                  \-Mary Ann CLARKE

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Clarence Edward TAYLOR

Descendants of Clarence Edward TAYLOR

1 Clarence Edward TAYLOR
      2 Marjorie Ula TAYLOR
        =Richard Francis MCMAHON  Marriage: 1940, St Peters, , NSW, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living

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Clarence Robert TAYLOR

Ancestors of Clarence Robert TAYLOR

        /-G. H. TAYLOR
Clarence Robert TAYLOR

Descendants of Clarence Robert TAYLOR

1 Clarence Robert TAYLOR
  =Edna Isabel Edith Maud SUTTON  Marriage: 18 Aug 1920, Dubbo, , New South Wales, Australia

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Constance TAYLOR

Descendants of Constance TAYLOR

1 Constance TAYLOR
  =Eldred Walter Edward KILLICK  Marriage: 1920, Chatswood, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Living
      2 Living

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Cora Crosker TAYLOR

Descendants of Cora Crosker TAYLOR

1 Cora Crosker TAYLOR
  =Edward Thomas BAWDEN  Marriage: 1896, Quirindi, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Nina Lurline BAWDEN
        =Vernon CLARKE  Marriage: 1927, Waverley, , New South Wales, Australia

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Curtis Julius Austin TAYLOR

Ancestors of Curtis Julius Austin TAYLOR

                  /-Samuel TAYLOR
        /-Owen TAYLOR
        |         \-Ellen DELMICH
Curtis Julius Austin TAYLOR
        |                   /-Thomas J. MARCH
        |         /-Thomas James MARCH
        \-Harriet MARCH
                  |         /-James PLUMMER
                  \-Charlotte Thomeson PLUMMER

Descendants of Curtis Julius Austin TAYLOR

1 Curtis Julius Austin TAYLOR
  =May Evelynn SMITH  Marriage: 1915, Bungendore, , New South Wales, Australia

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