John Walter TAUNTON

Ancestors of John Walter TAUNTON

                  /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
        /-John TAUNTON
        |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
John Walter TAUNTON
        |         /-Henry BUGG
        \-Helen BUGG
                  \-Hannah Maria BARRETT

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Joseph Henry TAUNTON

Ancestors of Joseph Henry TAUNTON

                  /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
        /-John TAUNTON
        |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
Joseph Henry TAUNTON
        |         /-Henry BUGG
        \-Helen BUGG
                  \-Hannah Maria BARRETT

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Maxwell G. TAUNTON

Ancestors of Maxwell G. TAUNTON

                            /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
                  /-John TAUNTON
                  |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
        /-Cedric George TAUNTON
        |         |         /-Henry BUGG
        |         \-Helen BUGG
        |                   \-Hannah Maria BARRETT
Maxwell G. TAUNTON
        |                   /-William APPS
        |         /-Reuben APPS
        |         |         \-Philadelphia "Phyllis" FOOTS
        \-Hilda Una APPS
                  |         /-John SPACKMAN
                  \-Elizabeth Amor SPACKMAN
                            \-Mary Ann AMOR

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Maysie Doreen TAUNTON

Ancestors of Maysie Doreen TAUNTON

                            /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
                  /-John TAUNTON
                  |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
        /-Cedric George TAUNTON
        |         |         /-Henry BUGG
        |         \-Helen BUGG
        |                   \-Hannah Maria BARRETT
Maysie Doreen TAUNTON
        |                   /-William APPS
        |         /-Reuben APPS
        |         |         \-Philadelphia "Phyllis" FOOTS
        \-Hilda Una APPS
                  |         /-John SPACKMAN
                  \-Elizabeth Amor SPACKMAN
                            \-Mary Ann AMOR

Descendants of Maysie Doreen TAUNTON

1 Maysie Doreen TAUNTON
  =Wilfred Herbert Isaac CHURCHILL  Marriage: 1936, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Samuel TAUNTON

        /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
        \-Elizabeth JAMES

Descendants of Samuel TAUNTON

1 Samuel TAUNTON
  =Mary Elizabeth MILLER  Marriage: 1864, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Sarah Ann TAUNTON

                  /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
        /-John TAUNTON
        |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
        |         /-Henry BUGG
        \-Helen BUGG
                  \-Hannah Maria BARRETT

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Stanley C. TAUNTON

Ancestors of Stanley C. TAUNTON

                            /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
                  /-John TAUNTON
                  |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
        /-Cedric George TAUNTON
        |         |         /-Henry BUGG
        |         \-Helen BUGG
        |                   \-Hannah Maria BARRETT
Stanley C. TAUNTON
        |                   /-William APPS
        |         /-Reuben APPS
        |         |         \-Philadelphia "Phyllis" FOOTS
        \-Hilda Una APPS
                  |         /-John SPACKMAN
                  \-Elizabeth Amor SPACKMAN
                            \-Mary Ann AMOR

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Una Elizabeth TAUNTON

Ancestors of Una Elizabeth TAUNTON

                            /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
                  /-John TAUNTON
                  |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
        /-Cedric George TAUNTON
        |         |         /-Henry BUGG
        |         \-Helen BUGG
        |                   \-Hannah Maria BARRETT
Una Elizabeth TAUNTON
        |                   /-William APPS
        |         /-Reuben APPS
        |         |         \-Philadelphia "Phyllis" FOOTS
        \-Hilda Una APPS
                  |         /-John SPACKMAN
                  \-Elizabeth Amor SPACKMAN
                            \-Mary Ann AMOR

Descendants of Una Elizabeth TAUNTON

1 Una Elizabeth TAUNTON
  =Percy Alfred TROMPP  Marriage: 29 Aug 1936, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Victor A. TAUNTON

                            /-Charles Mark TAUNTON
                  /-John TAUNTON
                  |         \-Elizabeth JAMES
        /-Arthur TAUNTON
        |         |         /-Henry BUGG
        |         \-Helen BUGG
        |                   \-Hannah Maria BARRETT
        |                   /-William APPS
        |         /-Reuben APPS
        |         |         \-Philadelphia "Phyllis" FOOTS
        \-Rose Elvira APPS
                  |         /-John SPACKMAN
                  \-Elizabeth Amor SPACKMAN
                            \-Mary Ann AMOR

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Descendants of Mary Ann TAVENER

1 Mary Ann TAVENER
  =Michael James BYRNES  Marriage: 1904, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary J. BYRNES
      2 Kathleen BYRNES
      2 Francis James BYRNES
      2 Bernard BYRNES
      2 Ursula BYRNES
      2 Dorothea BYRNES
        =Joseph James Henry HALLAM  Marriage: 1942, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Robert James HALLAM

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Ancestors of TAYLOR

                  /-James TAYLOR
        /-Henry TAYLOR
        |         \-Catherine FALLARDEAU

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Ada Margaret TAYLOR

Ancestors of Ada Margaret TAYLOR

        /-John Joseph TAYLOR
Ada Margaret TAYLOR
        |         /-Owen O'NEILL
        \-Mary Jane O'NEILL
                  \-Catherine Anastasia FOLEY

Descendants of Ada Margaret TAYLOR

1 Ada Margaret TAYLOR
  =Philip Michael HOGAN  Marriage: 1906, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Adeline G. TAYLOR

Ancestors of Adeline G. TAYLOR

        /-Edward TAYLOR
Adeline G. TAYLOR
        \-Jane CHAMBERS

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Agnes Kathleen TAYLOR

Ancestors of Agnes Kathleen TAYLOR

        /-John Joseph TAYLOR
Agnes Kathleen TAYLOR
        |         /-Owen O'NEILL
        \-Mary Jane O'NEILL
                  \-Catherine Anastasia FOLEY

Descendants of Agnes Kathleen TAYLOR

1 Agnes Kathleen TAYLOR
  =Alfred FUNNELL  Marriage: 1899, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thomas Alfred FUNNELL
        =Minnie Violet MATTHEWS  Marriage: 1920, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Thomas FUNNELL
              =Betty Audrey MCPHERSON  Marriage: 1950, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mervyn Alfred FUNNELL
              =Linda Alice FLINT  Marriage: 1949, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Hannah F. FUNNELL
      2 Muriel Agness FUNNELL
        =Patrick Joseph LEONARD  Marriage: 1922, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ronald Patrick LEONARD
              =Mary Joan CLUNE  Marriage: 1964, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Jack FUNNELL
      2 Gladys May FUNNELL
        =Alfred SHARWOOD  Marriage: 1927, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Celia M. FUNNELL
      2 Dorothy May Joan FUNNELL
        =Hilfred Eric Glenn SHARWOOD  Marriage: 1932, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary Jane FUNNELL
        =Walter James MILLS  Marriage: 1935, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 June MILLS
            3 Marie MILLS
            3 Shirley MILLS
  =Arthur "Stan" George Stanley PEARSON  Marriage: 1950, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of Alfred TAYLOR

1 Alfred TAYLOR
      2 Celia Isabel TAYLOR
        =Charles Robert WHITTINGTON  Marriage: 1885, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Charles H. WHITTINGTON
            3 Cecilia Isabel WHITTINGTON
              =Albert Alexander GLANVILLE  Marriage: 1912, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 William Henry WHITTINGTON
              =Evelyn May NOAKES  Marriage: 1922, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ellen Elizabeth WHITTINGTON
              =Charles Edward HORTON  Marriage: 1913, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ruby I. WHITTINGTON
              =Thomas W. HARRIS  Marriage: 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Frederick G. WHITTINGTON
            3 Sarah Jane WHITTINGTON
              =Joseph Oswald ELDRIDGE  Marriage: 12 Jan 1915, Cowra, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Robert E. WHITTINGTON
            3 Charles Ernest WHITTINGTON
              =Julia M. M. ANDERSON  Marriage: 1928, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Leonard L. WHITTINGTON

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Amelia Blanche M. TAYLOR

Ancestors of Amelia Blanche M. TAYLOR

        /-Edward TAYLOR
Amelia Blanche M. TAYLOR
        \-Jane CHAMBERS

Descendants of Amelia Blanche M. TAYLOR

1 Amelia Blanche M. TAYLOR
  =James Robert WHYBROW  Marriage: 1901, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Robert James WHYBROW
        =Emily Jane WINBANK  Marriage: 1925, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Emily Jane WHYBROW
      2 Hubert Henry WHYBROW
        =May A. DAVIES  Marriage: 1929, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Albert Charles WHYBROW
        =Gladys M. DUGGAN  Marriage: 1931, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edward T. WHYBROW
      2 Edward William WHYBROW
      2 William WHYBROW
      2 Blanche Mabel WHYBROW
        =Frederick William PROTHERO  Marriage: 1941, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia

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Amelia Emma TAYLOR

Ancestors of Amelia Emma TAYLOR

                  /-Thomas TAYLOR
        /-Thomas TAYLOR
        |         \-Julia KELLY
Amelia Emma TAYLOR
        |         /-Benjamin MATTHEWS
        \-Maria Ann MATTHEWS
                  \-Mary Ann CLARKE

Descendants of Amelia Emma TAYLOR

1 Amelia Emma TAYLOR
  =William Henry POLL  Marriage: 1892, Taralga, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Arthur W. POLL
      2 Florence Lavinia M. POLL
        =Jeremiah Richard GLANVILLE  Marriage: 1916, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Amelia Emiley GLANVILLE
            3 Mary Kathleen GLANVILLE
              =Charles John NOLAN  Marriage: 7 Feb 1942, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lyal E. POLL
        =Thomas J. RYAN  Marriage: 1916, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thomas Leslie POLL
        =Ella Louisa Rachel CAMERON  Marriage: 1929, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Henry Roy POLL
      2 Maria E. POLL

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Ancestors of Amos TAYLOR

        /-Henry TAYLOR

Descendants of Amos TAYLOR

  =Teresa M. COSTIGAN  Marriage: 1911, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ellen "Nance" Isabelle TAYLOR
        =Edward Darcy HOLLANDS  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living

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Ancestors of Ann TAYLOR

        /-James TAYLOR
        \-Catherine FALLARDEAU

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Descendants of Anne TAYLOR

  =Owen MCALEER  Marriage: Abt 1830, Castletown Berehaven, Cork, Munster, Ireland
      2 James Sylvester MCALEER
        =Elizabeth CLANCY  Marriage: 1858, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 James William MCALEER
            3 Catherine MCALEER
            3 Ann Elizabeth MCALEER
              =John Joseph O'BRIEN  Marriage: 1898, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Rose Agnes MCALEER
              =Thomas BYRNE  Marriage: 24 Feb 1906, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ellen Mary MCALEER
              =Lawrence John MCCABE  Marriage: 4 Mar 1903, Mummel, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas Owen MCALEER
              =Emily May WEATHERSPOON  Marriage: Abt 1910, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Teresa Martha MCALEER
              =Frederick Charles SPACKMAN  Marriage: 1906, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Cormack Joseph MCALEER
        =Margaret MCGARVEY  Marriage: 1860, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 David John MCALEER
              =Elizabeth SLATER  Marriage: 1888
            3 Charles J. MCALEER
            3 Matilda A. MCALEER
            3 Cormack MCALEER
            3 Matilda H. MCALEER
            3 Marie Catherine C. MCALEER
            3 Rose Ellen MCALEER
            3 Francis Sylvester MCALEER
      2 John MCALEER
      2 Catherine MCALEER
        =James Edward GODFREY  Marriage: 1872, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Florance Ada GODFREY
            3 Rose Ann GODFREY
            3 Mary Agnes GODFREY
              =Thomas George MCMILLAN  Marriage: 3 May 1897, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Owen MCALEER
      2 Thomas Owen MCALEER
        =Catherine MURRAY  Marriage: 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Catherine Mary V. MCALEER
              =William T. CAPPER  Marriage: 1903, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Rose Anne MCALEER
              =William Henry SUMMERGREENE  Marriage: 1902, St. Leonards, , NSW, Australia
            3 Ada Honoria MCALEER
              =James Patrick DWYER  Marriage: 29 Aug 1906, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Herbert W. MCALEER
            3 Mary MCALEER
            3 Thomas Owen MCALEER
            3 Sydney C. MCALEER
            3 Lena MCALEER
            3 Elizabeth A. MCALEER
              =James J. CORCORAN  Marriage: 1912, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Neil Murray MCALEER
              =Florence M. TURNER  Marriage: 1921, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 William MCALEER
      2 Charles MCALEER
        =Bridget Agatha BRODERICK  Marriage: 1879, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Reginald Joseph MCALEER
              =Ellen Mary MURPHY  Marriage: 1935, Nth Sydney, , NSW, Australia
      2 Hugh MCALEER
      2 Rose Ann MCALEER
        =John Thomas DOOLEY  Marriage: 1 Apr 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Thomas DOOLEY
              =Margaret MORTIMER  Marriage: 27 Aug 1913, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 William Owen DOOLEY
            3 Charles Richard DOOLEY
            3 Sarah Ann DOOLEY
              =Walter LEARY  Marriage: 1923, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Wilfred Henry DOOLEY
            3 Henry Edwin DOOLEY
              =Alice Lucy CHEGWYN  Marriage: 1926, Auburn, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Patrick James DOOLEY
            3 Catherine Marcella DOOLEY
            3 Mary Ellen DOOLEY
            3 Roy DOOLEY
            3 Leslie Lindsay DOOLEY
              =Cora Chrtistine GAY  Marriage: 1942, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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