Ann Sophia ATWOOD

Ancestors of Ann Sophia ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD
Ann Sophia ATWOOD

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Eliza Maria ATWOOD

Ancestors of Eliza Maria ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD
Eliza Maria ATWOOD

Descendants of Eliza Maria ATWOOD

1 Eliza Maria ATWOOD
  =Eusebius Arthur LLOYD  Marriage: 10 Aug 1826, Hammersmith, , Middlesex, England
      2 Eliza LLOYD
      2 Eusebius Arthur LLOYD
      2 Augusta Maria LLOYD
        =Charles John ALLEN  Marriage: 2 Apr 1856, Holborn, , Middlesex, England
            3 Charles Arthur ALLEN
            3 Leonard ALLEN
            3 Sidney Lloyd ALLEN
            3 Ethel Lloyd ALLEN
            3 Reginald Lloyd ALLEN
            3 Winifred Lloyd ALLEN
            3 Frances Isabel Lloyd ALLEN
            3 Lancelot Lloyd ALLEN
      2 Frances Charlotte LLOYD
      2 Francis LLOYD
      2 Eleanor Frances LLOYD
      2 Katherine Mary LLOYD

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Francis Thomas ATWOOD

Ancestors of Francis Thomas ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD
Francis Thomas ATWOOD

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Ancestors of George ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD

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Jane Cassandra ATWOOD

Ancestors of Jane Cassandra ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD
Jane Cassandra ATWOOD

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Ancestors of Kitty ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD

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Thomas Stephen ATWOOD

Descendants of Thomas Stephen ATWOOD

1 Thomas Stephen ATWOOD
  =Kitty  Marriage: Abt 1787, Hammersmith, , Middlesex, England
      2 Ann Sophia ATWOOD
      2 Jane Cassandra ATWOOD
      2 Francis Thomas ATWOOD
      2 Kitty ATWOOD
      2 William Duncombe ATWOOD
      2 George ATWOOD
      2 Eliza Maria ATWOOD
        =Eusebius Arthur LLOYD  Marriage: 10 Aug 1826, Hammersmith, , Middlesex, England
            3 Eliza LLOYD
            3 Eusebius Arthur LLOYD
            3 Augusta Maria LLOYD
              =Charles John ALLEN  Marriage: 2 Apr 1856, Holborn, , Middlesex, England
            3 Frances Charlotte LLOYD
            3 Francis LLOYD
            3 Eleanor Frances LLOYD
            3 Katherine Mary LLOYD

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William Duncombe ATWOOD

Ancestors of William Duncombe ATWOOD

        /-Thomas Stephen ATWOOD
William Duncombe ATWOOD

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Ernest Wihelm ATZE

Descendants of Ernest Wihelm ATZE

1 Ernest Wihelm ATZE
      2 Ernestine Caroline ATZE
        =Johann Friedrich KUBENK  Marriage: 21 Aug 1883, Light Pass, , South Australia, Australia
            3 Charles William KUBANK
              =Edith LIEBLINGER  Marriage: 27 Dec 1912, Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia
            3 Herman Frederick KUBANK
              =Maria Lydia HELBIG  Marriage: 25 Aug 1910, Mannum, , South Australia, Australia
            3 Alfred Gustav KUBANK
              =Winifred Adelaide CORDREY  Marriage: 23 Feb 1910, Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia
              =Anne May SMITH  Marriage: Aft 1916
            3 Ann Lydia KUBANK
            3 Helena Esther KUBANK
            3 Robert Emil KUBANK
              =Edith Olive MALCOLM  Marriage: 1 Apr 1913, Nth Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia
            3 Emma Mathilda KUBANK
            3 Ellen Caroline KUBANK

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Ernestine Caroline ATZE

Ancestors of Ernestine Caroline ATZE

        /-Ernest Wihelm ATZE
Ernestine Caroline ATZE

Descendants of Ernestine Caroline ATZE

1 Ernestine Caroline ATZE
  =Johann Friedrich KUBENK  Marriage: 21 Aug 1883, Light Pass, , South Australia, Australia
      2 Charles William KUBANK
        =Edith LIEBLINGER  Marriage: 27 Dec 1912, Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia
      2 Herman Frederick KUBANK
        =Maria Lydia HELBIG  Marriage: 25 Aug 1910, Mannum, , South Australia, Australia
            3 Myrtle Vera KUBANK
      2 Alfred Gustav KUBANK
        =Winifred Adelaide CORDREY  Marriage: 23 Feb 1910, Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia
            3 Leslie Alfred William KUBANK
              =Evelyn Ethel Maud CARTER  Marriage: 30 Dec 1937, Griffith, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ronald Sidney Murray KUBANK
            3 Mary Alice KUBANK
              =Arthur George RICHARDS  Marriage: 16 Feb 1938, Griffith, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Douglas John KUBANK
              =Constance MARSHALL  Marriage: 1941, Lithgow, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eileen KUBANK
        =Anne May SMITH  Marriage: Aft 1916
      2 Ann Lydia KUBANK
      2 Helena Esther KUBANK
      2 Robert Emil KUBANK
        =Edith Olive MALCOLM  Marriage: 1 Apr 1913, Nth Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia
      2 Emma Mathilda KUBANK
      2 Ellen Caroline KUBANK

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Alice Lester AUBREY

Ancestors of Alice Lester AUBREY

                  /-Jenkin AUBREY
        /-Richard AUBREY
        |         \-Mary WILLAMS
Alice Lester AUBREY
        |         /-Rudolph CAVANAGH
        \-Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH

Descendants of Alice Lester AUBREY

1 Alice Lester AUBREY
  =John Thomas BROWN  Marriage: 1 Jul 1896, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Charlotte J. BROWN

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Ancestors of Ann AUBREY

        /-Jenkin AUBREY
        \-Mary WILLAMS

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Donald Peter AUBREY

Ancestors of Donald Peter AUBREY

                            /-Richard AUBREY
                  /-Edward Phillip AUBREY
                  |         \-Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH
        /-John Edward AUBREY
        |         |         /-Edward WEBB
        |         \-Sylvia Rose M. WEBB
        |                   \-Helen Eliza ANDERSON
Donald Peter AUBREY
        |                   /-Patrick KENNEDY
        |         /-Thomas Edward KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Maria ELLSMORE
        \-Patricia Philomena KENNEDY
                  |         /-James Joseph BAXTER
                  \-Annie May Maude BAXTER
                            \-Catherine LEARY

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Ancestors of Edward AUBREY

        /-Jenkin AUBREY
        \-Mary WILLAMS

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Edward Phillip AUBREY

Ancestors of Edward Phillip AUBREY

                  /-Jenkin AUBREY
        /-Richard AUBREY
        |         \-Mary WILLAMS
Edward Phillip AUBREY
        |         /-Rudolph CAVANAGH
        \-Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH

Descendants of Edward Phillip AUBREY

1 Edward Phillip AUBREY
  =Sylvia Rose M. WEBB  Marriage: 4 Sep 1912, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Hazel Kathleen AUBREY
        =Thomas Joseph BAXTER  Marriage: 1934, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Leslie BAXTER
              =Helen Philomena AUBREY  Marriage: 1964, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 John Edward AUBREY
        =Patricia Philomena KENNEDY  Marriage: 1938, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
              =Noelena Rebecca DAVIS
            3 Helen Philomena AUBREY
              =John Leslie BAXTER  Marriage: 1964, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Donald Peter AUBREY
      2 Mercia Veronica AUBREY
        =Samuel George OSMOND  Marriage: 1939, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Peter Edward OSMOND
      2 Melville Cavanagh AUBREY
        =Stella SHEPHARD  Marriage: 1945, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living

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Harold Joseph John AUBREY

Ancestors of Harold Joseph John AUBREY

                  /-Jenkin AUBREY
        /-Richard AUBREY
        |         \-Mary WILLAMS
Harold Joseph John AUBREY
        |         /-Rudolph CAVANAGH
        \-Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH

Descendants of Harold Joseph John AUBREY

1 Harold Joseph John AUBREY
  =Kathleen RILEY  Marriage: 10 Jun 1922, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Hazel Kathleen AUBREY

Ancestors of Hazel Kathleen AUBREY

                            /-Jenkin AUBREY
                  /-Richard AUBREY
                  |         \-Mary WILLAMS
        /-Edward Phillip AUBREY
        |         |         /-Rudolph CAVANAGH
        |         \-Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH
Hazel Kathleen AUBREY
        |                   /-George WEBB
        |         /-Edward WEBB
        |         |         \-Mary Ann BATES
        \-Sylvia Rose M. WEBB
                  |         /-John Thitchenor ANDERSON
                  \-Helen Eliza ANDERSON
                            \-Mary Ann LUSCOMBE

Descendants of Hazel Kathleen AUBREY

1 Hazel Kathleen AUBREY
  =Thomas Joseph BAXTER  Marriage: 1934, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 John Leslie BAXTER
        =Helen Philomena AUBREY  Marriage: 1964, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Helen Philomena AUBREY

Ancestors of Helen Philomena AUBREY

                            /-Richard AUBREY
                  /-Edward Phillip AUBREY
                  |         \-Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH
        /-John Edward AUBREY
        |         |         /-Edward WEBB
        |         \-Sylvia Rose M. WEBB
        |                   \-Helen Eliza ANDERSON
Helen Philomena AUBREY
        |                   /-Patrick KENNEDY
        |         /-Thomas Edward KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Maria ELLSMORE
        \-Patricia Philomena KENNEDY
                  |         /-James Joseph BAXTER
                  \-Annie May Maude BAXTER
                            \-Catherine LEARY

Descendants of Helen Philomena AUBREY

1 Helen Philomena AUBREY
  =John Leslie BAXTER  Marriage: 1964, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of Jenkin AUBREY

1 Jenkin AUBREY
  =Mary WILLAMS  Marriage: 31 Mar 1837, Swansea, , Glamorgan, Wales
      2 Richard AUBREY
        =Katherine "Kate" CAVANAGH  Marriage: Abt 1875, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kathleen Evelyn AUBREY
              =Edward Clarence DODD  Marriage: Abt 1905
            3 Alice Lester AUBREY
              =John Thomas BROWN  Marriage: 1 Jul 1896, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary "Mollie" Veronica AUBREY
              =Gordon George REDMAN  Marriage: 9 Jun 1915, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edward Phillip AUBREY
              =Sylvia Rose M. WEBB  Marriage: 4 Sep 1912, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Reginald Francis AUBREY
              =Agnes Jean SIMPSON  Marriage: 1918, St. Leonards, , NSW, Australia
            3 Harold Joseph John AUBREY
              =Kathleen RILEY  Marriage: 10 Jun 1922, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary AUBREY
      2 Rachael AUBREY
      2 Edward AUBREY
      2 Rebecca AUBREY
      2 Ann AUBREY
      2 John AUBREY

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Ancestors of John AUBREY

        /-Jenkin AUBREY
        \-Mary WILLAMS

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