Ancestors of Sophia DOUGLASS

        /-John DOUGLAS
        \-Jane DUNCAN

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Descendants of Valma Rose DOUGLASS

1 Valma Rose DOUGLASS
  =Walter Gordon WILLIAMS  Marriage: 1959, Wollongong, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Living
      2 Diane Val WILLIAMS
      2 Living
      2 Living

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Lucy Mary DOUST

Descendants of Lucy Mary DOUST

1 Lucy Mary DOUST
  =Stanley Gillick DRUMMOND  Marriage: 1911, Bowral, , New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of Roy DOUTREBAND

  =Marjorie Doris FOWLER  Marriage: 1924, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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Annie Wilson DOVERTY

Ancestors of Annie Wilson DOVERTY

        /-James DOVERTY
Annie Wilson DOVERTY
        |                   /-Alexander CLUBB
        |         /-James CLUBB
        |         |         \-Christina LEITCH
        \-Jane Helen CLUBB
                  |         /-John CAMPBELL
                  \-Elizabeth CAMPBELL
                            \-Elizabeth MCINTYRE

Descendants of Annie Wilson DOVERTY

1 Annie Wilson DOVERTY
  =Athol Thomas WHITE  Marriage: 3 Dec 1914, Toronto, , Ontario, Canada
      2 Graham WHITE
      2 Jean Adelei WHITE
        = SHARKEY  Marriage: Est 1938

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Elizabeth Campbell DOVERTY

Ancestors of Elizabeth Campbell DOVERTY

        /-James DOVERTY
Elizabeth Campbell DOVERTY
        |                   /-Alexander CLUBB
        |         /-James CLUBB
        |         |         \-Christina LEITCH
        \-Jane Helen CLUBB
                  |         /-John CAMPBELL
                  \-Elizabeth CAMPBELL
                            \-Elizabeth MCINTYRE

Descendants of Elizabeth Campbell DOVERTY

1 Elizabeth Campbell DOVERTY
  =Harold WALTON  Marriage: 27 Nov 1918, Toronto, , Ontario, Canada

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Descendants of James DOVERTY

  =Jane Helen CLUBB  Marriage: 16 Jul 1884, Aberdeen, , Aberdeen, Scotland
      2 Annie Wilson DOVERTY
        =Athol Thomas WHITE  Marriage: 3 Dec 1914, Toronto, , Ontario, Canada
            3 Graham WHITE
            3 Jean Adelei WHITE
              = SHARKEY  Marriage: Est 1938
      2 Elizabeth Campbell DOVERTY
        =Harold WALTON  Marriage: 27 Nov 1918, Toronto, , Ontario, Canada
      2 James DOVERTY

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Ancestors of James DOVERTY

        /-James DOVERTY
        |                   /-Alexander CLUBB
        |         /-James CLUBB
        |         |         \-Christina LEITCH
        \-Jane Helen CLUBB
                  |         /-John CAMPBELL
                  \-Elizabeth CAMPBELL
                            \-Elizabeth MCINTYRE

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Annie E. B. DOW

Ancestors of Annie E. B. DOW

        /-Frank DOW
Annie E. B. DOW

Descendants of Annie E. B. DOW

1 Annie E. B. DOW
  =George Frederick BOLTON  Marriage: 1912, Wellington, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Doris BOLTON
        =Henry George COGGAN  Marriage: 1937, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Clare Anne COGGAN
            3 Living
            3 Leslie John COGGAN
            3 Living

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Frank DOW

Descendants of Frank DOW

1 Frank DOW
      2 Annie E. B. DOW
        =George Frederick BOLTON  Marriage: 1912, Wellington, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Doris BOLTON
              =Henry George COGGAN  Marriage: 1937, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Jessie Myrtle May DOW

Ancestors of Jessie Myrtle May DOW

        /-John DOW
Jessie Myrtle May DOW

Descendants of Jessie Myrtle May DOW

1 Jessie Myrtle May DOW
  =Valentine Oliver FAIRALL  Marriage: 1931, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Oliver FAIRALL
      2 Eileen Pearl FAIRALL
      2 Raymond FAIRALL
      2 Mandy FAIRALL
      2 Judy FAIRALL

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John DOW

Descendants of John DOW

1 John DOW
      2 Jessie Myrtle May DOW
        =Valentine Oliver FAIRALL  Marriage: 1931, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Oliver FAIRALL
            3 Eileen Pearl FAIRALL
            3 Raymond FAIRALL
            3 Mandy FAIRALL
            3 Judy FAIRALL

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Descendants of Mary DOWD

1 Mary DOWD
  =John BYRNE  Marriage: 1846, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Patrick BYRNE
      2 Sarah Mary BYRNE
        =Philip GORMAN  Marriage: 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William John J. GORMAN
              =Charlotte Elizabeth STORRIER  Marriage: 1903, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary Agnes GORMAN
            3 Teresa Frances GORMAN
            3 Albert Ernest GORMAN
              =Mary Ellen NUGENT  Marriage: 1910, Lismore, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ada Gertrude GORMAN
              =Laurence HAYES  Marriage: 14 Sep 1910, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cyrus "Sid" GORMAN
            3 James T. GORMAN
            3 Teresa "Tess" Anastasia GORMAN
              =Cornelius "Con" Alphonsus NESBITT  Marriage: 9 Feb 1914, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Rose Ann BYRNE
      2 Susan BYRNE
      2 Margaret Augusta BYRNE
      2 Catherine BYRNE
      2 Thomas A. BYRNE
      2 James Tobias BYRNE
      2 Frances BYRNE
      2 Mary Theresa BYRNE

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Bridget DOWDEL

Ancestors of Bridget DOWDEL

        /-James DOWDEL
Bridget DOWDEL

Descendants of Bridget DOWDEL

1 Bridget DOWDEL
  =John LAWLISS  Marriage: 1848, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 John J. LAWLISS
      2 Henry George LAWLISS
        =Rebecca Mary BAILEY  Marriage: 1881, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary Clare LAWLISS
            3 Frances Beatrice LAWLISS
              =Richard F. KEMP  Marriage: 1916, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Bernard LAWLISS
            3 Francis Bede LAWLISS
              =Anita Florence BAWDEN  Marriage: 18 Apr 1923, Wickham, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Annie C. LAWLISS
              =James C. HORTON  Marriage: 1917, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Florence M. LAWLISS
              =John O'BRIEN  Marriage: 1914, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kathleen Bridget LAWLISS
              =John James HEFFERNAN  Marriage: 23 Jul 1924, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Gertrude May LAWLISS
            3 Frederick H. LAWLISS
      2 Fanny C. LAWLISS
      2 Eliza C. LAWLISS
      2 Francis W. LAWLISS
      2 Frederick K. LAWLISS

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Descendants of James DOWDEL

1 James DOWDEL
      2 Bridget DOWDEL
        =John LAWLISS  Marriage: 1848, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John J. LAWLISS
            3 Henry George LAWLISS
              =Rebecca Mary BAILEY  Marriage: 1881, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Fanny C. LAWLISS
            3 Eliza C. LAWLISS
            3 Francis W. LAWLISS
            3 Frederick K. LAWLISS

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Descendants of Rosa DOWLAN

  =William BETTS  Marriage: 1866, Berrima, Wingecarribee Shire, New South Wales, Australia
      2 William James BETTS
      2 Charles Edward BETTS
      2 George BETTS
        =Adelaide Mary BAXTER  Marriage: 1901, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ronald Conroy BETTS
              =Pauline Mary DUFFY  Marriage: 1929, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Selwyn Aubrey Lionel BETTS
            3 Herald Granville BETTS
              =Una Emily CLEMENTS  Marriage: 19 Jan 1946, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Colin George E. BETTS
            3 Sheila Daisy Carmen BETTS
            3 Ralph William L. BETTS
              =Myra Myrtle M. EMMERTON  Marriage: 1935, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Andrew Noel BETTS
      2 David BETTS
      2 Henry Ephriam BETTS
        =Louisa Catherine HAMMOND  Marriage: 1909, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Henry Arthur Allen BETTS
              =Josephine "Bub" Oswalda Raynold BARLOW  Marriage: 1940, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Sarah Sophia BETTS
      2 Mary Ann Matilda Rosa BETTS
        =Hubert Hercules KELLY  Marriage: 1904, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Doris B. S. KELLY
            3 Allan Hubert KELLY
            3 Clarice E. KELLY
            3 Gladys M. KELLY
      2 Robert Ernest BETTS
      2 Samuel J. BETTS
      2 Amelia Blanche Valemia BETTS
        =Reginald HAND  Marriage: 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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William DOWLE

Descendants of William DOWLE

1 William DOWLE
  =Mary TOWNER

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Alfred Ashur DOWLING

Ancestors of Alfred Ashur DOWLING

                            /-John DOWLING
                  /-Robert DOWLING
                  |         \-Elizabeth WILKINSON
        /-Robert DOWLING
        |         \-Amelia HORTON
Alfred Ashur DOWLING
        |                   /-Jeremiah BUSH
        |         /-John BUSH
        |         |         \-Mary FLOOD
        \-Mary Ann Amelia BUSH
                  |         /-Arthur BUSH
                  \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
                            \-Maria HUMPHRY

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Descendants of Alice M. DOWLING

1 Alice M. DOWLING
  =Michael OCONNELL  Marriage: 1908, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Helen OCONNELL
        =Anthony Leo CUNICH  Marriage: 1939, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living

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Ancestors of Aline DOWLING

                            /-John DOWLING
                  /-William Ernest DOWLING
                  |         \-Mary BROWN
        /-Edward Ernest DOWLING
        |         |         /-William OAKES
        |         \-Martha OAKES
        |                   /-John ALCHIN
        |         /-Matthew ALCHIN
        |         |         \-Martha JOHNSON
        \-Jessie ALCHIN
                  \-Janet RUSSELL

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