Ancestors of Sarah Jane KINLYSIDE

                            /-John KINLYSIDE
                  /-Thomas KINLYSIDE
                  |         \-Grizelle GUTHRIE
        /-George KINLYSIDE
        |         |         /-George LOCKIE
        |         \-Elizabeth LOCKIE
        |                   \-Janet SELKIRK
        \-Jane JONES

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Ancestors of Thomas KINLYSIDE

        /-John KINLYSIDE
        \-Grizelle GUTHRIE

Descendants of Thomas KINLYSIDE

  =Elizabeth LOCKIE  Marriage: 1816, Jedburgh, , Roxburgh, Scotland
      2 John KINLYSIDE
        =Ann PHILLIPS  Marriage: 25 Dec 1855, Ashfield, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE
              =Elizabeth Grace Fanny WILLIS  Marriage: 26 Apr 1882, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary E. KINLYSIDE
              =Andrew EVANS  Marriage: 1882, Canterbury, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Alexander Henry KINLYSIDE
              =Maria "Nina" BUTLER  Marriage: 24 Sep 1881, Burwood, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 George KINLYSIDE
        =Jane JONES  Marriage: 12 Jan 1849, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas KINLYSIDE
            3 Sarah Jane KINLYSIDE
        =Priscilla WILLIAMS  Marriage: May 1876, Weetangerra, , Australian Capital Territory, Australia
            3 George Kendall KINLYSIDE
              =Ada Myra HOLLINGSWORTH  Marriage: 22 Sep 1909, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Janet KINLYSIDE
        =Alexander MCDONALD  Marriage: 7 Feb 1843, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth MCDONALD
            3 Alexander MCDONALD
            3 Margaret MCDONALD
            3 Alison MCDONALD
            3 Catherine MCDONALD
            3 Thomas A. MCDONALD
              =Catherine MCDONALD  Marriage: 1895, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Grace KINLYSIDE
        =Ambrose AUSTEN  Marriage: 26 Aug 1853, Ashfield, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth Janet AUSTEN
              =Joseph MAYO  Marriage: 1874, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary AUSTEN
      2 Alice KINLYSIDE
        =Thomas Charles WILLIS  Marriage: Aug 1850, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth Grace Fanny WILLIS
              =Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE  Marriage: 26 Apr 1882, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
        =Thomas BRYANT  Marriage: 1864, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
        =James William COOK  Marriage: Nov 1877, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 James KINLYSIDE
      2 Mary KINLYSIDE
        =George Shakespeare JOHNS  Marriage: 19 Feb 1879, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Alexander KINLYSIDE
      2 Thomas KINLYSIDE

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Ancestors of Thomas KINLYSIDE

                  /-John KINLYSIDE
        /-Thomas KINLYSIDE
        |         \-Grizelle GUTHRIE
        |         /-George LOCKIE
        \-Elizabeth LOCKIE
                  \-Janet SELKIRK

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Ancestors of Thomas KINLYSIDE

                            /-John KINLYSIDE
                  /-Thomas KINLYSIDE
                  |         \-Grizelle GUTHRIE
        /-George KINLYSIDE
        |         |         /-George LOCKIE
        |         \-Elizabeth LOCKIE
        |                   \-Janet SELKIRK
        \-Jane JONES

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Thomas Charles KINLYSIDE

Ancestors of Thomas Charles KINLYSIDE

                            /-Thomas KINLYSIDE
                  /-John KINLYSIDE
                  |         \-Elizabeth LOCKIE
        /-Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE
        |         \-Ann PHILLIPS
Thomas Charles KINLYSIDE
        |         /-Thomas Charles WILLIS
        \-Elizabeth Grace Fanny WILLIS
                  |         /-Thomas KINLYSIDE
                  \-Alice KINLYSIDE
                            \-Elizabeth LOCKIE

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Thomas James KINLYSIDE

Ancestors of Thomas James KINLYSIDE

                            /-Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE
                  /-John James KINLYSIDE
                  |         \-Elizabeth Grace Fanny WILLIS
        /-James Thomas KINLYSIDE
        |         |         /-James SMITH
        |         \-May SMITH
        |                   \-Margaret EDLINGTON
Thomas James KINLYSIDE
        |                   /-Josiah BILTON
        |         /-James Moses BILTON
        |         |         \-Sarah J. KING
        \-Gwenneth Eileen BILTON
                  |         /-Roland "Roley" Augustus HAMILTON
                  \-Lena Frances HAMILTON
                            \-Lucy Harriet HUSH

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Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE

Ancestors of Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE

                            /-John KINLYSIDE
                  /-Thomas KINLYSIDE
                  |         \-Grizelle GUTHRIE
        /-John KINLYSIDE
        |         |         /-George LOCKIE
        |         \-Elizabeth LOCKIE
        |                   \-Janet SELKIRK
Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE
        \-Ann PHILLIPS

Descendants of Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE

1 Thomas Michael Phillips KINLYSIDE
  =Elizabeth Grace Fanny WILLIS  Marriage: 26 Apr 1882, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Olive May KINLYSIDE
        =Ernest Herbert BORMAN  Marriage: 27 Apr 1910, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Grace Olga BORMAN
              =Gordon William BAXTER  Marriage: 1932, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Alfred Thomas BORMAN
              =Olive May SHEEDY  Marriage: 1936, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Hector Lance BORMAN
            3 Alice Joan BORMAN
              =Roy Edward RYAN  Marriage: 1939, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ethel Lydia BORMAN
              =Edward Idris JAMES  Marriage: 1936, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lance KINLYSIDE
      2 John James KINLYSIDE
        =May SMITH  Marriage: 1913, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Esma D. KINLYSIDE
            3 Margaret M. KINLYSIDE
            3 Elizabeth Fanny KINLYSIDE
              =Frank Henry GRAYHURST  Marriage: 1943, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 James Thomas KINLYSIDE
              =Gwenneth Eileen BILTON  Marriage: 7 Nov 1947, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eileen Mary KINLYSIDE
            3 Edna Joyce KINLYSIDE
      2 Alison A. KINLYSIDE
      2 Thomas Charles KINLYSIDE

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Victoria "Vicki" Katherine KINLYSIDE

Ancestors of Victoria "Vicki" Katherine KINLYSIDE

                            /-George KINLYSIDE
                  /-George Kendall KINLYSIDE
                  |         \-Priscilla WILLIAMS
        /-Colin Kendall KINLYSIDE
        |         |         /-Malachi HOLLINGSWORTH
        |         \-Ada Myra HOLLINGSWORTH
        |                   \-Susan CURRAN
Victoria "Vicki" Katherine KINLYSIDE
        \-Olga Daphne PRIESTLY

Descendants of Victoria "Vicki" Katherine KINLYSIDE

1 Victoria "Vicki" Katherine KINLYSIDE
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living

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Ronald George KINNEAR

Descendants of Ronald George KINNEAR

1 Ronald George KINNEAR
  =Mabel Gwen GRIFFITH  Marriage: 1940, Chatswood, , New South Wales, Australia

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Edward J. KINNEY

Descendants of Edward J. KINNEY

1 Edward J. KINNEY
  =Matilda Jane SPRING  Marriage: 1912, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of James KINNEY

1 James KINNEY
  =Amy TYLEE
      2 James W. KINNEY
      2 Mary A. KINNEY

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Ancestors of James W. KINNEY

        /-James KINNEY
        |         /-James TYLEE
        \-Amy TYLEE
                  \-Betty FENNELL

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Ancestors of Mary A. KINNEY

        /-James KINNEY
        |         /-James TYLEE
        \-Amy TYLEE
                  \-Betty FENNELL

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Francis James KINNING

Descendants of Francis James KINNING

1 Francis James KINNING
  =Mary EGAN  Marriage: 1895, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of Mary KINNIPLE

  =John DRISCOLL  Marriage: Abt 1845
      2 Francis DRISCOLL
        =Jemima CLUBB  Marriage: 5 Jan 1874, Renfrew, , Renfrew, Scotland

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Elizabeth D. KINSELA

Ancestors of Elizabeth D. KINSELA

                  /-James KINSELA
        /-George Dubley KINSELA
Elizabeth D. KINSELA
        \-Bridget M. SCOTT

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Ancestors of George D. KINSELA

                  /-James KINSELA
        /-George Dubley KINSELA
        \-Bridget M. SCOTT

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George Dubley KINSELA

Ancestors of George Dubley KINSELA

        /-James KINSELA
George Dubley KINSELA

Descendants of George Dubley KINSELA

1 George Dubley KINSELA
  =Bridget M. SCOTT  Marriage: 1902, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Elizabeth D. KINSELA
      2 George D. KINSELA
      2 Harold James KINSELA
        =Daphne Pearl COOK  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Leicester J. KINSELA
      2 Noel F. KINSELA

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Harold James KINSELA

Ancestors of Harold James KINSELA

                  /-James KINSELA
        /-George Dubley KINSELA
Harold James KINSELA
        \-Bridget M. SCOTT

Descendants of Harold James KINSELA

1 Harold James KINSELA
  =Daphne Pearl COOK  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of James KINSELA

      2 George Dubley KINSELA
        =Bridget M. SCOTT  Marriage: 1902, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth D. KINSELA
            3 George D. KINSELA
            3 Harold James KINSELA
              =Daphne Pearl COOK  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Leicester J. KINSELA
            3 Noel F. KINSELA

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