- Father: James LYONS
- Mother: Margaret Mary MANNING
- Birth: 26 Aug 1873, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: LXS8-S6K
- Death: 1 Dec 1952, Murchison, , Victoria, Australia
Ancestors of John Thomas LYONS
/-Francis LYONS
/-James LYONS
John Thomas LYONS
| /-Michael MANNING
\-Margaret Mary MANNING
- Father: Allan William LYONS
- Mother: Kathleen Elna ATKINS
- Birth: 1936, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 30 Dec 2003, Burrill Lake, , NSW, Australia
- Burial: Kenmore, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of John William LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
/-John Joseph LYONS
| \-Anne Mary NAUGHTON
/-Allan William LYONS
| | /-William Thomas STORRIER
| \-Julia Margaret STORRIER
| \-Louisa Ann SMITH
John William LYONS
| /-William E. ATKINS
\-Kathleen Elna ATKINS
- Birth: 18 Feb 1928, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendants of Joseph LYONS
1 Joseph LYONS
=Patricia Margaret ELDRIDGE
2 Living
- Birth: 1826, Glendalough, Wicklow, , Ireland
- Death: 6 Dec 1897, Reidsdale, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Ellen NOLAN
Marriage: 1850, , , County Wicklow, Ireland
- Child: Matthew LYONS Birth: Est 1865
- Child: Elizabeth LYONS Birth: 1872, Araluen, Queanbeyan–Palerang Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Marcus William LYONS
1 Marcus William LYONS
=Ellen NOLAN Marriage: 1850, , , County Wicklow, Ireland
2 Matthew LYONS
=Mary Jane COSTELLO Marriage: 1890, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
3 Matthew Michael LYONS
=Teresa Margaret WHITE Marriage: 1925, Moruya, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Elizabeth LYONS
=William Joseph MAHER Marriage: 29 Jun 1896, Reidsdale, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Ellen MAHER
=John "Jack" Percy TAYLOR Marriage: 1943, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
- Birth: Abt 1832, Castletown Berehaven, Cork, Munster, Ireland
- Death: 26 Aug 1907, Sutton, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Reid, , ACT, Australia
Descendants of Margaret LYONS
1 Margaret LYONS
=Francis James WILLIAMS
2 Elizabeth WILLIAMS
=Peter SHUMACK Marriage: Jul 1873, Reid, , ACT, Australia
=Jane MARTIN Marriage: 1901, Burwood, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Margaret SHUMACK
3 Minerva SHUMACK
3 Francis SHUMACK
3 Alexander SHUMACK
3 Edward SHUMACK
3 Gladice SHUMACK
3 Frances SHUMACK
2 Francis WILLIAMS
Ancestors of Margaret Ann LYONS
/-Francis LYONS
/-James LYONS
Margaret Ann LYONS
| /-Michael MANNING
\-Margaret Mary MANNING
- Father: John LYONS
- Mother: Bridget MANNING
- Birth: 1860, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 11 Dec 1925
- Burial: Bungonia, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
- Partnership with: Isabella DOYLE
Marriage: 1898, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Martin LYONS
/-Martin LYONS
/-John LYONS
Martin LYONS
| /-Michael MANNING
\-Bridget MANNING
Descendants of Martin LYONS
1 Martin LYONS
2 Francis Joseph LYONS
=Isabella DOYLE Marriage: 1898, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
- Birth: Est 1800
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of Martin LYONS
1 Martin LYONS
2 John LYONS
=Bridget MANNING Marriage: 1859, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Martin LYONS
=Isabella DOYLE Marriage: 1898, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Bridget LYONS
3 Annie G. LYONS
=Allan C. F. GOODIER Marriage: 1885, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
- Father: James LYONS
- Mother: Margaret Mary MANNING
- Birth: 25 Jul 1867, Bungonia, , New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: LXSK-F5N
- Death: 1948, Burwood, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Mary Amelia LYONS
/-Francis LYONS
/-James LYONS
Mary Amelia LYONS
| /-Michael MANNING
\-Margaret Mary MANNING
Ancestors of Mary Louise LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
/-Patrick Vincent LYONS
| \-Ann Maria BRODERICK
Mary Louise LYONS
Descendants of Mary Louise LYONS
1 Mary Louise LYONS
=Mervyn Patrick CORCORAN Marriage: 9 Oct 1948, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Mary Jane COSTELLO
Marriage: 1890, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Teresa Margaret WHITE
Marriage: 1925, Moruya, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Matthew LYONS
/-Marcus William LYONS
Matthew LYONS
\-Ellen NOLAN
Descendants of Matthew LYONS
1 Matthew LYONS
=Mary Jane COSTELLO Marriage: 1890, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
2 Matthew Michael LYONS
=Teresa Margaret WHITE Marriage: 1925, Moruya, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Matthew Michael LYONS
/-Marcus William LYONS
/-Matthew LYONS
| \-Ellen NOLAN
Matthew Michael LYONS
\-Mary Jane COSTELLO
Ancestors of Michael LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
Michael LYONS
- Father: Patrick LYONS
- Mother: Ann Maria BRODERICK
- Birth: 17 Oct 1886, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: 9VL9-6M1
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Michael Augustine LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
Michael Augustine LYONS
- Birth: Est 1840, , , , Ireland
- Property: Lyons Vale
- FamilySearch ID: L6FX-QLZ
- Death: 22 Nov 1914, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Anne Mary NAUGHTON
Marriage: 1868, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Thomas LYONS Birth: 1869, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: John Joseph LYONS Birth: 1871, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Unnamed LYONS Birth: 1873, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Ann Maria BRODERICK
Marriage: 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Patrick Vincent LYONS Birth: 1876, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Michael LYONS Birth: Est 1878
- Child: James A. LYONS Birth: 1881, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Thomas Valentine LYONS Birth: 1884
- Child: Michael Augustine LYONS Birth: 17 Oct 1886, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Catherine M. LYONS Birth: Est 1890
- Child: William Charles LYONS Birth: 1893, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Patrick LYONS
1 Patrick LYONS
=Anne Mary NAUGHTON Marriage: 1868, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Thomas LYONS
2 John Joseph LYONS
=Julia Margaret STORRIER Marriage: 25 Nov 1897, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Patrick Stanley LYONS
=Araline Josephina WOODS Marriage: 1926, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Allan William LYONS
=Kathleen Elna ATKINS Marriage: 1935, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Ray J. LYONS
2 Unnamed LYONS
=Ann Maria BRODERICK Marriage: 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Patrick Vincent LYONS
=Ann MORRISSEY Marriage: 1908, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Mary Louise LYONS
=Mervyn Patrick CORCORAN Marriage: 9 Oct 1948, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Michael LYONS
2 James A. LYONS
2 Thomas Valentine LYONS
2 Michael Augustine LYONS
2 Catherine M. LYONS
=Leton T. MEDWIN Marriage: 1912, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
2 William Charles LYONS
- Father: John Joseph LYONS
- Mother: Julia Margaret STORRIER
- Birth: 1899, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Also known as: Stanley Patrick LYONS
- Death: 27 Aug 1984, Canberra, , Australian Capital Territory, Australia
- Burial: Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Patrick Stanley LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
/-John Joseph LYONS
| \-Anne Mary NAUGHTON
Patrick Stanley LYONS
| /-William STORRIER
| /-William Thomas STORRIER
| | \-Margaret REGAN
\-Julia Margaret STORRIER
\-Louisa Ann SMITH
Descendants of Patrick Stanley LYONS
1 Patrick Stanley LYONS
=Araline Josephina WOODS Marriage: 1926, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
2 Daphne Margaret LYONS
=Francis Lyal IRWIN Marriage: 1947, Inverell, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Stanley Allan IRWIN
3 Living
3 Living
3 Living
- Father: Patrick LYONS
- Mother: Ann Maria BRODERICK
- Birth: 1876, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: GWLN-4P3
- Death: 27 Aug 1967, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Ann MORRISSEY
Marriage: 1908, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Patrick Vincent LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
Patrick Vincent LYONS
Descendants of Patrick Vincent LYONS
1 Patrick Vincent LYONS
=Ann MORRISSEY Marriage: 1908, Mudgee, , New South Wales, Australia
2 Mary Louise LYONS
=Mervyn Patrick CORCORAN Marriage: 9 Oct 1948, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Phyllis Mary LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
/-John Joseph LYONS
| \-Anne Mary NAUGHTON
/-Allan William LYONS
| | /-William Thomas STORRIER
| \-Julia Margaret STORRIER
| \-Louisa Ann SMITH
Phyllis Mary LYONS
| /-William E. ATKINS
\-Kathleen Elna ATKINS
Ancestors of Ray J. LYONS
/-Patrick LYONS
/-John Joseph LYONS
| \-Anne Mary NAUGHTON
| /-William STORRIER
| /-William Thomas STORRIER
| | \-Margaret REGAN
\-Julia Margaret STORRIER
\-Louisa Ann SMITH
- Birth: 18 Jun 1911
- FamilySearch ID: GPW3-MCL
- Death: 8 Jan 1976, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: Kenmore, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Chlorine Mary DREW
Marriage: 1941, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Roy Joseph LYONS
1 Roy Joseph LYONS
=Chlorine Mary DREW Marriage: 1941, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia