- Father: George RIDLEY
- Mother: Mary PIESLEY
- Birth: 1867, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Mary E. RIDLEY
/-George RIDLEY
- Father: Edward RIDLEY
- Mother: Fanny CLEMENTS
- Birth: 1873, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: LBVW-NZZ
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of May F. RIDLEY
/-Edward RIDLEY
| /-Benjamin CLEMENTS
- Birth: 18 May 1805, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom
- Christening: 30 Mar 1806, Tynemouth, , Northumberland, England
- FamilySearch ID: LVRX-L6G
- Death: 1876, Greenmantle, , New South Wales, Australia
- Burial: 9 May 1876, Greenmantle, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Jane HALL
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendants of Ralph RIDLEY
1 Ralph RIDLEY
=Jane HALL
2 Elizabeth RIDLEY
=Henry TRANTER Marriage: 1863, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
3 George J. TRANTER
=Eliza M. HICKS Marriage: 1889, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Selika TRANTER
=Alfred David HOWARD Marriage: 1895, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Ada Mary TRANTER
3 Agnes Fanny TRANTER
- Father: George RIDLEY
- Mother: Mary PIESLEY
- Birth: 1863, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Ralph RIDLEY
/-George RIDLEY
- Father: George RIDLEY
- Mother: Mary PIESLEY
- Birth: 1883, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 1884, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Valentine Sydney RIDLEY
/-George RIDLEY
Valentine Sydney RIDLEY
- Father: George RIDLEY
- Mother: Mary PIESLEY
- Birth: 1874, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Victor Thomas RIDLEY
/-George RIDLEY
Victor Thomas RIDLEY
- Father: Allan Gordon RIDLEY
- Mother: Kate HARGAN
- Birth: 4 Dec 1913, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 26 Jul 1999
- Burial: Bigga, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Nita Eileen PICKER
Marriage: 1941, Trunkey, , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Warren Gillison Keith RIDLEY
/-George RIDLEY
/-Allan Gordon RIDLEY
| \-Mary PIESLEY
Warren Gillison Keith RIDLEY
Descendants of Warren Gillison Keith RIDLEY
1 Warren Gillison Keith RIDLEY
=Nita Eileen PICKER Marriage: 1941, Trunkey, , New South Wales, Australia
- Father: Edward RIDLEY
- Mother: Fanny CLEMENTS
- Birth: 1871, Carcoar, , New South Wales, Australia
- FamilySearch ID: LBVW-Z4L
- Death: 1975, , , New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of William RIDLEY
/-Edward RIDLEY
William RIDLEY
| /-Benjamin CLEMENTS
Ancestors of Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY
/-Michael RIEDY
/-Michael Joseph RIEDY
| \-Mary Anne GALLAGHER
Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY
\-Edith Millicent S. GLENN
Descendants of Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY
1 Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY
=George Marcus OSHANNESSY Marriage: 1924, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Harold James RIEDY
/-Michael RIEDY
/-Michael Joseph RIEDY
| \-Mary Anne GALLAGHER
Harold James RIEDY
\-Edith Millicent S. GLENN
- Birth: Est 1810, Castletown Berehaven, Cork, Munster, Ireland
- Also known as: John REIDY
- Death: 1892, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of John RIEDY
1 John RIEDY
2 Mary Ann RIEDY
=Patrick WALL Marriage: 1866, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
3 Michael David WALL
Ancestors of John Joseph RIEDY
/-Michael RIEDY
/-Michael Joseph RIEDY
| \-Mary Anne GALLAGHER
John Joseph RIEDY
\-Edith Millicent S. GLENN
- Father: John RIEDY
- Birth: Est 1846, , , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 1913, Rosedale, , New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Patrick WALL
Marriage: 1866, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
Ancestors of Mary Ann RIEDY
/-John RIEDY
Mary Ann RIEDY
Descendants of Mary Ann RIEDY
1 Mary Ann RIEDY
=Patrick WALL Marriage: 1866, Braidwood, St Vincent, New South Wales, Australia
2 Michael David WALL
- Birth: Est 1840
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Mary Anne GALLAGHER
Marriage: 1863, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Michael RIEDY
1 Michael RIEDY
=Mary Anne GALLAGHER Marriage: 1863, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
2 Michael Joseph RIEDY
=Edith Millicent S. GLENN Marriage: 1902, Camperdown, , NSW, Australia
3 Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY
=George Marcus OSHANNESSY Marriage: 1924, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
3 John Joseph RIEDY
3 Harold James RIEDY
- Partnership with: Edith Millicent S. GLENN
Marriage: 1902, Camperdown, , NSW, Australia
- Child: Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY Birth: 1902, Glebe, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: John Joseph RIEDY Birth: 1 Mar 1905, Glebe, , New South Wales, Australia
- Child: Harold James RIEDY Birth: 1911, Camperdown, , NSW, Australia
Ancestors of Michael Joseph RIEDY
/-Michael RIEDY
Michael Joseph RIEDY
Descendants of Michael Joseph RIEDY
1 Michael Joseph RIEDY
=Edith Millicent S. GLENN Marriage: 1902, Camperdown, , NSW, Australia
2 Angelina "Ciss" RIEDY
=George Marcus OSHANNESSY Marriage: 1924, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
2 John Joseph RIEDY
2 Harold James RIEDY
- Birth: Est 1878
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
- Partnership with: Mary Ann ROSEWARNE
Marriage: 1902, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of John W. RIGBY
1 John W. RIGBY
=Mary Ann ROSEWARNE Marriage: 1902, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
- Birth: Abt 1828, Lambeth, , Surrey, England
- Transported: on the Emma Eugeni, Abt 1850, Ulverstone, , Tasmania, Australia
- Occupation: House Maid, 1853
- FamilySearch ID: LC74-285
- Death: 3 Sep 1878, Tunbridge, , Tasmania, Australia
- Burial: 5 Sep 1878, Tunbridge, , Tasmania, Australia
- Partnership with: Joseph LODGE
Marriage: 17 Jan 1853, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: William LODGE Birth: 11 Nov 1853, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: Mary LODGE Birth: 14 Jun 1855, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: Emma Constance LODGE Birth: 16 Apr 1857, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: Ann Jane LODGE Birth: 4 May 1859, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: Julia Gertrude LODGE Birth: 27 Mar 1861, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: Joseph Charles LODGE Birth: 17 Feb 1863, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
- Child: Charles John LODGE Birth: 21 Nov 1865, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
Descendants of Julia Gertrude RIGBY
1 Julia Gertrude RIGBY
=Joseph LODGE Marriage: 17 Jan 1853, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
2 William LODGE
=Emma PARKER Marriage: 24 Jan 1876, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
3 George "Dick" Charles LODGE
=Rose STEVENS Marriage: 19 Jul 1905, Queenstown, , Tasmania, Australia
3 William "Barney" Wix Parker LODGE
=Essie Geraldine Alberta PEARCE Marriage: 4 Jan 1903, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Alice Maud LODGE
=Frederick Charles HEAZLEWOOD Marriage: 16 Aug 1900, Hobart, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Martha May LODGE
=William Robert TURNBULL Marriage: 14 Feb 1907, Campbell Town, , Tasmania, Australia
=Charles POWELL Marriage: 14 Dec 1912, Ross, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Arthur "Bob" Leslie LODGE
3 Sydney "Jack" Victor John LODGE
=Annie Gertrude Alice KNOWLES Marriage: 1913, Tunbridge, , Tasmania, Australia
=Merinda Muriel SHELTON Marriage: 27 Jan 1931
3 Vance "Da" Arthur LODGE
=Mary Kathleen KELLEHER Marriage: 1915, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
3 Tasman "Tas" Rex LODGE
=Ethel Beatrice GLOVER Marriage: Abt 1915
3 Pansy Gertrude LODGE
=Walter TACEY Marriage: 16 Mar 1921, Ulverstone, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Bertie Clarence LODGE
=Esme Julia WILSON Marriage: Abt 1920
3 Algernon "Nip" Lyell LODGE
=Iris "Pop" Evelyn CROSSWELL Marriage: 7 Oct 1944, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
2 Mary LODGE
=Henry PARKER Marriage: 27 Mar 1871, Tunbridge, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Julia Gertrude Ann PARKER
3 Elizabeth PARKER
3 William Henry Joseph PARKER
3 Matilda May PARKER
3 Ann Jane PARKER
3 Emily Maud PARKER
2 Emma Constance LODGE
=James PARKER Marriage: Abt 1880, Ulverstone, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Alice Elizabeth PARKER
3 Ida May PARKER
3 Matilda Mabel PARKER
3 Amy Emily PARKER
2 Ann Jane LODGE
=Charles Cooper LYNDON Marriage: 1877, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
2 Julia Gertrude LODGE
=Alexander WILSON Marriage: 1 Oct 1879, Oatlands, , Tasmania, Australia
3 Cooper David WILSON
3 Margaret Smith WILSON
3 Isabella Emma WILSON
3 Gertrude May WILSON
3 Alexander WILSON
3 Thomas John WILSON
3 James WILSON
3 Malcolm Daniel WILSON
2 Joseph Charles LODGE
2 Charles John LODGE
=Margaret MCARDELL Marriage: Abt 1885
3 Joseph LODGE
3 Elsie Mary LODGE
3 Teresa Irene LODGE
3 Kathleen Julia LODGE
- Birth: 12 Feb 1921, Redfern, , New South Wales, Australia
- Death: 13 Jul 2004
- Burial: Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
- Partnership with: Leo John LEARY
Marriage: 1968, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
Descendants of Margaret RIGBY
1 Margaret RIGBY
=Leo John LEARY Marriage: 1968, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
- Birth: Est 1795
- FamilySearch ID: K8QW-PZR
- Death: 26 Oct 1866, Cupar, , Fife, Scotland
- Partnership with: John Waugh BROUGHAM
Marriage: Est 1812, Hamilton, , Lanark, Scotland
- Child: Henry BROUGHAM Birth: 7 Feb 1813, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: Margaret BROUGHAM Birth: 7 Feb 1815, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: Eleonora BROUGHAM Christening: 20 Oct 1816, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: Katherine BROUGHAM Birth: 5 Oct 1817, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: Patrick "Peter" Christopher BROUGHAM Birth: 12 Jun 1819
- Child: John BROUGHAM Birth: 7 Feb 1821, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: Mary BROUGHAM Birth: 15 Jun 1823, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: Lindsay BROUGHAM Birth: 11 Sep 1824, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
- Child: James Rigg BROUGHAM Birth: 1826, Scotland, United Kingdom
- Child: William BROUGHAM Birth: 27 Nov 1828, Edinburgh, , Midlothian, Scotland
Descendants of Margaret RIGG
1 Margaret RIGG
=John Waugh BROUGHAM Marriage: Est 1812, Hamilton, , Lanark, Scotland
2 Margaret BROUGHAM
2 Eleonora BROUGHAM
2 Katherine BROUGHAM
2 Patrick "Peter" Christopher BROUGHAM
=Mary Eva KENNEDY Marriage: 12 Sep 1853, Albury, , New South Wales, Australia
=Caroline Amelia KENNEDY Marriage: 19 May 1846, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
3 Henry Edward BROUGHAM
3 Eleanor BROUGHAM
3 John Waugh BROUGHAM
3 Patrick William BROUGHAM
3 Margaret BROUGHAM
3 James Kennedy BROUGHAM
2 Lindsay BROUGHAM
2 James Rigg BROUGHAM
2 William BROUGHAM
- Birth: 1823
- FamilySearch ID: MKZZ-1PN
- Death: (Date and Place unknown)
Descendants of Mary RIGG
1 Mary RIGG
=Henry AYRE Marriage: Est 1864, , , Yorkshire, England
3 Richard Henry AYRE
=Frances Annie MIDDLETON Marriage: 6 Jan 1890, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Christina Richardson AYRE
=William Henry HURD Marriage: 1886, Petersham, , NSW, Australia
3 James Richardson AYRE
3 Mary Elizabeth AYRE
=John JAMIESON Marriage: 1906, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
3 William Myles AYRE
3 Harriet Maude AYRE
=Thomas BLAKE Marriage: 1908, Waverley, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Thomas Albert AYRE
=Florence May SMITH Marriage: 22 Feb 1905, Bungonia, , New South Wales, Australia
3 Charles E. AYRE
3 George Herbert AYRE
=Alice W. JONES Marriage: 1919, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
3 Alfred Victor AYRE
=Sarah Jean MCKENZIE Marriage: Apr 1920, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia