Ancestors of Eva DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

Descendants of Eva DERRETT

  =Frederick Henry BLACKSHAW  Marriage: 1901, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ivy V. BLACKSHAW
      2 Vera Eileen BLACKSHAW
      2 Cecil H. BLACKSHAW
      2 Thelma F. BLACKSHAW
      2 Frederick A. BLACKSHAW
      2 Hilton BLACKSHAW

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Felicia V. DERRETT

Ancestors of Felicia V. DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
Felicia V. DERRETT
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

Descendants of Felicia V. DERRETT

1 Felicia V. DERRETT
  =David HAINES  Marriage: 1894, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Walter C. HAINES
      2 Eva M. HAINES
      2 Oliver J. HAINES
      2 Thomas George HAINES
      2 Elsie Hilda HAINES
        =Lial  Joseph WRAY  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Graham Lial WRAY

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Frederick R. DERRETT

Ancestors of Frederick R. DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
Frederick R. DERRETT
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

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Descendants of Joseph DERRETT

1 Joseph DERRETT
  =Elizabeth SHAW  Marriage: 23 Apr 1844, Camden, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Joseph Henry DERRETT
        =Elizabeth ARTHUR  Marriage: 1867, Wollongong, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Margaret J. DERRETT
            3 Sarah DERRETT
            3 Felicia V. DERRETT
              =David HAINES  Marriage: 1894, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Matilda DERRETT
            3 Rosa Florence E. DERRETT
            3 Alice M. DERRETT
            3 Eva DERRETT
              =Frederick Henry BLACKSHAW  Marriage: 1901, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William Arthur DERRETT
            3 Emily M. DERRETT
            3 Frederick R. DERRETT

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Joseph Henry DERRETT

Ancestors of Joseph Henry DERRETT

        /-Joseph DERRETT
Joseph Henry DERRETT
        \-Elizabeth SHAW

Descendants of Joseph Henry DERRETT

1 Joseph Henry DERRETT
  =Elizabeth ARTHUR  Marriage: 1867, Wollongong, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Margaret J. DERRETT
      2 Sarah DERRETT
      2 Felicia V. DERRETT
        =David HAINES  Marriage: 1894, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Walter C. HAINES
            3 Eva M. HAINES
            3 Oliver J. HAINES
            3 Thomas George HAINES
            3 Elsie Hilda HAINES
              =Lial  Joseph WRAY  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Matilda DERRETT
      2 Rosa Florence E. DERRETT
      2 Alice M. DERRETT
      2 Eva DERRETT
        =Frederick Henry BLACKSHAW  Marriage: 1901, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ivy V. BLACKSHAW
            3 Vera Eileen BLACKSHAW
            3 Cecil H. BLACKSHAW
            3 Thelma F. BLACKSHAW
            3 Frederick A. BLACKSHAW
            3 Hilton BLACKSHAW
      2 William Arthur DERRETT
      2 Emily M. DERRETT
      2 Frederick R. DERRETT

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Margaret J. DERRETT

Ancestors of Margaret J. DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
Margaret J. DERRETT
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

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Ancestors of Matilda DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

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Priscilla DERRETT

Descendants of Priscilla DERRETT

1 Priscilla DERRETT
  =Thomas PEARCE  Marriage: 1866, Orange, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Frederick Percival James PEARCE
        =Elsie May BARTON  Marriage: 1917, Newtown, , NSW, Australia

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Rosa Florence E. DERRETT

Ancestors of Rosa Florence E. DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
Rosa Florence E. DERRETT
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

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Ancestors of Sarah DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

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William Arthur DERRETT

Ancestors of William Arthur DERRETT

                  /-Joseph DERRETT
        /-Joseph Henry DERRETT
        |         \-Elizabeth SHAW
William Arthur DERRETT
        |         /-John ARTHUR
        \-Elizabeth ARTHUR
                  \-Margaret DORROUGH

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Descendants of James DERWIN

1 James DERWIN
  =Mary Ann BROWNLOW  Marriage: 1902, Blayney, , New South Wales, Australia

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Arthur Louis DESAILLY

Ancestors of Arthur Louis DESAILLY

                  /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
        /-George Peter DESAILLY
        |         \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
Arthur Louis DESAILLY
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Emma Jane KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

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Ancestors of Beatrice DESAILLY

                  /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
        /-George Peter DESAILLY
        |         \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Emma Jane KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

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Claude Leopold DESAILLY

Ancestors of Claude Leopold DESAILLY

                  /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
        /-George Peter DESAILLY
        |         \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
Claude Leopold DESAILLY
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Emma Jane KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

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Ancestors of Ellen DESAILLY

                  /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
        /-George Peter DESAILLY
        |         \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Emma Jane KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

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Francis Wisdom DESAILLY

Descendants of Francis Wisdom DESAILLY

1 Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
  =Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
      2 George Peter DESAILLY
        =Emma Jane KENNEDY  Marriage: 13 May 1854, Albury, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 George DESAILLY
              =Laura Ida LUPTON  Marriage: 19 Apr 1888, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ellen DESAILLY
            3 Maud Theodosea DESAILLY
            3 Beatrice DESAILLY
            3 Claude Leopold DESAILLY
            3 Arthur Louis DESAILLY
            3 Godfrey Baldwin DESAILLY

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Ancestors of George DESAILLY

                  /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
        /-George Peter DESAILLY
        |         \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Emma Jane KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

Descendants of George DESAILLY

  =Laura Ida LUPTON  Marriage: 19 Apr 1888, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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George Peter DESAILLY

Ancestors of George Peter DESAILLY

        /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
George Peter DESAILLY
        \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT

Descendants of George Peter DESAILLY

1 George Peter DESAILLY
  =Emma Jane KENNEDY  Marriage: 13 May 1854, Albury, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 George DESAILLY
        =Laura Ida LUPTON  Marriage: 19 Apr 1888, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ellen DESAILLY
      2 Maud Theodosea DESAILLY
      2 Beatrice DESAILLY
      2 Claude Leopold DESAILLY
      2 Arthur Louis DESAILLY
      2 Godfrey Baldwin DESAILLY

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Godfrey Baldwin DESAILLY

Ancestors of Godfrey Baldwin DESAILLY

                  /-Francis Wisdom DESAILLY
        /-George Peter DESAILLY
        |         \-Nancy Sophia PIGGOTT
Godfrey Baldwin DESAILLY
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Emma Jane KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

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