James ERBY

Ancestors of James ERBY

        /-George ERBY
James ERBY
        \-Maria WISEMAN

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Joseph ERBY

Descendants of Joseph ERBY

1 Joseph ERBY
      2 Thomas ERBY
        =Maria WISEMAN  Marriage: 1864, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Maria ERBY

Ancestors of Maria ERBY

        /-George ERBY
Maria ERBY
        \-Maria WISEMAN

Descendants of Maria ERBY

1 Maria ERBY
  =William Henry HIGHAM  Marriage: 1874, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Horace William HIGHAM
        =Laura Emily WHITE  Marriage: 1901, Kalgoorlie, , Western Australia, Australia
      2 Frank Leslie HIGHAM
        =Elizabeth ROBINSON  Marriage: 1901, Lithgow, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Walter Henry HIGHAM
        =Kate CALLAGHAN  Marriage: 1903, Cowra, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Reginald Septimus HIGHAM
        =Annie FITZGERALD  Marriage: 1910, Glebe, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Percy Sylvester HIGHAM
      2 Edith Floyd HIGHAM
      2 Ethel Violet Maude HIGHAM
        =Henry George O'NEILL  Marriage: 1908, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Henry Charles O'NEILL
              =Marie Kathleen MURRAY  Marriage: 1939, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Eva Alice Lucy HIGHAM
        =Christopher W. ARMSTRONG  Marriage: 1907, Perth, , Western Australia, Australia
      2 Irene Myra HIGHAM
        =Leo H. FOSTER  Marriage: 1913, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Elvin Clarence HIGHAM
      2 Doris Minerva HIGHAM
        =Donald BOWDITCH  Marriage: 1922, St. Leonards, , NSW, Australia
      2 George Erby HIGHAM

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Mary Jane ERBY

Ancestors of Mary Jane ERBY

        /-George ERBY
Mary Jane ERBY
        \-Maria WISEMAN

Descendants of Mary Jane ERBY

1 Mary Jane ERBY
  =Thomas R. Kimber ADAMS  Marriage: 1883, Balmain, Inner West Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lionel ADAMS
      2 Jenney Winifred ADAMS

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Thomas ERBY

Ancestors of Thomas ERBY

        /-Joseph ERBY
Thomas ERBY

Descendants of Thomas ERBY

1 Thomas ERBY
  =Maria WISEMAN  Marriage: 1864, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Alice Lillian ERENSHAW

Ancestors of Alice Lillian ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
Alice Lillian ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

Descendants of Alice Lillian ERENSHAW

1 Alice Lillian ERENSHAW
  =Robert HEARNE  Marriage: 13 Apr 1910, Gundaroo, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edna Alice HEARNE
        =Joseph CARNEY  Marriage: 1933, Rockley, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Clarence Joseph CARNEY
            3 Living
            3 Living
              =Catherine Jennifer PARSONS
              =Lynda PARSONS
      2 Eileen M. HEARNE
      2 Robert A. HEARNE
      2 Hazel Greta HEARNE
        =Garnet Francis JOHNSON  Marriage: 1935, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Robert Leonard JOHNSON
            3 Norma Margaret JOHNSON
              =William "Biggles" Alan LYNCH  Marriage: 1955, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
              =George MACONACHIE  Marriage: Est 1959
            3 Joseph JOHNSON
            3 Gloria L. JOHNSON
            3 Peter Aubrey JOHNSON
            3 Living
      2 Florence Alma HEARNE
        =Robert Hedley KETTLE  Marriage: 1951, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thomas Neville HEARNE
        =Dorothy May HINDMARSH  Marriage: 1951, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living

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Ancestors of James A. S. ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

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Ancestors of John A. ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

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Ancestors of Mary Ann ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

Descendants of Mary Ann ERENSHAW

  =Frederick BELL  Marriage: 1910, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Dorothy E. BELL
      2 Eileen I. BELL
      2 Beatrice Melva BELL
        =Charles Frederick A. BROWN  Marriage: 1934, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Charles Frederick BROWN
            3 Living
      2 Frederick W. BELL
      2 Arthur G. BELL
      2 Hilton L. BELL

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Ancestors of Thomas ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

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Thomas William ERENSHAW

Descendants of Thomas William ERENSHAW

1 Thomas William ERENSHAW
  =Margaret HERSHAW  Marriage: 10 Dec 1884, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary Ann ERENSHAW
        =Frederick BELL  Marriage: 1910, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Dorothy E. BELL
            3 Eileen I. BELL
            3 Beatrice Melva BELL
              =Charles Frederick A. BROWN  Marriage: 1934, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Frederick W. BELL
            3 Arthur G. BELL
            3 Hilton L. BELL
      2 Thomas ERENSHAW
      2 Alice Lillian ERENSHAW
        =Robert HEARNE  Marriage: 13 Apr 1910, Gundaroo, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edna Alice HEARNE
              =Joseph CARNEY  Marriage: 1933, Rockley, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eileen M. HEARNE
            3 Robert A. HEARNE
            3 Hazel Greta HEARNE
              =Garnet Francis JOHNSON  Marriage: 1935, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Florence Alma HEARNE
              =Robert Hedley KETTLE  Marriage: 1951, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas Neville HEARNE
              =Dorothy May HINDMARSH  Marriage: 1951, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thomas William ERENSHAW
      2 John A. ERENSHAW
      2 James A. S. ERENSHAW
      2 Victor Aurun S. ERENSHAW

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Thomas William ERENSHAW

Ancestors of Thomas William ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
Thomas William ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

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Victor Aurun S. ERENSHAW

Ancestors of Victor Aurun S. ERENSHAW

        /-Thomas William ERENSHAW
Victor Aurun S. ERENSHAW
        \-Margaret HERSHAW

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Descendants of James ERSKINE

      2 Thomas ERSKINE
        =Ruth RAPLEY  Marriage: 1892, Wagga Wagga, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Thomas ERSKINE

        /-James ERSKINE

Descendants of Thomas ERSKINE

1 Thomas ERSKINE
  =Ruth RAPLEY  Marriage: 1892, Wagga Wagga, , New South Wales, Australia

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Walter Reginald ERSKINE

Descendants of Walter Reginald ERSKINE

1 Walter Reginald ERSKINE
  =Ada Mary PEISLEY  Marriage: 1943, Redfern, , New South Wales, Australia

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Catherine J. ERWIN

Descendants of Catherine J. ERWIN

1 Catherine J. ERWIN
  =William WALKER  Marriage: 1889, Nowra, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Robert Erwin WALKER
        =Lucy Myrtle HOCKEY  Marriage: 1931, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living

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Margaret ERWIN

Descendants of Margaret ERWIN

1 Margaret ERWIN
  =Patrick DIGNAM  Marriage: 1842, Campbelltown, Campbelltown City, New South Wales, Australia
      2 James DIGNAM
      2 John DIGNAM
        =Ellen Elizabeth O'KEEFE  Marriage: 1864, Berrima, Wingecarribee Shire, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Bernard DIGNAM
              =Julia M. KEEFE  Marriage: 1889, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary Ann DIGNAM
            3 Thomas DIGNAM
            3 Allan DIGNAM
            3 Susan Katherine DIGNAM
            3 Alice Emily DIGNAM
      2 Mary DIGNAM
      2 Michael DIGNAM
        =Ada Eliza IRWIN  Marriage: 1878, Berrima, Wingecarribee Shire, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Michael S. DIGNAM
            3 Margaret Emily DIGNAM
            3 Mary DIGNAM
            3 Catherine DIGNAM
            3 Andrew George DIGNAM
              =Alice Mary GILCHRIST  Marriage: 1909, Woollahra, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Joseph DIGNAM
            3 Patrick J. DIGNAM
            3 Annie E. DIGNAM
            3 Helenor DIGNAM
              =Roy Wentworth ANABLE  Marriage: 1925, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Bridget Susan Grace DIGNAM
              =William Herbert BEVAN  Marriage: 1914, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Gertrude D. DIGNAM
      2 Catherine DIGNAM
      2 Susanna Hannah DIGNAM
      2 Thomas DIGNAM

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William George ERWIN

Descendants of William George ERWIN

1 William George ERWIN
  =Evelyn Minnie BISHOP  Marriage: 1935, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of Ann ESPLIN

  =David SMITH  Marriage: 8 Feb 1835, Kirriemuir, , Angus, Scotland
      2 James SMITH
      2 Margaret Gordon SMITH
      2 George Adulay SMITH
      2 Jean SMITH
      2 Mary SMITH
      2 William Esplin SMITH
        =Maria Mary MYLES  Marriage: 24 Jun 1872, Dundee, , Angus, Scotland
            3 Jane SMITH
              =Thomas David Baillie WEIR  Marriage: 20 Apr 1910, New York, New York, New York, USA
            3 George Ross SMITH
              =Isabella Gray WILSON  Marriage: 14 Oct 1898, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
            3 Ann Esplin SMITH
              =James "Jim" MCCALL  Marriage: 11 Jul 1902, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
            3 William Myles SMITH
              =Lillian HENDRY  Marriage: 1904, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
            3 Agnes Dow SMITH
              =Thomas BUCHANAN  Marriage: 1 Mar 1901, Govan, , Lanark, Scotland
            3 Mary "Gertrude" Ross SMITH
              =William Robert FRIEDRICH  Marriage: Abt 1918
            3 Frederina "Ina" Myles SMITH
              =James Howie ROGERSON  Marriage: 16 Sep 1909, Anderston , , Lanarkshire, Scotland
              =William "Billy" MCCALL  Marriage: 15 Oct 1919, Seattle, King, Washington, USA
            3 Alexander "Al" Myles SMITH
              =Lillian Arabelle SEARS  Marriage: 18 Apr 1915, Milford, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
              =Marie Ann WALL  Marriage: 13 Jan 1942, Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
            3 Florence Maria SMITH
              =James William BELL  Marriage: 18 Nov 1915, Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA
      2 Agnes SMITH

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