Edmond Joseph O'BRIEN

Descendants of Edmond Joseph O'BRIEN

1 Edmond Joseph O'BRIEN
  =Ellen Mary FLINT  Marriage: 1873, Cooma, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Elizabeth Violet May O'BRIEN
        =Vincent BROGAN  Marriage: 1912, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edmond "Cliff" James BROGAN
            3 Ella Mary BROGAN
              =Thomas Adrian HOTSON  Marriage: 1942, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 May "Maisie" O'Brien BROGAN
              =Bruce Robert Scott HOTSON  Marriage: 1944, Waverley, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Iris Regina BROGAN
              =Michael Joseph JELLEY  Marriage: 1940, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Patricia Ellen BROGAN
              =James Alexander WILSON  Marriage: 1951, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Johanna May O'BRIEN
        =Ignatius Harold BROGAN  Marriage: 1912, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ignatius Ross BROGAN
            3 Lloyd Gregory BROGAN
              =Mary "Molly" Josephine GOOD  Marriage: 1941, Burwood, , New South Wales, Australia

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Edward O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Edward O'BRIEN

        /-Matthew O'BRIEN
Edward O'BRIEN
        \-Bridget LODY

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Elaine Mary O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Elaine Mary O'BRIEN

                            /-James A. O'BRIEN
                  /-William Robert O'BRIEN
                  |         \-Hannah JONES
        /-Silas Leslie O'BRIEN
        |         |         /-Henry James HEFFERNAN
        |         \-Johannah HEFFERNAN
        |                   \-Catherine O'NEILL
Elaine Mary O'BRIEN
        \-Elsie May HAMBURGER

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Descendants of Eliza O'BRIEN

1 Eliza O'BRIEN
  =George NOBLE  Marriage: 1884, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Leslie NOBLE
        =Florence Emalda BYRNES  Marriage: 1910, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Vira NOBLE
            3 Clara NOBLE
              =George Albert GRANGER  Marriage: 1930, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Myrtle NOBLE
            3 Cecil George NOBLE
              =Annie Marion THOMPSON  Marriage: 1946, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Lon NOBLE
      2 Mark NOBLE
        =Alice Rubeina TETLEY  Marriage: 1915, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Zoie S. NOBLE
            3 Barry George NOBLE
      2 Lilly NOBLE
      2 Bertha NOBLE
        =Oswald Henry SHOEMARK  Marriage: 1 Jan 1923, Lake Bathurst, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Eliza O'BRIEN

                  /-John O'BRIEN
        /-Cornelius O'BRIEN
        |         \-Louisa "Lucy" BARBER
        |         /-William James STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Ann Blundell STEPHENSON
                  |         /-James ROBINSON
                  \-Augusta Sophia ROBINSON
                            \-Mary Ann

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Elizabeth O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Elizabeth O'BRIEN

        /-Cornelius O'BRIEN
Elizabeth O'BRIEN
        |         /-John MEMORY
        \-Mary Anne MEMORY

Descendants of Elizabeth O'BRIEN

1 Elizabeth O'BRIEN
  =James Henry S. BRYANT  Marriage: 1877, Parkes, , New South Wales, Australia

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Elizabeth O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Elizabeth O'BRIEN

        /-John O'BRIEN
Elizabeth O'BRIEN
        \-Louisa "Lucy" BARBER

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Elizabeth M. O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Elizabeth M. O'BRIEN

                  /-Timothy O'BRIEN
        /-Patrick O'BRIEN
        |         \-Alice
Elizabeth M. O'BRIEN
        \-Mary RYAN

Descendants of Elizabeth M. O'BRIEN

1 Elizabeth M. O'BRIEN
  =James J. FARRELL  Marriage: 1908, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia

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Elizabeth Violet May O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Elizabeth Violet May O'BRIEN

        /-Edmond Joseph O'BRIEN
Elizabeth Violet May O'BRIEN
        \-Ellen Mary FLINT

Descendants of Elizabeth Violet May O'BRIEN

1 Elizabeth Violet May O'BRIEN
  =Vincent BROGAN  Marriage: 1912, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edmond "Cliff" James BROGAN
      2 Ella Mary BROGAN
        =Thomas Adrian HOTSON  Marriage: 1942, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 May "Maisie" O'Brien BROGAN
        =Bruce Robert Scott HOTSON  Marriage: 1944, Waverley, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Iris Regina BROGAN
        =Michael Joseph JELLEY  Marriage: 1940, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Patricia Ellen BROGAN
        =James Alexander WILSON  Marriage: 1951, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Ellen O'BRIEN

        /-Thomas O'BRIEN
        \-Ellen CONNELL

Descendants of Ellen O'BRIEN

1 Ellen O'BRIEN
  =James ARMSTRONG  Marriage: 1873, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of Ellen O'BRIEN

1 Ellen O'BRIEN
  =Walter HEARES  Marriage: 1919, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Valerie HEARES
      2 Dulcie HEARES

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Descendants of Ellen O'BRIEN

1 Ellen O'BRIEN
  =William GROGAN  Marriage: Nov 1858, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Patrick GROGAN
      2 Thomas GROGAN
      2 William GROGAN
        =Rose GOOLEY  Marriage: 1896, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cecil Alphonsus GROGAN
              =Ada Winifred PIGRAM  Marriage: 1924, Junee, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Clarence G. GROGAN
            3 Ellen Agnes GROGAN
              =Arthur J. WILLARD  Marriage: 1925, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 William B. GROGAN
            3 Leo Patrick GROGAN
              =Maureen Christina GOLDEN  Marriage: 1943, Nth Sydney, , NSW, Australia
      2 Francis GROGAN
      2 Michael J. GROGAN
      2 Ann J. GROGAN
      2 Mary Bridget GROGAN

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Ellen Margaret O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Ellen Margaret O'BRIEN

                  /-Timothy O'BRIEN
        /-Patrick O'BRIEN
        |         \-Alice
Ellen Margaret O'BRIEN
        \-Mary RYAN

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Ellen Mary O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Ellen Mary O'BRIEN

        /-John O'BRIEN
Ellen Mary O'BRIEN
        \-Ellen HAKER

Descendants of Ellen Mary O'BRIEN

1 Ellen Mary O'BRIEN
  =Robert John WHITE  Marriage: 1894, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia

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Ellen May O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Ellen May O'BRIEN

                  /-Michael O'BRIEN
        /-Matthew O'BRIEN
Ellen May O'BRIEN
        |         /-John Moyle PAINTER
        \-Maria Moyle PAINTER
                  \-Ann Maria DAVEY

Descendants of Ellen May O'BRIEN

1 Ellen May O'BRIEN
  =John William COLQUHOUN  Marriage: 19 Jan 1907, Adelaide, , South Australia, Australia

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Ellis Kenneth O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Ellis Kenneth O'BRIEN

                  /-James A. O'BRIEN
        /-William Robert O'BRIEN
        |         \-Hannah JONES
Ellis Kenneth O'BRIEN
        |                   /-Thomas HEFFERNAN
        |         /-Henry James HEFFERNAN
        \-Johannah HEFFERNAN
                  |         /-Owen O'NEILL
                  \-Catherine O'NEILL
                            \-Catherine Anastasia FOLEY

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Emma Louisa O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Emma Louisa O'BRIEN

        /-Cornelius O'BRIEN
Emma Louisa O'BRIEN
        |         /-John MEMORY
        \-Mary Anne MEMORY

Descendants of Emma Louisa O'BRIEN

1 Emma Louisa O'BRIEN
  =George Whalan PICKERING  Marriage: 26 Aug 1879, Parkes, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Erin T. O'BRIEN

                  /-James A. O'BRIEN
        /-Thomas Joseph O'BRIEN
        |         \-Hannah JONES
        |                   /-Thomas HEFFERNAN
        |         /-Henry James HEFFERNAN
        \-Theresa Hannah HEFFERNAN
                  |         /-Owen O'NEILL
                  \-Catherine O'NEILL
                            \-Catherine Anastasia FOLEY

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Ernest H. O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Ernest H. O'BRIEN

        /-John O'BRIEN
Ernest H. O'BRIEN
        \-Louisa "Lucy" BARBER

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Esther O'BRIEN

Ancestors of Esther O'BRIEN

        /-James BRYAN
Esther O'BRIEN
        |                   /-Bryan BROGAN
        |         /-James BROGAN
        |         |         \-Penelope O'BRIEN
        \-Margaret BROGAN
                  |         /-Michael HORAN
                  \-Elleinor HORAN
                            \-Ellen MORTAR

Descendants of Esther O'BRIEN

1 Esther O'BRIEN
  =Bryan James Joseph BROGAN  Marriage: 2 Jul 1875, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Marcella BROGAN
        =John Henry HUMPHRIES  Marriage: 1894, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eileen Mary HUMPHRIES
              =John Thomas BODEL  Marriage: 1916, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kathleen "Kitty" Vera HUMPHRIES
              =Walter Joseph CLANCY  Marriage: 1918, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Francis HUMPHRIES
            3 Mary Ellen HUMPHRIES
            3 Herbert James HUMPHRIES
            3 Henry Austin HUMPHRIES
              =Jane Emily JOBSON  Marriage: 1928, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eric Leo HUMPHRIES
            3 Iris Margaret HUMPHRIES
              =Harold Francis COUGHLAN  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
              =William Burton HEATHERINGTON  Marriage: 1942, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Agnes BROGAN
      2  BROGAN
      2 Mary Jane BROGAN
      2 James Joseph BROGAN

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