Ancestors of Anne SMITH

        /-Edward SMITH
        |         /-John KILBY
        \-Mary KILBY
                  \-Jane SHELTON

Descendants of Anne SMITH

1 Anne SMITH
  =Ewan CAMERON  Marriage: 1865, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary CAMERON
        =William G. WORNER  Marriage: 1889, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Evan CAMERON
        =Edith Lavinia KILBY  Marriage: Nov 1905, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Catherine Alice CAMERON
        =Nathaniel Edgar LUCAS  Marriage: 1924, Burwood, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ernest CAMERON
      2 John Stuart CAMERON
      2 Annie Mabel CAMERON
      2 Cecil H. CAMERON
      2 Bertie Allan CAMERON
      2 Hubert Clement CAMERON
        =Elizabeth Breatrice SOUTHWELL  Marriage: 2 May 1906, Camden, , New South Wales, Australia

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Anne May SMITH

Descendants of Anne May SMITH

1 Anne May SMITH
  =Alfred Gustav KUBANK  Marriage: Aft 1916

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Ancestors of Annie SMITH

        /-Jeremiah SMITH
        \-Sarah BROKE

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Ancestors of Annie SMITH

        /-Charles SMITH
        |         /-John BACKHOUSE
        \-Theresa BACKHOUSE

Descendants of Annie SMITH

1 Annie SMITH
  =Walter David HUNT  Marriage: 1897, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Bertha May HUNT
        =Cecil BATES  Marriage: 1915, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Irene M. BATES
            3 Edna F. BATES
            3 Kathleen BATES
            3 Dorothy J. BATES
      2 Walter G. HUNT
      2 Elsie V. HUNT
      2 Violet A. HUNT
      2 Thelma D. HUNT
      2 Frederick S. HUNT
      2 John "Jack" HUNT
        =Verlie APPS  Marriage: 6 Dec 1942, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Annie SMITH

        /-Richard SMITH
        \-Esther Pheobe TATE

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Annie Elizabeth SMITH

Ancestors of Annie Elizabeth SMITH

                  /-Jeremiah SMITH
        /-Thomas William M. SMITH
        |         \-Sarah BROKE
Annie Elizabeth SMITH
        |                   /-Charles HONE
        |         /-Charles HONE
        |         |         \-Patience MORRIS
        \-Charlotte HONE
                  |         /-Thomas NEVILLE
                  \-Charlotte NEVILLE
                            \-Letitia PARSON

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Archibald Scott SMITH

Ancestors of Archibald Scott SMITH

        /-Herbert Scott SMITH
Archibald Scott SMITH
        \-Margaret O'DONNELL

Descendants of Archibald Scott SMITH

1 Archibald Scott SMITH
  =Lilian H. LYNCH  Marriage: 1925, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Arthur SMITH

Descendants of Arthur SMITH

1 Arthur SMITH
  =Gertrude Ellen MOORE  Marriage: 1908, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Arthur SMITH

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Arthur SMITH

Ancestors of Arthur SMITH

        /-Arthur SMITH
Arthur SMITH
        |         /-William George MOORE
        \-Gertrude Ellen MOORE
                  |         /-John WOOD
                  \-Martha E. WOOD
                            \-Lucy RADBURN

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Arthur SMITH

Descendants of Arthur SMITH

1 Arthur SMITH
  =Sarah NIXON  Marriage: 11 Sep 1901, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Arthur Allan SMITH

Ancestors of Arthur Allan SMITH

        /-James Ross SMITH
Arthur Allan SMITH
        \-Mary Ann

Descendants of Arthur Allan SMITH

1 Arthur Allan SMITH
  =Julia Louise DAVIS  Marriage: 1893, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lovel J. SMITH
      2 Daphne Pearl SMITH
        =Leslie Robert TEMPLEMAN  Marriage: 1928, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mona Kathleen SMITH
        =Adam John Herbert ROBSON  Marriage: 1937, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
        =John Roland MEDWAY  Marriage: 1955, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Eric Arthur SMITH
        =Marie Beatrice Ruth KILPATRICK  Marriage: 1936, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Cyril A. SMITH
      2 Cyril B. SMITH
      2 Cecil Bernard SMITH
        =Edna Margaret SCANES  Marriage: 29 Sep 1951, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Noel Robert SMITH
        =Audrey May CAMERON  Marriage: 1942, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
              =Roslyn Adrienne OFFLEY

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Arthur D. SMITH

Descendants of Arthur D. SMITH

1 Arthur D. SMITH
  =Elsie F. LUMLEY  Marriage: 1929, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia

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Arthur Ernest SMITH

Ancestors of Arthur Ernest SMITH

                  /-John SMITH
        /-Thomas SMITH
        |         \-Jane FALKARD
Arthur Ernest SMITH
        \-Ann FLYNN

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Arthur J. SMITH

Ancestors of Arthur J. SMITH

        /-William F. SMITH
Arthur J. SMITH
        |         /-John GARLAND
        \-Harriett GARLAND
                  |         /-Levi CRESSWELL
                  \-Louisa CRESSWELL

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Arthur Leslie SMITH

Ancestors of Arthur Leslie SMITH

        /-James William SMITH
Arthur Leslie SMITH
        |         /-Michael LARKIN
        \-Martha LARKIN
                  |         /-Patrick FOLEY
                  \-Mary Ann FOLEY

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Arthur Milton SMITH

Ancestors of Arthur Milton SMITH

        /-James SMITH
Arthur Milton SMITH
        |                   /-Michael HILLY
        |         /-Felix HILLY
        |         |         \-Catherine
        \-Catherine HILLY
                  \-Ellen MALONE

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Aubrey T. SMITH

Ancestors of Aubrey T. SMITH

        /-Charles Roy SMITH
Aubrey T. SMITH
        |                   /-John BUTT
        |         /-George William T. BUTT
        |         |         \-Elizabeth Puckett THORNE
        \-Georgina Marcella BUTT
                  |         /-Henri BECQUET
                  \-Emelia Jane BECQUET
                            \-Georgina Puckett CROCKER

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Augusta SMITH

Ancestors of Augusta SMITH

        /-Robert SMITH
Augusta SMITH
        \-Annie INGLIS

Descendants of Augusta SMITH

1 Augusta SMITH
  =Edward HORE  Marriage: 23 May 1871, Ballarat, , Victoria, Australia
      2 Augusta HORE
      2 Jane HORE
      2 Edward HORE
      2 Robert James HORE
      2 Edward William HORE
      2 John Herbert HORE
      2 Florence Jane HORE
      2 Horace Henry HORE
        =Hetta PATTEN  Marriage: 1904, Smythesdale, , Victoria, Australia
            3 Horace James HORE
      2 Milton HORE
        =Eva Maude GRANT  Marriage: 1916, Geelong, , Victoria, Australia
            3 Lindsay Milton HORE
              =Veronica Irene NASH  Marriage: 1942, , , Victoria, Australia
            3 Edward William HORE
      2 Gordon HORE
      2 Elsie HORE
        =Herbert Daniel BADDELEY  Marriage: 1911, Wickliffe, , Victoria, Australia
            3 Edna Mary BADDELEY
            3 Winifred Millie BADDELEY

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Augustus F. SMITH

Descendants of Augustus F. SMITH

1 Augustus F. SMITH
  =Amy Amelia WARREN  Marriage: 1911, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Austin Thomas Spencer SMITH

Ancestors of Austin Thomas Spencer SMITH

                  /-George SMITH
        /-Spencer SMITH
Austin Thomas Spencer SMITH
        |                   /-William H. BEAN
        |         /-William BEAN
        \-Ann Esther BEAN
                  |         /-Cornelius O'BRIEN
                  \-Mary Ann O'BRIEN
                            \-Elizabeth MCMAHON

Descendants of Austin Thomas Spencer SMITH

1 Austin Thomas Spencer SMITH
  =Caroline Sarah Jane PRIOR  Marriage: 1933, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Dudley George Spencer SMITH
        =Marie Joan ALLAN  Marriage: 1967, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia

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