Ancestors of George TUCKWELL

        /-Richard TUCKWELL
        |         /-William BUDDEN
        \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
                  \-Sarah HATCHARD

Descendants of George TUCKWELL

  =Esther BECKETT  Marriage: Abt 1824, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 George Richard TUCKWELL
        =Mary Ann CRANE  Marriage: 19 Aug 1845, Castle Hill, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary Ann Esther TUCKWELL
            3 William James TUCKWELL
              =Lucy Clara DALE  Marriage: 27 Aug 1870, Waterloo, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth Sarah TUCKWELL
              =Thomas Edward SORRELL  Marriage: 1887, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Martha Rebecca TUCKWELL
              =Moses "George" STONEHAM  Marriage: 1873, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 George Richard TUCKWELL
              =Frances WHITE  Marriage: 1881, Orange, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Samuel TUCKWELL
              =Martha HAM  Marriage: 1889, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Charles Henry Crane TUCKWELL
              =Margaret LAWLER  Marriage: 1883, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Robert Edwin TUCKWELL
              =Louisa Jane MILLS  Marriage: 1886, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Alfred James TUCKWELL
              =Susan Elizabeth SELLER  Marriage: 1891, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Susan A. TUCKWELL
              =James Bligh RIDGE  Marriage: 1881, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Arthur Henry TUCKWELL
            3 Mary Esther TUCKWELL
              =George Edward RICHARDSON  Marriage: 1886, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Clara Ada TUCKWELL
              =James PYE  Marriage: 1895, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Victoria Beatrice TUCKWELL
              =Christopher Crane SELLER  Marriage: 1906, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Elizabeth TUCKWELL
        =William MILLS  Marriage: 25 Sep 1843, Blacktown, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Esther Jane MILLS
              =Joseph William MARTIN  Marriage: 13 Jul 1864, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary Ann MILLS
            3 Elizabeth MILLS
            3 Emma MILLS
            3 Sarah Emily MILLS
              =Michael WALES  Marriage: 8 Feb 1869, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John MILLS
            3 William MILLS
              =Elizabeth Ellen CROSSLEY  Marriage: 1879, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 George MILLS
              =Harriet GARLAN  Marriage: 24 Dec 1880, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Martha Maria MILLS
            3 Frances Emily MILLS
            3 Frances Emily MILLS
            3 Louisa Jane MILLS
              =Robert Edwin TUCKWELL  Marriage: 1886, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Rebecca Mary MILLS
            3 Juliet MILLS
      2 Samuel TUCKWELL
        =Sarah CHAPMAN  Marriage: 1847, Castle Hill, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary "Polly" A. TUCKWELL
            3 George Richard TUCKWELL
            3 Samuel TUCKWELL
              =Mary BAKER  Marriage: 1877, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 William Charles TUCKWELL
            3 Margaret TUCKWELL
            3 Henry TUCKWELL

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George Richard TUCKWELL

Ancestors of George Richard TUCKWELL

                  /-Richard TUCKWELL
        /-George TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William BUDDEN
        |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        |                   \-Sarah HATCHARD
George Richard TUCKWELL
        |         /-James BECKETT
        \-Esther BECKETT
                  \-Ann HAND

Descendants of George Richard TUCKWELL

1 George Richard TUCKWELL
  =Mary Ann CRANE  Marriage: 19 Aug 1845, Castle Hill, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary Ann Esther TUCKWELL
      2 William James TUCKWELL
        =Lucy Clara DALE  Marriage: 27 Aug 1870, Waterloo, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 David Henry TUCKWELL
            3 William Arthur TUCKWELL
            3 Annie Dale TUCKWELL
            3 Alfred James TUCKWELL
            3 William James TUCKWELL
            3 Eva Charlotte TUCKWELL
            3 Clara TUCKWELL
      2 Elizabeth Sarah TUCKWELL
        =Thomas Edward SORRELL  Marriage: 1887, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Martha Rebecca TUCKWELL
        =Moses "George" STONEHAM  Marriage: 1873, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Martha Rebecca STONEHAM
              =Thomas CRESWELL  Marriage: 1893, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 George R. STONEHAM
            3 Alfred James STONEHAM
            3 Grace M. STONEHAM
      2 George Richard TUCKWELL
        =Frances WHITE  Marriage: 1881, Orange, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Reginald Godfrey TUCKWELL
              =Catherine CULLEN  Marriage: 1906, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Byron George N. TUCKWELL
            3 Sydney William TUCKWELL
              =Julia Imelda MCKEON  Marriage: 1912, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Aldain Henry TUCKWELL
            3 Stanley TUCKWELL
              =Greta Susanna GROSE  Marriage: 28 Aug 1920, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 John Samuel TUCKWELL
        =Martha HAM  Marriage: 1889, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Charles Henry Crane TUCKWELL
        =Margaret LAWLER  Marriage: 1883, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Robert Edwin TUCKWELL
        =Louisa Jane MILLS  Marriage: 1886, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edwin "Bert" Albert TUCKWELL
            3 Alice Maud TUCKWELL
            3 Frances E. M. TUCKWELL
              =Royal T. L. DREDGE  Marriage: 1920, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Pearl Eva TUCKWELL
              =Arthur Charles VINTINER  Marriage: 1919, Newtown, , NSW, Australia
            3 Leonard William TUCKWELL
              =Doris Marie PORTER  Marriage: 1924, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
              =Stella May EVANS  Marriage: 1935, Redfern, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Walter Roy TUCKWELL
            3 Victor "Jim" James TUCKWELL
      2 Alfred James TUCKWELL
        =Susan Elizabeth SELLER  Marriage: 1891, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Susan A. TUCKWELL
        =James Bligh RIDGE  Marriage: 1881, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Arthur Henry TUCKWELL
      2 Mary Esther TUCKWELL
        =George Edward RICHARDSON  Marriage: 1886, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Clara Ada TUCKWELL
        =James PYE  Marriage: 1895, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Victoria Beatrice TUCKWELL
        =Christopher Crane SELLER  Marriage: 1906, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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George Richard TUCKWELL

Ancestors of George Richard TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-George TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-George Richard TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-James BECKETT
        |         \-Esther BECKETT
        |                   \-Ann HAND
George Richard TUCKWELL
        |                   /-John CRANE
        |         /-John CRANE
        |         |         \-Susanna BROOM
        \-Mary Ann CRANE
                  \-Rebecca ENGLAND

Descendants of George Richard TUCKWELL

1 George Richard TUCKWELL
  =Frances WHITE  Marriage: 1881, Orange, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Reginald Godfrey TUCKWELL
        =Catherine CULLEN  Marriage: 1906, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elva May Kathleen TUCKWELL
              =Edward Charles ELMORE  Marriage: 1947, Granville, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Byron George N. TUCKWELL
      2 Sydney William TUCKWELL
        =Julia Imelda MCKEON  Marriage: 1912, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Aldain Henry TUCKWELL
      2 Stanley TUCKWELL
        =Greta Susanna GROSE  Marriage: 28 Aug 1920, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas Richard TUCKWELL
            3 Norman Stanley TUCKWELL
              =Joyce Thelma LANG  Marriage: 1948, Petersham, , NSW, Australia
            3 Alfred TUCKWELL
            3 William Haldane TUCKWELL

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George Richard TUCKWELL

Ancestors of George Richard TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-George TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-Samuel TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-James BECKETT
        |         \-Esther BECKETT
        |                   \-Ann HAND
George Richard TUCKWELL
        \-Sarah CHAPMAN

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George Thomas TUCKWELL

Ancestors of George Thomas TUCKWELL

                  /-Richard TUCKWELL
        /-William TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William BUDDEN
        |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        |                   \-Sarah HATCHARD
George Thomas TUCKWELL
        \-Elizabeth Mary THORN

Descendants of George Thomas TUCKWELL

1 George Thomas TUCKWELL
  =Elizabeth ROUGHLEY  Marriage: 1853, Castle Hill, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Wesley Harold TUCKWELL
        =ElizabethToreza DUNBAR  Marriage: 1893, Ryde, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cecil Roland TUCKWELL
              =Iris Annie WAINWRIGHT  Marriage: 1920, Penrith, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Norman Amos TUCKWELL
        =Rose Ann MacLean SHAW  Marriage: 1899, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Claude TUCKWELL
              =Juanita Estella JORDAN  Marriage: 1924, Canterbury, , New South Wales, Australia

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George Thomas TUCKWELL

Ancestors of George Thomas TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-William TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
        |         \-Elizabeth Mary THORN
George Thomas TUCKWELL
        |                   /-William KENTWELL
        |         /-John KENTWELL
        |         |         \-Elizabeth MORRIS
        \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
                  \-Elizabeth JAMES

Descendants of George Thomas TUCKWELL

1 George Thomas TUCKWELL
  =Martha HARRISON  Marriage: 1870, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Gladys I. TUCKWELL

        /-Percival "Pat" TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
        |         \-Dinah TUCKWELL
        |                   \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
        |         /-John DRAPER
        \-Edith Adelaide DRAPER

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Ancestors of Grace E. TUCKWELL

                            /-William TUCKWELL
                  /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth Mary THORN
        /-William Henry TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-John KENTWELL
        |         \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
        |                   \-Elizabeth JAMES
        \-Elizabeth Ann JAMES

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Harold Charles TUCKWELL

Ancestors of Harold Charles TUCKWELL

                            /-John TUCKWELL
                  /-Henry Robert TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Susannah Sophia WADDY
        /-Samuel Charles TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William RUSSELL
        |         \-Mary RUSSELL
Harold Charles TUCKWELL
        \-Amy JONES

Descendants of Harold Charles TUCKWELL

1 Harold Charles TUCKWELL
  =Glory Aloysius JAGGARD  Marriage: 1936, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Harriet TUCKWELL

                  /-Richard TUCKWELL
        /-William TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William BUDDEN
        |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        |                   \-Sarah HATCHARD
        \-Elizabeth Mary THORN

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Hazel Edith TUCKWELL

Ancestors of Hazel Edith TUCKWELL

        /-Percival "Pat" TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
        |         \-Dinah TUCKWELL
        |                   \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
Hazel Edith TUCKWELL
        |         /-John DRAPER
        \-Edith Adelaide DRAPER

Descendants of Hazel Edith TUCKWELL

1 Hazel Edith TUCKWELL
  =William Lambert POLLARD  Marriage: 1926, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Henry TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-George TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-Samuel TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-James BECKETT
        |         \-Esther BECKETT
        |                   \-Ann HAND
        \-Sarah CHAPMAN

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Henry Robert TUCKWELL

Ancestors of Henry Robert TUCKWELL

                  /-Richard TUCKWELL
        /-John TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William BUDDEN
        |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        |                   \-Sarah HATCHARD
Henry Robert TUCKWELL
        \-Susannah Sophia WADDY

Descendants of Henry Robert TUCKWELL

1 Henry Robert TUCKWELL
  =Mary RUSSELL  Marriage: 20 Aug 1872, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ernest Henry TUCKWELL
      2 Samuel Charles TUCKWELL
        =Amy JONES  Marriage: 1907, Lithgow, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thelma Ruby TUCKWELL
              =Ernest Stanley CURBY  Marriage: 1936, Hurstville, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Harold Charles TUCKWELL
              =Glory Aloysius JAGGARD  Marriage: 1936, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Herbert John TUCKWELL
      2 William Cyril TUCKWELL

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Herbert John TUCKWELL

Ancestors of Herbert John TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-John TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-Henry Robert TUCKWELL
        |         \-Susannah Sophia WADDY
Herbert John TUCKWELL
        |         /-William RUSSELL
        \-Mary RUSSELL

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Humphrey Thorn TUCKWELL

Ancestors of Humphrey Thorn TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-William TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
        |         \-Elizabeth Mary THORN
Humphrey Thorn TUCKWELL
        |                   /-William KENTWELL
        |         /-John KENTWELL
        |         |         \-Elizabeth MORRIS
        \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
                  \-Elizabeth JAMES

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Ancestors of Jane TUCKWELL

                  /-Richard TUCKWELL
        /-John TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William BUDDEN
        |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        |                   \-Sarah HATCHARD
        \-Susannah Sophia WADDY

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Ancestors of Jessie TUCKWELL

                            /-William TUCKWELL
                  /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth Mary THORN
        /-William Henry TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-John KENTWELL
        |         \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
        |                   \-Elizabeth JAMES
        \-Elizabeth Ann JAMES

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Ancestors of John TUCKWELL

        /-Richard TUCKWELL
        |         /-William BUDDEN
        \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
                  \-Sarah HATCHARD

Descendants of John TUCKWELL

  =Susannah Sophia WADDY  Marriage: 4 Nov 1828, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 John Thomas TUCKWELL
      2 Charles TUCKWELL
        =Mary Ann EDWARDS  Marriage: 1863, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Susannah TUCKWELL
              =Herbert Horatio HADFIELD  Marriage: 1891, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Paterson Campbell TUCKWELL
            3 Alfred H. TUCKWELL
            3 Samuel Henry TUCKWELL
      2 Samuel TUCKWELL
        =Elizabeth SPICER  Marriage: 8 Mar 1854, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Jane TUCKWELL
      2 Amelia TUCKWELL
        =James TAYLOR  Marriage: 1856, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Maria Jane TUCKWELL
        =Willoughby H. CARTER  Marriage: 1879, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Henry Robert TUCKWELL
        =Mary RUSSELL  Marriage: 20 Aug 1872, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ernest Henry TUCKWELL
            3 Samuel Charles TUCKWELL
              =Amy JONES  Marriage: 1907, Lithgow, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Herbert John TUCKWELL
            3 William Cyril TUCKWELL
      2 William TUCKWELL

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Ancestors of John James TUCKWELL

                  /-Richard TUCKWELL
        /-William TUCKWELL
        |         |         /-William BUDDEN
        |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        |                   \-Sarah HATCHARD
        \-Elizabeth Mary THORN

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John Richard TUCKWELL

Ancestors of John Richard TUCKWELL

                            /-Richard TUCKWELL
                  /-William TUCKWELL
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUDDEN
        /-William Humphrey TUCKWELL
        |         \-Elizabeth Mary THORN
John Richard TUCKWELL
        |                   /-William KENTWELL
        |         /-John KENTWELL
        |         |         \-Elizabeth MORRIS
        \-Elizabeth KENTWELL
                  \-Elizabeth JAMES

Descendants of John Richard TUCKWELL

1 John Richard TUCKWELL
  =Rosetta RYAN  Marriage: 1878, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Bertha Elizabeth TUCKWELL
        =Edward Charles BILLETT  Marriage: 1897, Parramatta, , New South Wales, Australia

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