Victor John CABOT

Ancestors of Victor John CABOT

        /-Henry Charles CABOT
Victor John CABOT
        |         /-Edward QUINCE
        \-Mary Jane QUINCE
                  \-Mary CODDINGTON

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William Edward CABOT

Ancestors of William Edward CABOT

        /-Henry Charles CABOT
William Edward CABOT
        |         /-Edward QUINCE
        \-Mary Jane QUINCE
                  \-Mary CODDINGTON

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Charles CADE

Ancestors of Charles CADE

        /-Sampson CADE
Charles CADE
        \-Mary MINIHAN

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Harry Lionel Wright CADE

Descendants of Harry Lionel Wright CADE

1 Harry Lionel Wright CADE
  =Mona MACDONALD  Marriage: 1909, Sydney, , NSW, AUS
      2 Phyllis A. CADE
      2 Kirry Nadina CADE

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James CADE

Ancestors of James CADE

        /-Sampson CADE
James CADE
        \-Mary MINIHAN

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Joseph William CADE

Ancestors of Joseph William CADE

        /-Sampson CADE
Joseph William CADE
        \-Mary MINIHAN

Descendants of Joseph William CADE

1 Joseph William CADE
  =Jane WILLIAMS  Marriage: 1866, Yass, , NSW, AUS
      2 Victoria Mary Alice CADE
        =John T. MURRAY  Marriage: 1889, Queanbeyan, , NSW, AUS
            3 John Cade MURRAY
            3 Jean R. MURRAY
            3 Roland Charles MURRAY
            3 Dorothy MURRAY
            3 Ida M. MURRAY
            3 Maxwell Alexander MURRAY
            3 Malcolm MURRAY
            3 James R. MURRAY
      2 Samson Jospeh CADE

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Kirry Nadina CADE

Ancestors of Kirry Nadina CADE

        /-Harry Lionel Wright CADE
Kirry Nadina CADE
        |                   /-John MACDONALD
        |         /-John Wallace MACDONALD
        |         |         \-Frances Anne MOORE
        \-Mona MACDONALD
                  |         /-Guildford Dudley HAY
                  \-Annie Florence Marsden HAY
                            \-Martha MARSDEN

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Margaret Evans CADE

Ancestors of Margaret Evans CADE

        /-Sampson CADE
Margaret Evans CADE
        \-Mary MINIHAN

Descendants of Margaret Evans CADE

1 Margaret Evans CADE
  =Alexander "Sandy" MCINNES  Marriage: 1874, Young, , NSW, AUS
      2 Mary Flora MCINNES
        =Thomas John COLLINS  Marriage: 1904, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Lachlan MCINNES
      2 Catherine Margaret MCINNES

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Phyllis A. CADE

Ancestors of Phyllis A. CADE

        /-Harry Lionel Wright CADE
Phyllis A. CADE
        |                   /-John MACDONALD
        |         /-John Wallace MACDONALD
        |         |         \-Frances Anne MOORE
        \-Mona MACDONALD
                  |         /-Guildford Dudley HAY
                  \-Annie Florence Marsden HAY
                            \-Martha MARSDEN

Descendants of Phyllis A. CADE

1 Phyllis A. CADE

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Sampson CADE

Descendants of Sampson CADE

1 Sampson CADE
  =Mary MINIHAN  Marriage: 11 Feb 1842, Yass, , NSW, AUS
      2 Joseph William CADE
        =Jane WILLIAMS  Marriage: 1866, Yass, , NSW, AUS
            3 Victoria Mary Alice CADE
              =John T. MURRAY  Marriage: 1889, Queanbeyan, , NSW, AUS
            3 Samson Jospeh CADE
      2 James CADE
      2 Sampson CADE
      2 Charles CADE
      2 Margaret Evans CADE
        =Alexander "Sandy" MCINNES  Marriage: 1874, Young, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mary Flora MCINNES
              =Thomas John COLLINS  Marriage: 1904, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Lachlan MCINNES
            3 Catherine Margaret MCINNES

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Sampson CADE

Ancestors of Sampson CADE

        /-Sampson CADE
Sampson CADE
        \-Mary MINIHAN

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Samson Jospeh CADE

Ancestors of Samson Jospeh CADE

                  /-Sampson CADE
        /-Joseph William CADE
        |         \-Mary MINIHAN
Samson Jospeh CADE
        \-Jane WILLIAMS

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Victoria Mary Alice CADE

Ancestors of Victoria Mary Alice CADE

                  /-Sampson CADE
        /-Joseph William CADE
        |         \-Mary MINIHAN
Victoria Mary Alice CADE
        \-Jane WILLIAMS

Descendants of Victoria Mary Alice CADE

1 Victoria Mary Alice CADE
  =John T. MURRAY  Marriage: 1889, Queanbeyan, , NSW, AUS
      2 John Cade MURRAY
      2 Jean R. MURRAY
      2 Roland Charles MURRAY
      2 Dorothy MURRAY
      2 Ida M. MURRAY
      2 Maxwell Alexander MURRAY
      2 Malcolm MURRAY
      2 James R. MURRAY

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Alfred Cavery CADY

Descendants of Alfred Cavery CADY

1 Alfred Cavery CADY
  =Catherine PEDEN  Marriage: 23 Aug 1853, Camden, , NSW, AUS
      2 George CADY
      2 William F. CADY
      2 Mary CADY
        =John H. BURNETT  Marriage: 1888, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Barbara Elizabeth CADY
        =George Arthur THOROUGHGOOD  Marriage: 1884, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Catherine Ethel THOROUGHGOOD
            3 Alfred E. THOROUGHGOOD
            3 Ellen THOROUGHGOOD
            3 Reginald A. THOROUGHGOOD
            3 Alice Leila THOROUGHGOOD
            3 Eric Maxwell THOROUGHGOOD
              =Myrtle D. WOOD  Marriage: 1921, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Archie Ernest THOROUGHGOOD
              =Isabel Frances NICHOLS  Marriage: 15 Mar 1916, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Oswald Harry THOROUGHGOOD
      2 Hugh P. CADY
      2 Ann Bear Cavery CADY

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Andrew Cameron CADY

Ancestors of Andrew Cameron CADY

        /-Archibald George CADY
Andrew Cameron CADY
        |         /-Andrew CAMERON
        \-Christina Ann CAMERON
                  \-Mary MCKENZIE

Descendants of Andrew Cameron CADY

1 Andrew Cameron CADY
  =Mary McCloud PEDEN  Marriage: 1904, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Roy Stuart CADY
        =Jessie May MUNRO  Marriage: 1944, Parramatta, , NSW, AUS
      2 Ella C. M. CADY
      2 Irie R. CADY

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Ann Bear Cavery CADY

Ancestors of Ann Bear Cavery CADY

        /-Alfred Cavery CADY
Ann Bear Cavery CADY
        |         /-Archibald PEDEN
        \-Catherine PEDEN
                  \-Barbara FLETCHER

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Archibald Davis CADY

Ancestors of Archibald Davis CADY

                  /-Archibald George CADY
        /-William Alexander CADY
        |         |         /-Andrew CAMERON
        |         \-Christina Ann CAMERON
        |                   \-Mary MCKENZIE
Archibald Davis CADY
        |                   /-Isaac GRAY
        |         /-Arthur GRAY
        \-Hannah GRAY
                  |         /-George BURGESS
                  \-Ann BURGESS
                            \-Anne CUCKOO

Descendants of Archibald Davis CADY

1 Archibald Davis CADY
  =Sylvia Esma BENSLEY  Marriage: 2 Aug 1941, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS

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Archibald George CADY

Descendants of Archibald George CADY

1 Archibald George CADY
  =Christina Ann CAMERON  Marriage: 1879, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Andrew Cameron CADY
        =Mary McCloud PEDEN  Marriage: 1904, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Roy Stuart CADY
              =Jessie May MUNRO  Marriage: 1944, Parramatta, , NSW, AUS
            3 Ella C. M. CADY
            3 Irie R. CADY
      2 William Alexander CADY
        =Hannah GRAY  Marriage: 1908, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Archibald Davis CADY
              =Sylvia Esma BENSLEY  Marriage: 2 Aug 1941, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 John William CADY
              =Bertha SINCLAIR  Marriage: 1950, Bowral, , NSW, AUS
      2 Catherine A. CADY

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Barbara Elizabeth CADY

Ancestors of Barbara Elizabeth CADY

        /-Alfred Cavery CADY
Barbara Elizabeth CADY
        |         /-Archibald PEDEN
        \-Catherine PEDEN
                  \-Barbara FLETCHER

Descendants of Barbara Elizabeth CADY

1 Barbara Elizabeth CADY
  =George Arthur THOROUGHGOOD  Marriage: 1884, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Catherine Ethel THOROUGHGOOD
      2 Alfred E. THOROUGHGOOD
      2 Ellen THOROUGHGOOD
      2 Reginald A. THOROUGHGOOD
      2 Alice Leila THOROUGHGOOD
      2 Eric Maxwell THOROUGHGOOD
        =Myrtle D. WOOD  Marriage: 1921, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Archie Ernest THOROUGHGOOD
        =Isabel Frances NICHOLS  Marriage: 15 Mar 1916, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Oswald Harry THOROUGHGOOD

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Catherine A. CADY

Ancestors of Catherine A. CADY

        /-Archibald George CADY
Catherine A. CADY
        |         /-Andrew CAMERON
        \-Christina Ann CAMERON
                  \-Mary MCKENZIE

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