Ancestors of Edith May ELDRIDGE

                            /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
                  /-William ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Elizabeth GUNYON
        /-John Thomas ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-George GORDON
        |         \-Jane GORDON
        |                   \-Norah SULLIVAN
        |         /-John DAWSON
        \-Catherine Eliza DAWSON
                  \-Elizabeth IRELAND

Descendants of Edith May ELDRIDGE

1 Edith May ELDRIDGE
  =Thomas John BATES  Marriage: 15 Aug 1923, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Hazel Melba BATES
        =Oswald Charles BRANSON  Marriage: 9 Dec 1976

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Ancestors of Edward ELDRIDGE

        /-Jeremiah ELDRIDGE
        \-Mary Ann FREEBODY

Descendants of Edward ELDRIDGE

  =Ann GATES  Marriage: 1887, Bega, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Georgina Isabella ELDRIDGE
        =Edwin "Nap" Napoleon TOZER  Marriage: 1915, Cooma, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Vera L. TOZER

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Edward James ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Edward James ELDRIDGE

                            /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
                  /-John "Jack" ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Elizabeth GUNYON
        /-William John ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-John CROKER
        |         \-Mary Ann CROKER
        |                   \-Ann BURRELL
Edward James ELDRIDGE
        |                   /-Henry J. WOOD
        |         /-William WOOD
        |         |         \-Elizabeth STEPHENSON
        \-Emily Agnes WOOD
                  |         /-William WHITE
                  \-Susannah Elizabeth WHITE
                            \-Bridget HESSION

Descendants of Edward James ELDRIDGE

1 Edward James ELDRIDGE
  =Eileen May BROOKES  Marriage: 1939, Marrickville, , New South Wales, Australia

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Eileen Mary ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Eileen Mary ELDRIDGE

                            /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
                  /-William ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Elizabeth GUNYON
        /-William ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-George GORDON
        |         \-Jane GORDON
        |                   \-Norah SULLIVAN
Eileen Mary ELDRIDGE
        |         /-James SULLIVAN
        \-Ann Jane K. SULLIVAN
                  \-Mary Ann KEOUGH

Descendants of Eileen Mary ELDRIDGE

1 Eileen Mary ELDRIDGE
  =Mino Edward LUCAS  Marriage: 1946, Glebe, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Elijah J. ELDRIDGE

                            /-James ELDRIDGE
                  /-William ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Mary Ann HANCOX
        /-Josiah ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-Jury CRAMP
        |         \-Jane CRAMP
        |                   \-Mary Anne EDMONDS
        |         /-Francis "Frank" CAMPBELL
        \-Isabella CAMPBELL
                  \-Ann LAMB

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Descendants of Eliza Ann ELDRIDGE

1 Eliza Ann ELDRIDGE
  =Robert VIDLER
      2 Robert VITLER
        =Esther QUINCE  Marriage: 1865, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Robert VITLER
            3 Harriett Esther VITLER
            3 William Edward VITLER
            3 Emma Jane VITLER
            3 Eliza Mary VITLER
            3 George A. VITLER
              =Elizabeth M. YATES  Marriage: 1900, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Lydia Maria VITLER
              =Henry T. GOODE  Marriage: 1894, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia

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Elizabeth ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Elizabeth ELDRIDGE

        /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
Elizabeth ELDRIDGE
        \-Elizabeth GUNYON

Descendants of Elizabeth ELDRIDGE

1 Elizabeth ELDRIDGE
  =Thomas HONE  Marriage: 8 Feb 1870, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Martha HONE
            3 Herbert HONE
        =Joseph SHEPHERD  Marriage: 10 Jun 1895, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Charles Selby SHEPHERD
              =Edna Earl RICE  Marriage: 1954, Paddington, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Margaret Elizabeth SHEPHERD
              =Thomas Clifford CLAYTON  Marriage: 29 Dec 1920, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Joseph Henry SHEPHERD
              =Dinah "Nina" Jane ELDRIDGE  Marriage: 1931, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
              =Gladys COLCLOUGH  Marriage: Feb 1938, Newcastle, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Una SHEPHERD
              =John "Jack" BERRELL  Marriage: 28 Dec 1929, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas SHEPHERD
              =Catherine May CARRUTHERS  Marriage: 17 Jan 1933, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Michael Ellis SHEPHERD
            3 Norman Vincent SHEPHERD
      2 Mary Jane HONE
        =John Arthur WILLIAMSON  Marriage: 27 Aug 1888, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ethel Maude Elizabeth WILLIAMSON
              =Edward "Isaac" William FORD  Marriage: 1905, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
              =Alfred Leslie MURCUTT  Marriage: 1941, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Agnes Evelyn WILLIAMSON
            3 Rachel "Ray" May WILLIAMSON
              =Arthur William FORD  Marriage: 1911, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eva Florance Mabel WILLIAMSON
            3 John Andrew WILLIAMSON
              =Mabel Drinkall BENTLEY  Marriage: 1915, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Catherine May WILLIAMSON
            3 Unith Angellen WILLIAMSON
              =George TURK  Marriage: 1915, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Roberta Muriel WILLIAMSON
            3 Angelina Mildear WILLIAMSON
            3 Thelma Amelia WILLIAMSON
              =Charles Frederick E. ORROCK  Marriage: 22 Dec 1928, Bankstown, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Vera Jane WILLIAMSON
              =William R. MCDONALD  Marriage: 1928, Bankstown, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Fay WILLIAMSON
      2 Letitia HONE
        =James "Jim" Francis ELDRIDGE  Marriage: 27 Apr 1895, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edith Pearl HONE
              =John Fullston SPRING  Marriage: 1911, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Lavinia "Deany" Maude HONE
              =Austin Andrew FIFE  Marriage: 30 Sep 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Rebecca Muriel ELDRIDGE
              =Alfred Reginald SANDERS  Marriage: 1924, Waverley, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 John "Jack" Herbert Leslie ELDRIDGE
              =Emily SELLICK  Marriage: 1922, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 James "Joe" Cyril ELDRIDGE
              =Agnes "Peggy" Evelyn HUMPHRIES  Marriage: 22 Apr 1922, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Garnor Laurence ELDRIDGE
              =Charlotte "Lottie" Lena WOOD  Marriage: 22 Jan 1921, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
              =Dorothy Eileen MCLAUGHLIN  Marriage: 19 Sep 1942, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Allan Eric Glen ELDRIDGE
            3 Claude Vincent ELDRIDGE
              =Mona Melba CROKER  Marriage: 1932, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lucy HONE
      2 Thomas Charles HONE
        =Jane ELDRIDGE  Marriage: 7 Nov 1900, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Herbert Leslie HONE
              =Annie Selina MILLS  Marriage: 31 Jan 1925, Griffith, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Celeste Elvera Pearle HONE
              =Horace "Harry" Norman MILLER  Marriage: 6 Feb 1924, Leeton, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Charles Neville HONE
              =Thelma Elizabeth Loretta SOUTHGATE  Marriage: 2 Apr 1929, Leeton, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas Cecil HONE
              =Myrtle AYLETT  Marriage: 30 Jan 1935, Stanbridge, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Fanny HONE
        =Edward Sidney Seaman JOHNSTON  Marriage: 26 Mar 1913, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edith Pearl HONE
              =John Fullston SPRING  Marriage: 1911, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thelma May JOHNSTON
              =Ernest James WRITER  Marriage: 1934, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Dorothy Muriel JOHNSTON
              = BRENNAN  Marriage: Abt 1937
            3 Ethel Elizabeth JOHNSTON
              =William Latimer CAMPBELL  Marriage: 1940, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Charlotte Elizabeth HONE
        =Theodore Daniel ELDRIDGE  Marriage: 17 Jun 1908, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Eling Ellen HONE
        =Theophilus REYNOLDS  Marriage: 28 Dec 1904, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3  REYNOLDS
            3 Harold V. REYNOLDS
            3 Earl Victor REYNOLDS
            3 Eva Martha REYNOLDS
              =James Gordon CARRUTHERS  Marriage: 1939, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eric Lloyd REYNOLDS
      2 Edward "Ted" HONE
        =Ethel May JOHNSTON  Marriage: 25 Mar 1914, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Oswald Edward HONE
              =Florence Ella May WALDOCK  Marriage: 1937, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Lillian Mavis HONE
              =Stanley Herbert Alfred GORDON  Marriage: 1938, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
              =Leslie John MINERS  Marriage: 1948, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
              =Mervyn Stanley MINERS  Marriage: 1955, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Thomas Reginald HONE
              =Joan May STEVENSON  Marriage: 1 Nov 1941, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
        =Hephzibah Mary Ann HONE  Marriage: 16 Jun 1924, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ida HONE
        =Mathew Mark ELVINS  Marriage: 24 Dec 1913, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Colin Mcdonald ELVINS
              =Grace TAYLOR
              =Irene KING  Marriage: 19 Sep 1939, , , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Henry George ELVINS
              =Alma May REYNOLDS  Marriage: 1938, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Isabella Grace ELVINS
              =William TAYLOR  Marriage: 1937, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 George Alfred HONE
        =Ada CRAMP  Marriage: 4 Feb 1928, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
              =Malcolm Cedric KING
            3 Betty Patricia HONE
              =Michael William WATTS  Marriage: 1971, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Olga Beatrice HONE
              =Henry Murdoch MORGAN  Marriage: 1951, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Freda Shirley HONE
              =James William PAULL  Marriage: 1958, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 William John HONE
        =Margaret Mary MALLON  Marriage: 11 Feb 1919, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Daphne E. HONE
            3 Ida M. HONE
            3 Alan W. HONE
            3 Dorothy M. HONE
      2 Joseph Arthur HONE
        =Rudy May JOHNSON  Marriage: 10 Jul 1922, Leeton, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Eva Florence HONE
        =Henry James Bennett SAUNDERSON  Marriage: 31 Mar 1919, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Harry James SAUNDERSON
            3 Alma Eva SAUNDERSON
              =Leslie William ECKFORD  Marriage: 1941, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ronald George SAUNDERSON
            3 Living
            3 Colin Francis SAUNDERSON

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Elizabeth ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Elizabeth ELDRIDGE

        /-Jeremiah ELDRIDGE
Elizabeth ELDRIDGE
        \-Mary Ann FREEBODY

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Elizabeth Ann ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Elizabeth Ann ELDRIDGE

                  /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
        /-John "Jack" ELDRIDGE
        |         \-Elizabeth GUNYON
Elizabeth Ann ELDRIDGE
        |                   /-John CROKER
        |         /-John CROKER
        |         |         \-Elizabeth CUTTEN
        \-Mary Ann CROKER
                  |         /-Michael BURRELL
                  \-Ann BURRELL
                            \-Margaret HOY

Descendants of Elizabeth Ann ELDRIDGE

1 Elizabeth Ann ELDRIDGE
  =Francis Frederick EVANS
      2 Ada Florence ELDRIDGE
  =Edward George RICE  Marriage: 5 May 1891, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Ruby Mary RICE
        =William D. STARK  Marriage: 1917, Chatswood, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mavis Neille STARK
      2 Edith May RICE
      2 Olive M. RICE
        =Reginald LEWRY  Marriage: 1915, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edna Earl RICE
        =George MURRAY  Marriage: 1920, Woollahra, , New South Wales, Australia
        =Charles Selby SHEPHERD  Marriage: 1954, Paddington, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 John "Jack" William RICE
      2 Cecil Edward RICE
        =Eleanor May JONES  Marriage: 1926, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Joan Audrey RICE
              =Kenneth Maxwell BARET  Marriage: 2 Oct 1948, Paddington, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Dorothy Gwendoline RICE
        =Frank CRAVEN  Marriage: 1926, Woollahra, , New South Wales, Australia

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Elizabeth Norah ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Elizabeth Norah ELDRIDGE

                  /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
        /-William ELDRIDGE
        |         \-Elizabeth GUNYON
Elizabeth Norah ELDRIDGE
        |         /-George GORDON
        \-Jane GORDON
                  |         /-Timothy SULLIVAN
                  \-Norah SULLIVAN
                            \-Catherine AHEARNE

Descendants of Elizabeth Norah ELDRIDGE

1 Elizabeth Norah ELDRIDGE
  =John Charles O'NEILL  Marriage: 16 Mar 1885, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lyle Hugh Florence O'NEILL
      2 Stella A. A. O'NEILL
        =Henry H. J. ROCHE  Marriage: 1916, Glebe, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mavis P. ROCHE
      2 Alice V. O'NEILL
      2 Garnet L. O'NEILL
      2 John L. D. O'NEILL
        =Petoria A. STRICKLAND  Marriage: 1923, Newtown, , NSW, Australia

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Elizabeth Phyllis ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Elizabeth Phyllis ELDRIDGE

Elizabeth Phyllis ELDRIDGE
        |                   /-James Jury ELDRIDGE
        |         /-Walter Charles ELDRIDGE
        |         |         \-Matilda "Tilly" Sophia PAYNE
        \-Lylah Matilda Naomi ELDRIDGE
                  \-Elizabeth IRELAND

Descendants of Elizabeth Phyllis ELDRIDGE

1 Elizabeth Phyllis ELDRIDGE
  =Stanley Vincent FENTON  Marriage: 1936, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Leslie John FENTON
      2 Maxwell Stanley FENTON

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Ancestors of Ellen ELDRIDGE

        /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
        \-Elizabeth GUNYON

Descendants of Ellen ELDRIDGE

  =George F. GORDON  Marriage: 6 Jun 1854, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Martha Honarah GORDON
        =John CULLEN  Marriage: 1876, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary A. CULLEN
            3 Catherine CULLEN
            3 Florence A. CULLEN
            3 Alice Adeline CULLEN
              =Norman Dunn MORRIS  Marriage: 1912, Forbes, Forbes Shire, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Gertrude M. CULLEN
            3 George Alfred Cecil CULLEN
      2 George GORDON
        =Agnes BATKIN  Marriage: 1879, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
            3 George James GORDON
            3 John GORDON
            3 Robert William GORDON
            3 Annie GORDON
              =Walter Thomas MANNING  Marriage: 1905, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 David GORDON
            3 Edward H. GORDON
            3 Frank GORDON
            3 Emily M. GORDON
              =Arthur Neville MANNING  Marriage: 1912, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 William Henry GORDON
        =Rose Anne S. J. DALEY  Marriage: 1894, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ellen "Nell"  Agnes GORDON
              =Samuel Charles FREER  Marriage: 1920, Temora, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Lilian E. GORDON
              =A. MCMAHON
            3 Cecil George Mervyn GORDON
              =Hazel Mary STANNARD  Marriage: 1939, Nth Sydney, , NSW, Australia
      2 Mary Jane GORDON
        =Charles TAYLOR  Marriage: 1876, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
      2 James Alfred GORDON
      2 William Charles GORDON
        =Clementina Jane MELDRUM  Marriage: 1884, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Florence I. GORDON
              =William APPS  Marriage: 1901, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Walter W. GORDON
            3 George Ernest GORDON
            3 Alicetine N. GORDON
            3 Gladys May GORDON
              =John E. MCVICAR  Marriage: 1911, Forbes, Forbes Shire, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Daniel GORDON
      2 Charles GORDON
        =Catherine APPS  Marriage: 1893, Young, Hilltops, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Arthur Charles GORDON
              =Florence E. LAUNDESS  Marriage: 1925, Grenfell, Weddin Shire, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Alice Emily GORDON
      2 Thomas Alfred GORDON
      2 John GORDON

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Ancestors of Elsie Jane ELDRIDGE

                            /-James ELDRIDGE
                  /-William ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Mary Ann HANCOX
        /-Josiah ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-Jury CRAMP
        |         \-Jane CRAMP
        |                   \-Mary Anne EDMONDS
        |         /-Francis "Frank" CAMPBELL
        \-Isabella CAMPBELL
                  \-Ann LAMB

Descendants of Elsie Jane ELDRIDGE

1 Elsie Jane ELDRIDGE
  =Francis Cecil SHURMER  Marriage: 27 Apr 1921, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Living
        =Thelma Lillian MILLER
      2 Ronald Alan SHURMER
      2 Leslie Claude SHURMER
      2 Francis John SHURMER
            3 Living

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Ancestors of Elsie May ELDRIDGE

                            /-William ELDRIDGE
                  /-James Jury ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Jane CRAMP
        /-Arthur James ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-Charles PAYNE
        |         \-Matilda "Tilly" Sophia PAYNE
        |                   \-Flora Ann Elizabeth FITZGERALD
        |         /-John Thomas PICKER
        \-Jane PICKER
                  \-Elizabeth STANTON

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Ancestors of Elvy R. ELDRIDGE

                  /-James ELDRIDGE
        /-William ELDRIDGE
        \-Alice Octavia KNIGHT

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Descendants of Emily ELDRIDGE

  =John COUCH  Marriage: 1866, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 John William COUCH
        =Matha Jane COX  Marriage: 1890, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Herbert John COUCH
            3 Arthur William COUCH
            3 Grace COUCH
              =Robert JUSTICE
              =Roy Francis Kenny SCOTT  Marriage: 1912, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Maria Ellen COUCH
        =John William SMITH  Marriage: 1895, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Ena D. E. ELDRIDGE

                            /-William ELDRIDGE
                  /-James Jury ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Jane CRAMP
        /-Walter Charles ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-Charles PAYNE
        |         \-Matilda "Tilly" Sophia PAYNE
        |                   \-Flora Ann Elizabeth FITZGERALD
        |                   /-John Alexander CUMMING
        |         /-William CUMMINGS
        |         |         \-Anne MCGILLIVRAY
        \-Edith CUMMINGS
                  |         /-John FRASER
                  \-Jean FRASER

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Ancestors of Eric Roy ELDRIDGE

                            /-Daniel ELDRIDGE
                  /-John "Jack" ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Elizabeth GUNYON
        /-Thomas Daniel ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-John CROKER
        |         \-Mary Ann CROKER
        |                   \-Ann BURRELL
        |                   /-Alexander BATES
        |         /-Edward William BATES
        \-Eliza Lillian BATES
                  |         /-Arthur BUSH
                  \-Amelia B. BUSH
                            \-Amelia KEW

Descendants of Eric Roy ELDRIDGE

  =Edith Collier LOCKLEY  Marriage: 21 May 1930, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Thomas Maxwell ELDRIDGE
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Timothy Francis ELDRIDGE
      2 Erica Frances ELDRIDGE
        =Alexander MCCREATH  Marriage: Abt 1968
            3 Judith MCCREATH
            3 Living

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Erica Frances ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Erica Frances ELDRIDGE

                            /-John "Jack" ELDRIDGE
                  /-Thomas Daniel ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Mary Ann CROKER
        /-Eric Roy ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-Edward William BATES
        |         \-Eliza Lillian BATES
        |                   \-Amelia B. BUSH
Erica Frances ELDRIDGE
        |         /-Thomas Berry LOCKLEY
        \-Edith Collier LOCKLEY
                  \-Edith COLLIER

Descendants of Erica Frances ELDRIDGE

1 Erica Frances ELDRIDGE
  =Alexander MCCREATH  Marriage: Abt 1968
      2 Judith MCCREATH
      2 Living

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Ernest Alfred ELDRIDGE

Ancestors of Ernest Alfred ELDRIDGE

                            /-James ELDRIDGE
                  /-William ELDRIDGE
                  |         \-Mary Ann HANCOX
        /-Josiah ELDRIDGE
        |         |         /-Jury CRAMP
        |         \-Jane CRAMP
        |                   \-Mary Anne EDMONDS
Ernest Alfred ELDRIDGE
        |         /-Francis "Frank" CAMPBELL
        \-Isabella CAMPBELL
                  \-Ann LAMB

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