Unnamed CARNE

Ancestors of Unnamed CARNE

                            /-John CARNE
                  /-Thomas CARNE
                  |         \-Jenipher BAKER
        /-Thomas Broughton CARNE
        |         \-Mary Ann BROUGHTON
Unnamed CARNE
        |                   /-James Raworth KENNEDY
        |         /-John KENNEDY
        |         |         \-Eleanor Lydia PEARCE
        \-Ellen KENNEDY
                  |         /-Patrick BYRNE
                  \-Caroline BYRNE
                            \-Sarah BEST

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Ancestors of Andrew A. CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Ellen Squires CARNELL

Ancestors of Ellen Squires CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
Ellen Squires CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

Descendants of Ellen Squires CARNELL

1 Ellen Squires CARNELL
  =James LAWTON  Marriage: 1880, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 William John Wesley LAWTON
        =Emily Adelaide BAKER  Marriage: 1919, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Daphne Ellen LAWTON
            3 Laurie LAWTON
            3 Arthur James LAWTON
              =Nancy Helen BUTT  Marriage: 1953, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Linda LAWTON
            3 Isa LAWTON
      2 Eliza E. LAWTON
      2 James A. LAWTON
      2 Christina Victoria LAWTON
        =Frank Edward LEES  Marriage: 1909, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Roy Francis James LEES
              =Dorothy Jean LANHAM  Marriage: 1941, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Leonard Raymond LEES
              =Jean Mary HIGGINS  Marriage: Feb 1947, Wentworthville, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Melba Ellen LEES
              =Malcolm DENHAM  Marriage: 1947, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Wallace Herbert LEES
      2 Evangeline A. LAWTON
      2 Herbert P. LAWTON
      2 Maude M. LAWTON
      2 Ruby C. LAWTON
      2 May F. K. LAWTON

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James Charles CARNELL

Descendants of James Charles CARNELL

1 James Charles CARNELL
  =Hephzibah BUSH  Marriage: 1879, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 James Claude CARNELL

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James Charles CARNELL

Ancestors of James Charles CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
James Charles CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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James Claude CARNELL

Ancestors of James Claude CARNELL

        /-James Charles CARNELL
James Claude CARNELL
        |                   /-Arthur BUSH
        |         /-James BUSH
        |         |         \-Maria HUMPHRY
        \-Hephzibah BUSH
                  |         /-Michael PATTERSON
                  \-Janet PATTERSON
                            \-Mary PATTERSON

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Descendants of John CARNELL

  =Margaret REID  Marriage: 1898, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of John CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Phillip Henry CARNELL

Ancestors of Phillip Henry CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
Phillip Henry CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Robert Offley CARNELL

Ancestors of Robert Offley CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
Robert Offley CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Descendants of Sophia CARNELL

1 Sophia CARNELL
  =James SMITH  Marriage: 1863, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Sophia Jane SMITH
        =Edward "Ned" ALCHIN  Marriage: 1888, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Emma Plumb ALCHIN
              =John Adloph Alfred WRAY  Marriage: 1910, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cecil ALCHIN
            3 Herbert ALCHIN
              =Violet "May" Philadelphia WAYE  Marriage: 20 Oct 1917, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Horace ALCHIN
              =Elsie Alice POLL  Marriage: 1920, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
              =Myra Jane POLL  Marriage: 1944, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Leslie ALCHIN
            3 Ambrosina ALCHIN
              =Frank COOK  Marriage: 1926, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edna May ALCHIN
              =Robert H. SMITH  Marriage: 1930, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Sophia CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Thomas Charles CARNELL

Ancestors of Thomas Charles CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
Thomas Charles CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Descendants of William CARNELL

1 William CARNELL
  =Mary Jane LUCAS  Marriage: 1882, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of William CARNELL

1 William CARNELL
  =Hannah OFFLEY  Marriage: Jun 1842, St Ives, , Huntingdonshire, England
      2 Sophia CARNELL
      2 John CARNELL
      2 Robert Offley CARNELL
      2 William Offley CARNELL
      2 Thomas Charles CARNELL
      2 Ellen Squires CARNELL
        =James LAWTON  Marriage: 1880, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William John Wesley LAWTON
              =Emily Adelaide BAKER  Marriage: 1919, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eliza E. LAWTON
            3 James A. LAWTON
            3 Christina Victoria LAWTON
              =Frank Edward LEES  Marriage: 1909, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Evangeline A. LAWTON
            3 Herbert P. LAWTON
            3 Maude M. LAWTON
            3 Ruby C. LAWTON
            3 May F. K. LAWTON
      2 James Charles CARNELL
      2 Andrew A. CARNELL
      2 Phillip Henry CARNELL

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William Offley CARNELL

Ancestors of William Offley CARNELL

        /-William CARNELL
William Offley CARNELL
        \-Hannah OFFLEY

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Margaret M. Venetta CARNES

Ancestors of Margaret M. Venetta CARNES

        /-William CARNES
Margaret M. Venetta CARNES

Descendants of Margaret M. Venetta CARNES

1 Margaret M. Venetta CARNES
  =Flurrance Bert SHEEDY  Marriage: 1915, West Wyalong, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Olive May SHEEDY
        =Alfred Thomas BORMAN  Marriage: 1936, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Eric Thomas BORMAN
            3 Noel BORMAN
      2 Phyllis M. SHEEDY

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William CARNES

Descendants of William CARNES

1 William CARNES
      2 Margaret M. Venetta CARNES
        =Flurrance Bert SHEEDY  Marriage: 1915, West Wyalong, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Olive May SHEEDY
              =Alfred Thomas BORMAN  Marriage: 1936, Queanbeyan, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Phyllis M. SHEEDY

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Ancestors of Amy CARNEY

        /-Patrick CARNEY
        \-Catherine SMITH

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Amy Winifred CARNEY

Ancestors of Amy Winifred CARNEY

                  /-Patrick CARNEY
        /-Thomas CARNEY
        |         \-Catherine SMITH
Amy Winifred CARNEY
        |                   /-Owen LYNCH
        |         /-Edward Robert LYNCH
        |         |         \-Margaret STEWART
        \-Alice Maude May LYNCH
                  |         /-Thomas GILLESPIE
                  \-Eliza GILLESPIE
                            \-Catherine WILSON

Descendants of Amy Winifred CARNEY

1 Amy Winifred CARNEY
  =Christian WELLER  Marriage: 1939, Trunkey, , New South Wales, Australia
  =Sidney Angus WEBSTER  Marriage: 1947, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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