Edgar James HALLS

Ancestors of Edgar James HALLS

                  /-James HALLS
        /-James HALLS
        |         \-Margaret
Edgar James HALLS
        |                   /-George HANDLEY
        |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         |         \-Ellen STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
                  |         /-Robert ELLIOTT
                  \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT

Descendants of Edgar James HALLS

1 Edgar James HALLS
  =Elsie Elizabeth FORD  Marriage: 1924, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Elizabeth Ann HALLS

Ancestors of Elizabeth Ann HALLS

                  /-John HALLS
        /-John HALLS
        |         |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        |         \-Margaret O'CONNOR
        |                   \-Hannah FAHEY
Elizabeth Ann HALLS
        |         /-Martin LARKIN
        \-Bridget LARKIN
                  \-Elizabeth GATES

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Elsie I. B. HALLS

Ancestors of Elsie I. B. HALLS

                  /-James HALLS
        /-James HALLS
        |         \-Margaret
Elsie I. B. HALLS
        |                   /-George HANDLEY
        |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         |         \-Ellen STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
                  |         /-Robert ELLIOTT
                  \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT

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Ernest "Ned" Edward HALLS

Ancestors of Ernest "Ned" Edward HALLS

                  /-John HALLS
        /-John HALLS
        |         |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        |         \-Margaret O'CONNOR
        |                   \-Hannah FAHEY
Ernest "Ned" Edward HALLS
        |         /-Martin LARKIN
        \-Bridget LARKIN
                  \-Elizabeth GATES

Descendants of Ernest "Ned" Edward HALLS

1 Ernest "Ned" Edward HALLS
  =Margaret May SHEEHAN  Marriage: 1918, Bowral, , New South Wales, Australia

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Exeter Leo HALLS

Ancestors of Exeter Leo HALLS

                  /-John HALLS
        /-John HALLS
        |         |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        |         \-Margaret O'CONNOR
        |                   \-Hannah FAHEY
Exeter Leo HALLS
        |         /-Martin LARKIN
        \-Bridget LARKIN
                  \-Elizabeth GATES

Descendants of Exeter Leo HALLS

1 Exeter Leo HALLS
  =Ellen Anastasia BARRY  Marriage: 1917, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Joseph HALLS

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Gerald Gatred HALLS

Ancestors of Gerald Gatred HALLS

                  /-James HALLS
        /-James HALLS
        |         \-Margaret
Gerald Gatred HALLS
        |                   /-George HANDLEY
        |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         |         \-Ellen STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
                  |         /-Robert ELLIOTT
                  \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT

Descendants of Gerald Gatred HALLS

1 Gerald Gatred HALLS
  =Lalor May WHIPP  Marriage: Jun 1926, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 James Cleave HALLS

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Hannah HALLS

Ancestors of Hannah HALLS

        /-John HALLS
Hannah HALLS
        |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        \-Margaret O'CONNOR
                  \-Hannah FAHEY

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Harriet Mary HALLS

Ancestors of Harriet Mary HALLS

        /-John HALLS
Harriet Mary HALLS
        |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        \-Margaret O'CONNOR
                  \-Hannah FAHEY

Descendants of Harriet Mary HALLS

1 Harriet Mary HALLS
  =Dennis O'CONNOR  Marriage: 1887, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Dennis John O'CONNOR
      2 Patrick Henry Joseph O'CONNOR
      2 Sylvester W. O'CONNOR
        =Catherine O'BRIEN  Marriage: 1928, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Patricia O'CONNOR
            3 Raymond O'CONNOR
            3 Ellen "Molly" O'CONNOR
      2 Gerald Richard O'CONNOR
      2 Leslie James O'CONNOR
        =Ada Margaret HENNESSY  Marriage: 3 Apr 1933, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kenneth Martin O'CONNOR
              =Doreen Ella JOHNSON  Marriage: 1958, Liverpool, Liverpool City, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Cecil Claude O'CONNOR
        =Olive M. Sybil ABRAHAMS  Marriage: 1921, Cootamundra, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Peter Herbert O'CONNOR
      2 Walter Selby O'CONNOR
      2 Mary Gladys O'CONNOR
        =Robert John WHIPP  Marriage: 1925, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Henry William HALLS

Ancestors of Henry William HALLS

        /-John HALLS
Henry William HALLS
        |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        \-Margaret O'CONNOR
                  \-Hannah FAHEY

Descendants of Henry William HALLS

1 Henry William HALLS
  =Mary Ellen GODFERY  Marriage: 1887, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Daniel Joseph HALLS
      2 Margaret HALLS
      2 John Denis HALLS
        =Mabel COUCH  Marriage: 1917, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William Henry HALLS
            3 Bernard Joseph HALLS
            3 Mervyn "Pat" HALLS
      2 Catherine C. HALLS
      2 Phillomena HALLS

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Hilda B. HALLS

Ancestors of Hilda B. HALLS

                  /-James HALLS
        /-James HALLS
        |         \-Margaret
Hilda B. HALLS
        |                   /-George HANDLEY
        |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         |         \-Ellen STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
                  |         /-Robert ELLIOTT
                  \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT

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Horace HALLS

Ancestors of Horace HALLS

        /-James HALLS
Horace HALLS

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Horace David Gordon HALLS

Ancestors of Horace David Gordon HALLS

                  /-James HALLS
        /-James HALLS
        |         \-Margaret
Horace David Gordon HALLS
        |                   /-George HANDLEY
        |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         |         \-Ellen STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
                  |         /-Robert ELLIOTT
                  \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT

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Ancestors of Ida C. HALLS

                  /-James HALLS
        /-James HALLS
        |         \-Margaret
        |                   /-George HANDLEY
        |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         |         \-Ellen STEPHENSON
        \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
                  |         /-Robert ELLIOTT
                  \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT

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Descendants of Ivy HALLS

  =John Alexander LINDSAY  Marriage: 29 Aug 1975

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Ancestors of James HALLS

        /-James HALLS

Descendants of James HALLS

1 James HALLS
  =Mary Anne HANDLEY  Marriage: 1891, Taralga, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edgar James HALLS
        =Elsie Elizabeth FORD  Marriage: 1924, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Gerald Gatred HALLS
        =Lalor May WHIPP  Marriage: Jun 1926, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 James Cleave HALLS
      2 Margaret V. HALLS
      2 Doris F. HALLS
      2 Veronica "Vera" Beryl May HALLS
        =Robert Henry FLETCHER  Marriage: 1920, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Robert Neville FLETCHER
              =Audrey Eileen WATERS  Marriage: 1945, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Maxwell Colin FLETCHER
      2 Ida C. HALLS
      2 Albion Vincent Luke HALLS
        =Catherine "Willa" Mary Willamena MCALISTER  Marriage: 29 Apr 1940, Taralga, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kenneth Geoffrey HALLS
      2 Percy John Maxwell HALLS
      2 Elsie I. B. HALLS
      2 Horace David Gordon HALLS
      2 Mona M. HALLS
      2 John Ivan HALLS
      2 Hilda B. HALLS
      2 Oriel HALLS

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Descendants of James HALLS

1 James HALLS
  =Margaret  Marriage: Est 1860
      2 James HALLS
        =Mary Anne HANDLEY  Marriage: 1891, Taralga, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Edgar James HALLS
              =Elsie Elizabeth FORD  Marriage: 1924, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Gerald Gatred HALLS
              =Lalor May WHIPP  Marriage: Jun 1926, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Margaret V. HALLS
            3 Doris F. HALLS
            3 Veronica "Vera" Beryl May HALLS
              =Robert Henry FLETCHER  Marriage: 1920, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ida C. HALLS
            3 Albion Vincent Luke HALLS
              =Catherine "Willa" Mary Willamena MCALISTER  Marriage: 29 Apr 1940, Taralga, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Percy John Maxwell HALLS
            3 Elsie I. B. HALLS
            3 Horace David Gordon HALLS
            3 Mona M. HALLS
            3 John Ivan HALLS
            3 Hilda B. HALLS
            3 Oriel HALLS
      2 Horace HALLS
      2 Mary F. HALLS
        =Wesley EVERINGHAM  Marriage: 1891, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Martha T. HALLS
        =George FELTHAM  Marriage: 1899, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Margaret P. HALLS
        =John LARKIN  Marriage: 1910, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of James HALLS

        /-John HALLS
        |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        \-Margaret O'CONNOR
                  \-Hannah FAHEY

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James Cleave HALLS

Ancestors of James Cleave HALLS

                            /-James HALLS
                  /-James HALLS
                  |         \-Margaret
        /-Gerald Gatred HALLS
        |         |         /-Philip George HANDLEY
        |         \-Mary Anne HANDLEY
        |                   \-Letitia Caroline ELLIOTT
James Cleave HALLS
        |                   /-Robert John WHIP
        |         /-George Robert WHIPP
        |         |         \-Eliza MENZIES
        \-Lalor May WHIPP
                  |         /-William ELLIOTT
                  \-Rose Jane ELLIOTT
                            \-Agnes White CONNOR

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James Matthew HALLS

Ancestors of James Matthew HALLS

                  /-John HALLS
        /-John HALLS
        |         |         /-Denis O'CONNOR
        |         \-Margaret O'CONNOR
        |                   \-Hannah FAHEY
James Matthew HALLS
        |         /-Martin LARKIN
        \-Bridget LARKIN
                  \-Elizabeth GATES

Descendants of James Matthew HALLS

1 James Matthew HALLS
  =Alice Maude MCLEAY  Marriage: 1906, Berry, , New South Wales, Australia

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Descendants of John HALLS

1 John HALLS
  =Margaret O'CONNOR  Marriage: 25 May 1854, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary Ann HALLS
      2 Bridget HALLS
        =Thomas Matthew LARKIN  Marriage: 1880, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Margaret Ann LARKIN
            3 Elizabeth Mildred LARKIN
              =Michael Joseph MCALISTER  Marriage: 1910, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 William P. G. LARKIN
            3 Martha M. LARKIN
            3 John F. LARKIN
            3 Madeline LARKIN
            3 Matilda LARKIN
            3 Thomas V. LARKIN
      2 John HALLS
        =Bridget LARKIN  Marriage: 1877, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 John Martin HALLS
            3 James Matthew HALLS
              =Alice Maude MCLEAY  Marriage: 1906, Berry, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth Ann HALLS
            3 Catherine M. HALLS
            3 Mary M. HALLS
            3 Thomas HALLS
            3 Annie HALLS
            3 William Vincent HALLS
              =Mary Abina BARRY  Marriage: 1914, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Exeter Leo HALLS
              =Ellen Anastasia BARRY  Marriage: 1917, Moss Vale, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Ernest "Ned" Edward HALLS
              =Margaret May SHEEHAN  Marriage: 1918, Bowral, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 James HALLS
      2 Margaret Mary HALLS
        =James Edward SOTHERAN  Marriage: 10 Aug 1892, Redfern, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Dorothy Mary SOTHERAN
              =William Joseph HENNESSY  Marriage: 18 Jun 1919, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2  HALLS
      2 Harriet Mary HALLS
        =Dennis O'CONNOR  Marriage: 1887, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Dennis John O'CONNOR
            3 Patrick Henry Joseph O'CONNOR
            3 Sylvester W. O'CONNOR
              =Catherine O'BRIEN  Marriage: 1928, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Gerald Richard O'CONNOR
            3 Leslie James O'CONNOR
              =Ada Margaret HENNESSY  Marriage: 3 Apr 1933, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cecil Claude O'CONNOR
              =Olive M. Sybil ABRAHAMS  Marriage: 1921, Cootamundra, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Peter Herbert O'CONNOR
            3 Walter Selby O'CONNOR
            3 Mary Gladys O'CONNOR
              =Robert John WHIPP  Marriage: 1925, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Henry William HALLS
        =Mary Ellen GODFERY  Marriage: 1887, Murrumburrah, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Daniel Joseph HALLS
            3 Margaret HALLS
            3 John Denis HALLS
              =Mabel COUCH  Marriage: 1917, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Catherine C. HALLS
            3 Phillomena HALLS
      2 Stephen HALLS
      2 Martha Therese HALLS
        =George FELTHAM  Marriage: 1899, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Neville FELTHAM
              =Blanche STOCKTON  Marriage: 1931, Rockdale, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Hannah HALLS

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