Jospeh BUSH

Ancestors of Jospeh BUSH

                            /-Arthur BUSH
                  /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  |         \-Hephzibah BLACKCLOTH
        /-Abraham "Ham" H. BUSH
        |         \-Mary FLOOD
Jospeh BUSH
        |                   /-Robert POLLARD
        |         /-William POLLARD
        \-Emily POLLARD
                  |         /-John W. WHEATLEY
                  \-Lucy WHEATLEY

Descendants of Jospeh BUSH

1 Jospeh BUSH
  =Angelina DAWE  Marriage: 1907, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thelma Carlotta BUSH
      2 Rita Lorraine BUSH
        =Alfred William HOWARD  Marriage: 1939, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Maudie Irene BUSH

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Joyce Hilda BUSH

Ancestors of Joyce Hilda BUSH

                            /-Arthur BUSH
                  /-Arthur BUSH
                  |         \-Amelia KEW
        /-William Lochiel BUSH
        |         \-Catherine "Kate" M. ROFFE
Joyce Hilda BUSH
        |         /-Mark HILLIER
        \-Julia Ellenor HILLIER
                  \-Julia FISH

Descendants of Joyce Hilda BUSH

1 Joyce Hilda BUSH
  =Trevor Eric RAYNER  Marriage: 1952, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia

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Julia Pheobe Esther BUSH

Ancestors of Julia Pheobe Esther BUSH

                            /-Arthur BUSH
                  /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  |         \-Hephzibah BLACKCLOTH
        /-John BUSH
        |         \-Mary FLOOD
Julia Pheobe Esther BUSH
        |                   /-Arthur BUSH
        |         /-Arthur BUSH
        |         |         \-Hephzibah BLACKCLOTH
        \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
                  |         /-William R. HUMPHRY
                  \-Maria HUMPHRY

Descendants of Julia Pheobe Esther BUSH

1 Julia Pheobe Esther BUSH
  =Henry BUNFIELD  Marriage: 1863, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Hannah BUNFIELD
        =Francis WATERS  Marriage: 1902, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Francis G. R. WATERS
            3 Frederick WATERS
            3 Edgar T. WATERS
      2 Ellen J. BUNFIELD
        =Joseph Louis A. POIDEVIN  Marriage: 11 Nov 1901, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Joseph Erith POIDEVIN
              =Mary Rita TURTON  Marriage: 12 Dec 1927, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Rose May BUNFIELD
      2 Rufus Garnet Charles BUNFIELD
        =Clara Mabel BROWN  Marriage: 1924, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia

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Kathleen BUSH

Ancestors of Kathleen BUSH

                            /-John BUSH
                  /-John BUSH
                  |         \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
        /-Edward BUSH
        |         |         /-William GINN
        |         \-Sarah Summerville GINN
        |                   \-Ann Maria BIRCHENO
Kathleen BUSH
        |         /-Charles LOWE
        \-Lillian C. LOWE

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Keith BUSH

Ancestors of Keith BUSH

                            /-John BUSH
                  /-John BUSH
                  |         \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
        /-Edward BUSH
        |         |         /-William GINN
        |         \-Sarah Summerville GINN
        |                   \-Ann Maria BIRCHENO
Keith BUSH
        |         /-Charles LOWE
        \-Lillian C. LOWE

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Kenneth BUSH

Ancestors of Kenneth BUSH

                            /-John BUSH
                  /-John BUSH
                  |         \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
        /-Raymond BUSH
        |         |         /-William GINN
        |         \-Sarah Summerville GINN
        |                   \-Ann Maria BIRCHENO
Kenneth BUSH
        |         /-Albert WOODMAN
        \-Vera Gertrude WOODMAN
                  \-Amelia BOND

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Descendants of L. BUSH

      2 Lynette Kathleen BUSH
        =Wallace John WARK  Marriage: 1948, Reid, , ACT, Australia

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Laurel W. D. BUSH

Ancestors of Laurel W. D. BUSH

                            /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  /-Abraham "Ham" H. BUSH
                  |         \-Mary FLOOD
        /-David BUSH
        |         |         /-William POLLARD
        |         \-Emily POLLARD
        |                   \-Lucy WHEATLEY
Laurel W. D. BUSH
        \-Susannah M. RANDALL

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Leila BUSH

Ancestors of Leila BUSH

                            /-Abraham "Ham" H. BUSH
                  /-George Arthur BUSH
                  |         \-Emily POLLARD
        /-Spencer Raymond BUSH
        |         \-Blanche DAVIS
Leila BUSH
        |         /-Alfred THORN
        \-Johana "Nellie" Ellen THORN
                  |         /-Arthur BUSH
                  \-Emily BUSH
                            \-Amelia KEW

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Leslie Bertie Allan BUSH

Ancestors of Leslie Bertie Allan BUSH

                            /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  /-Abraham "Ham" H. BUSH
                  |         \-Mary FLOOD
        /-Henry BUSH
        |         |         /-William POLLARD
        |         \-Emily POLLARD
        |                   \-Lucy WHEATLEY
Leslie Bertie Allan BUSH
        |         /-George PITCHES
        \-Emma E. L. PITCHES
                  \-Ellen MANNING

Descendants of Leslie Bertie Allan BUSH

1 Leslie Bertie Allan BUSH
  =Jessamine E. H. POLLARD  Marriage: 1923, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Esma Meryl BUSH
      2 Doreen Madge BUSH

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Leslie Warren BUSH

Ancestors of Leslie Warren BUSH

                            /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  /-John BUSH
                  |         \-Mary FLOOD
        /-Charles Thomas BUSH
        |         |         /-Arthur BUSH
        |         \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
        |                   \-Maria HUMPHRY
Leslie Warren BUSH
        |         /-William FOULKES
        \-Eliza FOULKES

Descendants of Leslie Warren BUSH

1 Leslie Warren BUSH
  =Elsie Elizabeth MOORE  Marriage: 1925, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia

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Lillian BUSH

Ancestors of Lillian BUSH

        /-Albert Edwin BUSH
Lillian BUSH
        |                   /-James HOPKINS
        |         /-William HOPKINS
        |         |         \-Martha WELLS
        \-Mary Lucy HOPKINS
                  |         /-Edward DANIEL
                  \-Lucy DANIEL
                            \-Mary LANE

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Lillian E. S. BUSH

Ancestors of Lillian E. S. BUSH

                            /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  /-Abraham "Ham" H. BUSH
                  |         \-Mary FLOOD
        /-David BUSH
        |         |         /-William POLLARD
        |         \-Emily POLLARD
        |                   \-Lucy WHEATLEY
Lillian E. S. BUSH
        \-Susannah M. RANDALL

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Lilly F BUSH

Ancestors of Lilly F BUSH

                            /-Arthur BUSH
                  /-James BUSH
                  |         \-Maria HUMPHRY
        /-Michael BUSH
        |         |         /-Michael PATTERSON
        |         \-Janet PATTERSON
        |                   \-Mary PATTERSON
Lilly F BUSH
        |                   /-Archibald MARSHALL
        |         /-William MARSHALL
        |         |         \-Frances "Fanny" ELVIN
        \-Frances Margaret MARSHALL
                  \-Harriett Ann JONES

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Lindsay Ross BUSH

Ancestors of Lindsay Ross BUSH

                  /-Arthur BUSH
        /-Thomas BUSH
        |         \-Amelia KEW
Lindsay Ross BUSH
        |                   /-John Thomas HEAT
        |         /-Richard Thomas HEAT
        \-Janet Mary Anna V. HEAT
                  |         /-James ROFFE
                  \-Elizabeth ROFFE
                            \-Janet LYELL

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Louisa M. BUSH

Ancestors of Louisa M. BUSH

                            /-Jeremiah BUSH
                  /-John BUSH
                  |         \-Mary FLOOD
        /-Edward BUSH
        |         |         /-Arthur BUSH
        |         \-Hephzibah "Happy" BUSH
        |                   \-Maria HUMPHRY
Louisa M. BUSH
        \-Sarah Jane ROBINSON

Descendants of Louisa M. BUSH

1 Louisa M. BUSH
  =William R. DIXON  Marriage: 1918, Grenfell, Weddin Shire, New South Wales, Australia

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Louisa Susannah BUSH

Ancestors of Louisa Susannah BUSH

                            /-Arthur BUSH
                  /-James BUSH
                  |         \-Maria HUMPHRY
        /-Alexander BUSH
        |         |         /-Michael PATTERSON
        |         \-Janet PATTERSON
        |                   \-Mary PATTERSON
Louisa Susannah BUSH
        |         /-George BENNETT
        \-Elizabeth BENNETT
                  \-Margaret BREAKY

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Lynette Kathleen BUSH

Ancestors of Lynette Kathleen BUSH

        /-L. BUSH
Lynette Kathleen BUSH

Descendants of Lynette Kathleen BUSH

1 Lynette Kathleen BUSH
  =Wallace John WARK  Marriage: 1948, Reid, , ACT, Australia

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Mabel Elizabeth BUSH

Ancestors of Mabel Elizabeth BUSH

                            /-Arthur BUSH
                  /-James BUSH
                  |         \-Maria HUMPHRY
        /-Alexander BUSH
        |         |         /-Michael PATTERSON
        |         \-Janet PATTERSON
        |                   \-Mary PATTERSON
Mabel Elizabeth BUSH
        |         /-George BENNETT
        \-Elizabeth BENNETT
                  \-Margaret BREAKY

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Mabel I. B. BUSH

Ancestors of Mabel I. B. BUSH

                  /-George BUSH
                  |         \-Elizabeth BUSH
        /-Thomas George BUSH
        |         |         /-Thomas BUNFIELD
        |         \-Phoebe BUNFIELD
        |                   \-Hannah ROLFE
Mabel I. B. BUSH
        |                   /-William POLLARD
        |         /-Benjamin POLLARD
        |         |         \-Lucy WHEATLEY
        \-Sarah Lucy POLLARD
                  |         /-Thomas BROWN
                  \-Sophia BROWN
                            \-Sarah TURK

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