Ancestors of Bernice COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-Walter COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
        |                   /-William GEORGE
        |         /-George GEORGE
        |         |         \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
        \-Edith A. GEORGE
                  |         /-Stephen RUSSELL
                  \-Harriet RUSSELL

Descendants of Bernice COLLINS

1 Bernice COLLINS
  =Andrew Walter Mervyn REEVES  Marriage: 1924, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mervyn John REEVES

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Betty Joan COLLINS

Descendants of Betty Joan COLLINS

1 Betty Joan COLLINS
  =Wallace George CROKER  Marriage: 1952, Boorowa, Hilltops Council, New South Wales, Australia
  = BENNETT  Marriage: Abt 1992

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Descendants of Bridget COLLINS

1 Bridget COLLINS
  =Richard PEARD  Marriage: Abt 1833
      2 Ellen PEARD
        =William NEILL  Marriage: 1858, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Richard PEARD
      2 Henry Joseph PEARD
        =Catherine Mary MCFARLANE  Marriage: 1872, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cyril John PEARD
            3 Henry Joseph PEARD
              =Harriet Dulcie ALCHIN  Marriage: 1914, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Cecila Bridget PEARD
            3  PEARD
            3 Euphemia Catherine PEARD
            3 Sylvester William PEARD
            3 Alice E. PEARD
      2 Eliza PEARD
        =William MCGOWAN  Marriage: 1866, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Bridget Mary PEARD
        =John CLARK  Marriage: 1872, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Margaret PEARD
      2 William John PEARD

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Bridget Josephine COLLINS

Ancestors of Bridget Josephine COLLINS

        /-John COLLINS
Bridget Josephine COLLINS
        |         /-Patrick HARTIGAN
        \-Mary HARTIGAN

Descendants of Bridget Josephine COLLINS

1 Bridget Josephine COLLINS
  =Patrick MOONEY  Marriage: 1911, Randwick, , New South Wales, Australia

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Bridget M. COLLINS

Ancestors of Bridget M. COLLINS

        /-Patrick COLLINS
Bridget M. COLLINS
        \-Mary CUSHIN

Descendants of Bridget M. COLLINS

1 Bridget M. COLLINS
  =Patrick REARDON  Marriage: 1883, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Bridget REARDON
      2 Mary Josephine REARDON
      2 Patrick Francis REARDON
        =Doris Josephine MCINNES  Marriage: Jun 1927, Cowra, , New South Wales, Australia
        =Mary Angela MCGUIRE  Marriage: 1931, Gunning, King, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Catherine REARDON
      2 Theresa Gertrude REARDON
        =Patrick Francis MOONEY  Marriage: 6 Sep 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Alice REARDON
      2 Ella F. REARDON
      2 Leo REARDON
        =Monica Ivy DWYER  Marriage: 1933, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Bernard Francis REARDON
              =Jean Patricia HEFFERNAN  Marriage: 1961, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living

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Carl Douglas COLLINS

Ancestors of Carl Douglas COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-Robert C. COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
Carl Douglas COLLINS
        |                   /-John FAIRALL
        |         /-Reuben FAIRALL
        \-Eleanor FAIRALL
                  |         /-George HYDE
                  \-Arabella HYDE

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Catherine COLLINS

Descendants of Catherine COLLINS

1 Catherine COLLINS
  =William Henry WHITING  Marriage: 1870, Singleton, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Cecil Richard WHITING
      2 Laura Kate WHITING
      2 Elsie Alice WHITING
      2 Reginals Stanley WHITING
      2 Leonard Collins WHITING
        =Emily Albertha WHIP  Marriage: 1909, Taralga, Argyle, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Leonard Alfred WHITING
              =Cora Dulcie Florence OLD  Marriage: 1938, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edith May WHITING

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Catherine COLLINS

Ancestors of Catherine COLLINS

        /-Patrick COLLINS
Catherine COLLINS
        \-Mary CUSHIN

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Catherine "Kate" Elizabeth COLLINS

Ancestors of Catherine "Kate" Elizabeth COLLINS

        /-John COLLINS
Catherine "Kate" Elizabeth COLLINS
        |         /-Patrick HARTIGAN
        \-Mary HARTIGAN

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Catherine B. COLLINS

Descendants of Catherine B. COLLINS

1 Catherine B. COLLINS
  =Charles William LAWS  Marriage: 1897, Glebe, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Edgar R. LAWS
      2 Charles W. M. LAWS
  =Luke A. CREALY  Marriage: 1904, Redfern, , New South Wales, Australia

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Cecil Leslie COLLINS

Ancestors of Cecil Leslie COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-George Thomas COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
Cecil Leslie COLLINS
        \-Katherine BROWN

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Christina M. COLLINS

Descendants of Christina M. COLLINS

1 Christina M. COLLINS
  =Thomas C. JOHNS  Marriage: 1897, Tuena, Upper Lachlan, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Thomas Charles JOHNS
        =Eliza Catherine CARNEY  Marriage: 1928, Trunkey, , New South Wales, Australia

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Chrles James COLLINS

Descendants of Chrles James COLLINS

1 Chrles James COLLINS
  =Johanna Josephine CRIMMINS  Marriage: 1895, Cooma, , New South Wales, Australia

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Clementine Lydia Arrabel COLLINS

Ancestors of Clementine Lydia Arrabel COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-Robert C. COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
Clementine Lydia Arrabel COLLINS
        |                   /-John FAIRALL
        |         /-Reuben FAIRALL
        \-Eleanor FAIRALL
                  |         /-George HYDE
                  \-Arabella HYDE

Descendants of Clementine Lydia Arrabel COLLINS

1 Clementine Lydia Arrabel COLLINS
  =Benjamin Henry GORHAM  Marriage: 1924, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Cornelius COLLINS

Descendants of Cornelius COLLINS

1 Cornelius COLLINS
  =Mary KEOUGH  Marriage: 1867, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mary Jane COLLINS
        =John CROKE  Marriage: 1899, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mary P. CROKE
            3 Cornelius Thomas CROKE
              =Ellen "Nellie" Angeline LAWLER  Marriage: 1932, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
              =Agnes "Nessie" Jane HOBSON  Marriage: 1969, Wollongong, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 James Michael CROKE
            3 John Vincent CROKE
            3 Patrick Sylvester CROKE

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Cornelius COLLINS

Ancestors of Cornelius COLLINS

        /-Patrick COLLINS
Cornelius COLLINS
        \-Mary CUSHIN

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Descendants of Daniel COLLINS

1 Daniel COLLINS
      2 Martin COLLINS
        =Mary Ann WHITEHEAD  Marriage: 1893, Bombala, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Hannah Dora A. COLLINS
              =Sidney Richard VERRENDER  Marriage: 19 Dec 1916, Bombala, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Harold Joseph COLLINS
              =Edna Mavis SNOW  Marriage: 1940, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Ancestors of Donald J. COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-William George COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
        \-Anne BROWN

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Ancestors of Doris A. M. COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-William George COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
        \-Anne BROWN

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Ancestors of Dudley R. COLLINS

                  /-Robert COLLINS
        /-William George COLLINS
        |         |         /-William GEORGE
        |         \-Lydia GEORGE
        |                   \-Mary SHOEBRIDGE
        \-Anne BROWN

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