Helen Eliza ANDERSON

Ancestors of Helen Eliza ANDERSON

                  /-John ANDERSON
        /-John Thitchenor ANDERSON
        |         \-Mary Ann THITCHENOR
Helen Eliza ANDERSON
        \-Mary Ann LUSCOMBE

Descendants of Helen Eliza ANDERSON

1 Helen Eliza ANDERSON
  =Edward WEBB  Marriage: 12 Apr 1871, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
      2 Lavinia Grace WEBB
        =Joseph Enos HOCKEY  Marriage: 1911, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 Kenneth Samuel HOCKEY
              =Shirley Mary TEMPLE  Marriage: 1954, Nowra, , NSW, AUS
            3 Iris Jean HOCKEY
              =Roy Edward HOCKEY  Marriage: 1942, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Sylvia Rose M. WEBB
        =Edward Phillip AUBREY  Marriage: 4 Sep 1912, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Hazel Kathleen AUBREY
              =Thomas Joseph BAXTER  Marriage: 1934, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 John Edward AUBREY
              =Patricia Philomena KENNEDY  Marriage: 1938, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mercia Veronica AUBREY
              =Samuel George OSMOND  Marriage: 1939, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Melville Cavanagh AUBREY
              =Stella SHEPHARD  Marriage: 1945, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS

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Descendants of Henry ANDERSON

  =Frances HOWARD  Marriage: 1870, Tambaroora, , NSW, AUS
      2 Frances Sophia ANDERSON
        =Robert COOMBS  Marriage: 1901, Molong, , NSW, AUS

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Descendants of Henry ANDERSON

  =Mary BURKE  Marriage: 12 Jul 1864, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 John ANDERSON
        =Annie Elizabeth POLLOCK  Marriage: 1917, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 George Henry ANDERSON
              =Rita Geraldeen HEWITT  Marriage: 1946, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
      2 Henry ANDERSON
      2 James ANDERSON
        =Anne Jane KEOUGH  Marriage: 28 Jun 1911, Golspie, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mary Magdalene ANDERSON
              =Richard Francis CARTWRIGHT  Marriage: 1940, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Ellen ANDERSON
            3 Thomas James ANDERSON
              =Pauline Gemma SMITH  Marriage: 1944, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Cecil Henry ANDERSON
      2 Edward ANDERSON
        =Bridget MCCORMACK  Marriage: 1898, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 James Joseph ANDERSON
              =Lavina Ruby GRAY  Marriage: 1929, Temora, , NSW, AUS
            3 Julia M. M. ANDERSON
              =Charles Ernest WHITTINGTON  Marriage: 1928, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Katherine ANDERSON
              =Peter John GRAY  Marriage: 1942, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
      2 William ANDERSON
      2 Sarah Jane ANDERSON
        =Patrick Laurence GRANT  Marriage: 11 Jan 1898, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Edward GRANT
            3 Mary Margaret GRANT
              =John Francis MCCORMACK  Marriage: 1920, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
              =Amos CAMPBELL  Marriage: 1935, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Henry Joseph GRANT
              =Annie Veronica SHEEHY  Marriage: 23 Apr 1928, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Anastasia Alice GRANT
              =James Joseph TREACY  Marriage: 1925, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Bridget GRANT
            3 James M. GRANT
      2 Martin Thomas ANDERSON
        =Mary Margaret POLLOCK  Marriage: 1915, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Henry George ANDERSON
              =Norma Janet MACK  Marriage: 1948, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Annie Mary ANDERSON
              =Harold Clifford MOSS  Marriage: 1952, Blayney, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mary E. ANDERSON
            3 Colin Reginald ANDERSON
            3 Living
      2 Norah Josephine ANDERSON
        =Thomas Ignatius MCALISTER  Marriage: 8 Nov 1898, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Annie Mary M. MCALISTER
              =Edward Thomas CUSACK  Marriage: 1916, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mary V. MCALISTER
            3 Henry Joseph MCALISTER
            3 Ellen C. MCALISTER
            3 James W. MCALISTER
            3 Marguerite R. MCALISTER
            3 Thomas John MCALISTER
            3 Kevin J. MCALISTER
      2 George Michael ANDERSON
      2 Maria Bridget ANDERSON
        =James Vincent CROKE  Marriage: 1903, Sydney, , NSW, AUS
            3 Henry Vincent CROKE
              =Eileen Agnes CLARKE  Marriage: 1928, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 James Alfred CROKE
              =Minnie Amelia COLLINS  Marriage: 1930, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mary Josephine CROKE
              =Sylvester George EVANS  Marriage: 1936, Cooma, , NSW, AUS
            3 Allan M. CROKE
            3 Sylvester Oswald CROKE
              =Ada Mary MCDONALD  Marriage: 1934, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Catherine Veronica CROKE
              =Reginald John CUMMINS  Marriage: 1941, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Gregory Malchoir CROKE
      2 Alice ANDERSON
        =Thomas KENNEDY  Marriage: 23 Jun 1903, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Sarah V. KENNEDY
            3 Mary Ellen KENNEDY
              =Patrick Anthony TALTY  Marriage: 29 Nov 1930, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Veronica E. KENNEDY
            3 William James KENNEDY
              =Irene Mary Boulton RYAN  Marriage: 4 Aug 1951, Strathfield, , NSW, AUS
            3 Gertrude Alice KENNEDY
              =Joseph Raymond DWYER  Marriage: 1949, Wagga Wagga, , NSW, AUS
            3 Eileen Bridget KENNEDY
              =Leo Francis KEELY  Marriage: 1966, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Annie Magdalene KENNEDY
              =Jack Thomas Charles NAGLE  Marriage: 25 Nov 1940, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Henry Bernard KENNEDY
            3 Thomas G. KENNEDY
            3 Theresa Josephine KENNEDY
            3 Leslie Alphonsus KENNEDY
              =Rita Noeleen STEPHENSON  Marriage: 1944, Bega, , NSW, AUS
      2 Michael Francis ANDERSON
        =Rose Mary MCCORMACK  Marriage: 1907, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Timothy Leslie ANDERSON
            3 Mary Rose ANDERSON
              =Arthur Wallace JONES  Marriage: 1929, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Julia Agnes ANDERSON
            3 Kevin John ANDERSON
              =Rita Margaret GRIFFITHS  Marriage: 1940, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS

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Ancestors of Henry ANDERSON

        /-Henry ANDERSON
        \-Mary BURKE

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Henry George ANDERSON

Ancestors of Henry George ANDERSON

                  /-Henry ANDERSON
        /-Martin Thomas ANDERSON
        |         \-Mary BURKE
Henry George ANDERSON
        |                   /-John POLLOCK
        |         /-George POLLOCK
        |         |         \-Maria MCCOLL
        \-Mary Margaret POLLOCK
                  |         /-Edward MAYERS
                  \-Annie Elizabeth MAYERS

Descendants of Henry George ANDERSON

1 Henry George ANDERSON
  =Norma Janet MACK  Marriage: 1948, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living

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Henry Rowland ANDERSON

Descendants of Henry Rowland ANDERSON

1 Henry Rowland ANDERSON
  =Emily SHEPHERD  Marriage: 1896, Sydney, , NSW, AUS
      2 Dorothy Mary ANDERSON
        =Daniel Patrick GANNON  Marriage: 1922, Woollahra, , NSW, AUS
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Mary ANDERSON
      2 James Charles ANDERSON
        =Dorothy Sophia HOPCROFT  Marriage: 1927, Sydney, , NSW, AUS
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
      2 Roy ANDERSON

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Ancestors of James ANDERSON

        /-Henry ANDERSON
        \-Mary BURKE

Descendants of James ANDERSON

  =Anne Jane KEOUGH  Marriage: 28 Jun 1911, Golspie, , NSW, AUS
      2 Mary Magdalene ANDERSON
        =Richard Francis CARTWRIGHT  Marriage: 1940, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Barbara Mary CARTWRIGHT
      2 Ellen ANDERSON
      2 Thomas James ANDERSON
        =Pauline Gemma SMITH  Marriage: 1944, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Thomas ANDERSON
      2 Cecil Henry ANDERSON

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Descendants of James ANDERSON

  =Nellie Brook MCNAUGHT  Marriage: 1942, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS

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James Charles ANDERSON

Ancestors of James Charles ANDERSON

        /-Henry Rowland ANDERSON
James Charles ANDERSON
        |                   /-Joseph "Joe" SHEPHERD
        |         /-James SHEPHERD
        |         |         \-Margaret BURRELL
        \-Emily SHEPHERD
                  \-Sarah FLOOD

Descendants of James Charles ANDERSON

1 James Charles ANDERSON
  =Dorothy Sophia HOPCROFT  Marriage: 1927, Sydney, , NSW, AUS
      2 Living
      2 Living
      2 Living

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James Henry ANDERSON

Ancestors of James Henry ANDERSON

                  /-John ANDERSON
        /-John Thitchenor ANDERSON
        |         \-Mary Ann THITCHENOR
James Henry ANDERSON
        \-Mary Ann LUSCOMBE

Descendants of James Henry ANDERSON

1 James Henry ANDERSON
  =Margaret NEWBURY  Marriage: 27 Dec 1871, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS

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James Joseph ANDERSON

Ancestors of James Joseph ANDERSON

                  /-Henry ANDERSON
        /-Edward ANDERSON
        |         \-Mary BURKE
James Joseph ANDERSON
        |                   /-Timothy MCCORMACK
        |         /-Hugh MCCORMACK
        |         |         \-Catherine BANNON
        \-Bridget MCCORMACK
                  |         /-Michael HEWITT
                  \-Johanna HEWITT
                            \-Margaret RYAN

Descendants of James Joseph ANDERSON

1 James Joseph ANDERSON
  =Lavina Ruby GRAY  Marriage: 1929, Temora, , NSW, AUS

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Ancestors of John ANDERSON

        /-Henry ANDERSON
        \-Mary BURKE

Descendants of John ANDERSON

  =Annie Elizabeth POLLOCK  Marriage: 1917, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
      2 George Henry ANDERSON
        =Rita Geraldeen HEWITT  Marriage: 1946, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living
            3 Living

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Descendants of John ANDERSON

  =Marion CRIGHTON
      2 Flora ANDERSON
        =Benjamin DAWSON  Marriage: 28 Sep 1804, Arbroath, , ANS, SCT
            3 Elizabeth "Betty" DAWSON
            3 John DAWSON
            3 Peter DAWSON
            3 David DAWSON
              =Hannah Harriet HERMITAGE  Marriage: 10 Jun 1833, Plumstead, , Kent, England
            3 Jane DAWSON
            3 Hannah Armitage DAWSON
            3 William DAWSON
              =Margaret LEARY  Marriage: 1839, Wexford, WEX, Leinster, IRL
              =Mary Caroline MATTHEWS  Marriage: 26 Jan 1880, , , , England
            3 Mary DAWSON
            3 Christian Morffet DAWSON
            3 Martha DAWSON
              =Angus MCKAY  Marriage: 7 Feb 1842, Plumstead, , Kent, England
            3 Rebecca DAWSON
              =Charles William HARDSTONE  Marriage: 1848, Lewisham, , KEN, ENG
            3 Sarah DAWSON
              =Archibald MUNRO  Marriage: 12 Sep 1844, Woolwich, , KEN, ENG
              =James DOWNS  Marriage: 1867, Fremantle, , WA, AUS

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Descendants of John ANDERSON

      2 John Thitchenor ANDERSON
        =Mary Ann LUSCOMBE  Marriage: 1844, Plymouth, , DEV, ENG
            3 James Henry ANDERSON
              =Margaret NEWBURY  Marriage: 27 Dec 1871, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 Sarah Ann ANDERSON
            3 Frederick George Thitchenor ANDERSON
            3 Julinda Thitchenor ANDERSON
            3 Ann Jane Thitchenor ANDERSON
              =Charles Hawkins TETLEY  Marriage: 1868, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 Helen Eliza ANDERSON
              =Edward WEBB  Marriage: 12 Apr 1871, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 Samuel John Thitchenor ANDERSON
            3 William Thitchenor ANDERSON
            3 Josiah Thitchenor ANDERSON

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Ancestors of John ANDERSON

        /-Thomas D. ANDERSON
        \-Maria MURPHY

Descendants of John ANDERSON

  =Louisa WARDELL  Marriage: 1910, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
      2 Thomas George ANDERSON
        =Gertrude Violet CONSTANCE  Marriage: 1927, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS
      2 Emma Caroline Maria ANDERSON
        =Reginald James WHITE  Marriage: 1923, Boorowa, , NSW, AUS
            3 Gordon Edmond WHITE
              =Elma Eileen HOWARD  Marriage: 1958, Crookwell, , NSW, AUS

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Ancestors of John B. ANDERSON

        /-John Henry ANDERSON
        |         /-John EDMONDS
        \-Eliza EDMONDS
                  \-Louisa MASON

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Descendants of John Henry ANDERSON

1 John Henry ANDERSON
  =Eliza EDMONDS  Marriage: 1874, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Louisa Rebecca ANDERSON
      2 Lizzie M. ANDERSON
      2 John B. ANDERSON

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John Norman ANDERSON

Descendants of John Norman ANDERSON

1 John Norman ANDERSON
  =Arlene Elizabeth BLANTON  Marriage: Abt 1938
      2 Living

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Descendants of John O'Neil ANDERSON

1 John O'Neil ANDERSON
  =Jane LEWIS  Marriage: 1850, Sydney, , NSW, AUS

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John Thitchenor ANDERSON

Ancestors of John Thitchenor ANDERSON

        /-John ANDERSON
John Thitchenor ANDERSON
        \-Mary Ann THITCHENOR

Descendants of John Thitchenor ANDERSON

1 John Thitchenor ANDERSON
  =Mary Ann LUSCOMBE  Marriage: 1844, Plymouth, , DEV, ENG
      2 James Henry ANDERSON
        =Margaret NEWBURY  Marriage: 27 Dec 1871, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
      2 Sarah Ann ANDERSON
      2 Frederick George Thitchenor ANDERSON
      2 Julinda Thitchenor ANDERSON
      2 Ann Jane Thitchenor ANDERSON
        =Charles Hawkins TETLEY  Marriage: 1868, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 George Luscombe TETLEY
              =Julia KELLY  Marriage: 1895, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
            3 Samuel John Henry TETLEY
            3 Frederick Anderson TETLEY
              =Beatrice May WYATT  Marriage: 1909, Granville, , NSW, AUS
            3 Enos Alfred TETLEY
              =Eileen Agnes GRUBER  Marriage: 1916, Queanbeyan, , NSW, AUS
            3 Mary Levinia Sophia Ann TETLEY
              =David HADLOW  Marriage: 1908, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Helen Eliza ANDERSON
        =Edward WEBB  Marriage: 12 Apr 1871, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 Lavinia Grace WEBB
              =Joseph Enos HOCKEY  Marriage: 1911, Braidwood, , NSW, AUS
            3 Sylvia Rose M. WEBB
              =Edward Phillip AUBREY  Marriage: 4 Sep 1912, Goulburn, , NSW, AUS
      2 Samuel John Thitchenor ANDERSON
      2 William Thitchenor ANDERSON
      2 Josiah Thitchenor ANDERSON

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