Descendants of Kenneth HAWORTH

1 Kenneth HAWORTH
  =Florance Sydney HAWKINS  Marriage: 1930, Ashfield, , New South Wales, Australia

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Annie Florence Marsden HAY

Ancestors of Annie Florence Marsden HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
Annie Florence Marsden HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

Descendants of Annie Florence Marsden HAY

1 Annie Florence Marsden HAY
  =John Wallace MACDONALD  Marriage: 15 Nov 1887, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Kenley Jean MACDONALD
        =Edgar Kennedy HOWARD  Marriage: 1940, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Mona MACDONALD
        =Harry Lionel Wright CADE  Marriage: 1909, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Phyllis A. CADE
            3 Kirry Nadina CADE

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Brownie HAY

Ancestors of Brownie HAY

                  /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        /-Digby Hamilton HAY
        |         |         /-James MARSDEN
        |         \-Martha MARSDEN
        |                   \-Eliza MILES
Brownie HAY
        \-Maud DRANSFIELD

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Digby Hamilton HAY

Ancestors of Digby Hamilton HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
Digby Hamilton HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

Descendants of Digby Hamilton HAY

1 Digby Hamilton HAY
  =Maud DRANSFIELD  Marriage: 1904, Ashfield, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Digby Hamilton HAY
      2 Morna H. HAY
      2 Brownie HAY

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Digby Hamilton HAY

Ancestors of Digby Hamilton HAY

                  /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        /-Digby Hamilton HAY
        |         |         /-James MARSDEN
        |         \-Martha MARSDEN
        |                   \-Eliza MILES
Digby Hamilton HAY
        \-Maud DRANSFIELD

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Dina HAY

Descendants of Dina HAY

1 Dina HAY
  =Michael James MCKEOUGH  Marriage: 1905, Condobolin, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 John T. MCKEOUGH
      2 James F. MCKEOUGH
      2 Ethel M. MCKEOUGH
      2 Leslie E. MCKEOUGH

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Erroll Franki HAY

Ancestors of Erroll Franki HAY

                  /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        |         |         /-James MARSDEN
        |         \-Martha MARSDEN
        |                   \-Eliza MILES
Erroll Franki HAY
        |         /-James Peter FRANKI
        \-Laura Anastasia FRANKI

Descendants of Erroll Franki HAY

1 Erroll Franki HAY
  =Grace Elizabeth May KERR  Marriage: 25 Jan 1940, Woollahra, , New South Wales, Australia

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Ethel HAY

Ancestors of Ethel HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
Ethel HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

Descendants of Ethel HAY

1 Ethel HAY
  =Cecil Howe DOYLE  Marriage: 1901, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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Frank Darcy HAY

Ancestors of Frank Darcy HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
Frank Darcy HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

Descendants of Frank Darcy HAY

1 Frank Darcy HAY
  =Allsie Annie Webb GALE  Marriage: 18 Apr 1906, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Hazel HAY

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Guildford Dudley HAY

Descendants of Guildford Dudley HAY

1 Guildford Dudley HAY
  =Martha MARSDEN  Marriage: 5 Sep 1867, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Guildford Dudley HAY
        =Laura Anastasia FRANKI  Marriage: 1904, Balmain Nth, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kathleen Laura HAY
            3 Erroll Franki HAY
              =Grace Elizabeth May KERR  Marriage: 25 Jan 1940, Woollahra, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Annie Florence Marsden HAY
        =John Wallace MACDONALD  Marriage: 15 Nov 1887, Binda, Upper Lachan Shire , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Kenley Jean MACDONALD
              =Edgar Kennedy HOWARD  Marriage: 1940, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Mona MACDONALD
              =Harry Lionel Wright CADE  Marriage: 1909, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 Lucy F. HAY
      2 Frank Darcy HAY
        =Allsie Annie Webb GALE  Marriage: 18 Apr 1906, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Hazel HAY
      2 James Marsden HAY
      2 Digby Hamilton HAY
        =Maud DRANSFIELD  Marriage: 1904, Ashfield, , New South Wales, Australia
            3 Digby Hamilton HAY
            3 Morna H. HAY
            3 Brownie HAY
      2 Ethel HAY
        =Cecil Howe DOYLE  Marriage: 1901, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia
  =Mary Jane REYNOLDS  Marriage: 1916, Goulburn, Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia

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Guildford Dudley HAY

Ancestors of Guildford Dudley HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
Guildford Dudley HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

Descendants of Guildford Dudley HAY

1 Guildford Dudley HAY
  =Laura Anastasia FRANKI  Marriage: 1904, Balmain Nth, , New South Wales, Australia
      2 Kathleen Laura HAY
      2 Erroll Franki HAY
        =Grace Elizabeth May KERR  Marriage: 25 Jan 1940, Woollahra, , New South Wales, Australia

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Hazel HAY

Ancestors of Hazel HAY

                  /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        /-Frank Darcy HAY
        |         |         /-James MARSDEN
        |         \-Martha MARSDEN
        |                   \-Eliza MILES
Hazel HAY
        |                   /-Thomas Wicker GALE
        |         /-William GALE
        |         |         \-Mary KELLY
        \-Allsie Annie Webb GALE
                  \-Sophia Annie WEBB

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James Marsden HAY

Ancestors of James Marsden HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
James Marsden HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

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Jessie HAY

Ancestors of Jessie HAY

        /-William HAY
Jessie HAY
        |         /-Edward WOODHART
        \-Louisa WOODHART
                  |         /-Thomas HODGES
                  \-Louisa "Lucy" HODGES
                            \-Susannah FLEET

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Kathleen Laura HAY

Ancestors of Kathleen Laura HAY

                  /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        |         |         /-James MARSDEN
        |         \-Martha MARSDEN
        |                   \-Eliza MILES
Kathleen Laura HAY
        |         /-James Peter FRANKI
        \-Laura Anastasia FRANKI

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Lucy F. HAY

Ancestors of Lucy F. HAY

        /-Guildford Dudley HAY
Lucy F. HAY
        |         /-James MARSDEN
        \-Martha MARSDEN
                  \-Eliza MILES

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Marion HAY

Descendants of Marion HAY

1 Marion HAY
  =William SMART
      2 Elizabeth Clark SMART
        =George THOMSON  Marriage: 1862, Montrose, , Angus, Scotland
            3 William THOMSON
              =Mary Ellen CARMICHAEL  Marriage: 1886, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 Elizabeth Smart THOMSON
              =Owen T. BURNE  Marriage: 1900, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 George THOMSON
            3 John Britton THOMSON
            3 Catherine Margaret THOMSON
              =William Denham MATTHEWS  Marriage: 1893, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia
            3 James Wood THOMSON
            3  THOMSON
            3 Alexander THOMSON
            3 Esther Mary THOMSON
            3  THOMSON
            3 Jessie Ellen Selma THOMSON
              =Warren Wheatley CULLEN  Marriage: 1910, Yass, Murray, New South Wales, Australia

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Morna H. HAY

Ancestors of Morna H. HAY

                  /-Guildford Dudley HAY
        /-Digby Hamilton HAY
        |         |         /-James MARSDEN
        |         \-Martha MARSDEN
        |                   \-Eliza MILES
Morna H. HAY
        \-Maud DRANSFIELD

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Robert HAY

Descendants of Robert HAY

1 Robert HAY
  =Amy Priscella MARKS  Marriage: 1922, Crookwell, , New South Wales, Australia

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William HAY

Descendants of William HAY

1 William HAY
  =Louisa WOODHART  Marriage: 1860, Sydney, Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia
      2 William HAY
      2 Jessie HAY

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